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How to Place Google Adsense Below Post Title in Blogger

One of the most popular ways websites monetize their content is through adsense. They are ideal for contextual advertisement and use cookies to track impressions and clicks. They show high quality targeted advertisement based on the visitors search history and content of the website.
To earn regular income and increase earnings you need to place the adverts at strategic locations on the site. One of the best locations to place your adsense unit is below the post title. Another good spot is the right on a sidebar.
Adverts below the title post usually attracts good click through rates. The level of success with this unit depends on many factors including the layout of your website or blog. The best way to get he best placement is to experiment with placement of the ad units.
Place them at different locations such as sidebar, header, footer, below post. Before you use this tutorial make-sure you optimize the site by writing quality posts, image optimization and appropriate keyword density.
How to Create Google Ads
To create Google ads first login to your adsense account. Under the My Ads tab create the new Ad unit. The next step is to type ad unit name and select the size you want.
You have many choices however you should consider medium rectangle Ads 300v250 or large rectangle Ads of 336 x 280. Step 4 is to customize you Ad style to match you blog or websites template, save and get the code.
To use the code in your HTML you need to use a HTML Parse Tool. What it does is change special characteristics into corresponding HTML entities. One you have parsed the code copy it.
Create Ad Unit
1 Login to Google Adsense
2. Under My Ads create new Ad unit
new ad unit tab
3. Add a name and choose Ad size
ad size large triangle
4. Customize Ad style, save and get code.