Jobs in Nigeria: How to Search for a Job in Nigeria

Few Jobs
job seekers
By Brian Dell (Own work) [CC0], via Wikimedia Commons
The whole world is going through a recession since 2008 and the situation is worsening because of falling oil prices. According to statistics published in a leading paper 212billion, people are out of work this year.
Tough economic realities need tough solutions the same goes with job search. There are fewer jobs for a growing population making the job market difficult to penetrate.
Few job opening with applicants in the thousand vying for the few slots available. So how does a job seeker find a suitable well-paid job despite the difficult challenges?
New graduates have to contest with the old ones in an already saturated market. Yet some mange to find dream jobs in oil companies, banks and large conglomerates.
What secret formula or insider knowledge do they have that gives them an advantage over
other job seekers.
Some mistakes job seekers do
Some mistakes applicants do include some of the following
1 Showing fake or doctored certificates
2 Falsifying age
3 They lack employable skill
4 Poor self development
5 Poor knowledge of the job
6 They have the false notion that they can only get the job if they have insider knowledge.
7 Some job seekers are not eligible for the post they seek
8 Not qualified enough
Misconceptions and Mistakes
There are many misconceptions and mistakes job seekers have concerning dream jobs. Job seekers have the false notion that getting the top job requires insider connection.
This could be true in some instances especially when the vacancy is not public knowledge. Internal connections offer a few advantages but not all top paying jobs need such maneuvers.
Many jobs are based entirely on merit, qualifications, interpersonal skills, knowledge of the job and passion for the job. Another mistake job applicant do is applying for a job they are not qualified to occupy.
Being not eligible for a job because of low qualifications or a different field of study is one of the major reasons applicants fail job interviews.
 The question an applicant should ask himself is `Do I have the prerequisite skill for the job I am applying for. `
Some applicants lack employable skill and another major issue is that of fake certificates. Presenting a fake certificate is rampant in Nigerian job market because the person seeking employment believes he can get away with it.
However, the simple fact is that most top-level employers go to the trouble of verifying the authenticity of the certificate before employing the individual.
How to find a good job
To find a good job you need to network with the right people. Even top business people despite their success know networking is they key to further success.
Another important aspect of searching for a good job is self-development. The job seekers must always strive to improve on many aspects of his life like further qualifications and so on.
Self-development goes hand in hand with belief in ones ability, developing a strong mental attitude, and self-faith. Self-development goes with appearance, knowledge of the job, passion, and speech.
You have to get creative when searching for a good job that pays well. Apart from networking you can use the vacancy segment of national daily’s, social media and job search engines..
Another method is to join a professional body for insider information on job openings. Are you qualified for the job you seek?  
Things to know
Bad behavior
Certificate and letters
Don't present fake documents
genuine certificate
Answer questions truthfully
Don't falsify your age
Good CV
Be confident
Don't lie
Good letter
Self development

Thing that go against applicants
Applicants face many challenges when searching for jobs but when they find a vacancy, they fumble their chances. A major thing that works against applicants is a poorly written application letters.
The application letter might have a bad format, lots of spelling errors and grammar. Other problems that work against a job seeker is badly filled application form, falsifying of age and experience.
Aptitude tests are made to test specific reasoning of the application, which is an integral part of getting a job. However, the major reason job applicants do not get their dream jobs despite having the right qualifications is failing the interview.
Your CV is also very important when finding a good job that pays. The CV should be well written and formatted complete with brief and factual information.
The CV should be attention grabbing without unnecessary embellishment and lies. If you fail, the interview there is nothing anyone can do to salvage the situation.
Bad Applicants
Poor CV and application letter
Falsification of age
Lack of job experience
Poor interview
Fake documents
Check list before applying for that dream job
1 Have a well written CV
2 Try to get good aptitude test scores
3 A Well written application letter
4 Develop interview skills
5 Show moderate confidence not arrogance
6 Apply only for the jobs you are adequately qualified to do
7 Be prepared and be prayerful.
Aptitude test
An aptitude test has these elements.
1 Numerical reasoning test
2 Verbal reasoning test
3 Logical thinking test
4 Test your spelling and punctuation test
5 Letter sequencing test
Job applicants fail interviews because they are nervous and have no knowledge of what the job entails. Other reasons are poor communication skills, confusion, and anxiety.
The applicant should show confidence, knowledge of the job applied for, good diction and good communication skill. Avoid fraudulent job agencies that are only interested in getting money from you.

Nigeria Job Search Engines: Top Nigerian Jobs Search Engine Websites to find Latest Jobs

Advantages of building a job search engine website
Bloggers interested in cashing in on job websites have many advantages to building a job search website or blog. Some of the advantages are highlighted bellow.
1 A huge labor force of over 50million unemployed
2 Huge marketing opportunity for website owners
3 Low capital investment, just time, research and hard work
4 High traffic source
5 Actually providing a much needed service
6 Job websites are popular and very effective
Job search starts here
The proliferation of Nigerian Job search websites is not surprising based on the level of unemployment in Nigeria today. At no other time in Nigeria’s, history has unemployment gotten to such alarming levels.
Both fresh and old graduates, skilled and unskilled labor are all in the unemployment market. With over one third of the population unemployed crime rates have skyrocketed and poverty a norm.
The recent recruitment fiascos were four hundred thousand unemployed Nigerians gathered for a few slots in an organization is just one example. Therefore, Bloggers in Nigeria have found a niche that can provide endless traffic and subscribers to their websites.
The job search websites are useful because they offer the unemployed a way to find those scarce jobs more efficiently.
 Although the jobs on this websites are not limited to graduates, they cover technical skilled labor, teachers, drivers and even unskilled labor.
Listed are job search websites run by Nigerians for Nigerian unemployed graduates.
Which is your preferred job search engine
Top of Form
Bottom of Form prides themselves on daily publishing of latest jobs, vacancies, and career opportunities for graduates. The interesting aspect of is that they do not concentrate only on vacancies.
You can find advertorials on how to enhance your career via professional certificate courses in areas like administration. Other jobs such as job recruitment in aviation, outreach women and children hospital jobs, and graduates looking for positions in the foremost online shopping networks.
They also have adverts on distant learning opportunities, high technology recruitment such as business machine technicians. Other interesting jobs that can be found on are red-cross recruitment, engineering jobs even welding jobs.
The jobs on are listed by category, experience, and professional qualification. According to statistical data estimated web traffic worth $78,492 USD daily advertisement revenue of $198 with alexia ranking of 30,691.
List of Nigerian job-search websites
14 is the leader in online job search engines run by Nigerians. The website was launched in august 2009 at the Obafemi Awolowo university one of Nigeria’s premier universities. Co founded by Adewunmi, Awoyemi and Olude then a student of the university and later backed by private equity.
The job search engine is the most popular destination for unemployed graduates looking for jobs in Nigeria. Job seekers search through the huge data bank of jobs posted by top companies seeking new employees.
Previously sourced vacancies directly from recruitment agencies, blue chip companies using social media platforms including blog and website posts.
The website provides a platform where job seekers could apply directly or through links for job opportunities.
The website is noted for its superior products, desktop and mobile version of the website and is rated eighth top technology Startup Company in Africa.
How to use the internet to search for jobs
Searching for jobs online is like searching for them in the classified advertisements on newspapers. First select appropriate job websites such as technology search engines, management etc.
Select jobs in your field of expertise and send out application forms to the companies. Follow up on interviews appointments or pre-employment tests.
# Any job that request monetary sum of any kind before being employed might be a swindle so be careful. Always do due diligence and double check the companies you are interested in before submitting your application form.
# Application is done either through filling the form direct on the company’s application page, via email, hand delivered, or post depending on what they require.
While searching for jobs have all your credentials ready. A well-written CV including an application letter devoid of spelling errors works fine.
The CV should be concise, factual, and true without any exaggeration. You can use different methods to search for jobs apart from the highly effective search engine method.
You can buy top newspapers in Nigeria especially the Guardian and Punch newspaper on Wednesdays. Another method is joining a reputable job recruitment agency with tested history of success.
It is also important to work on self-improvement and getting more certificates or professional accreditation.


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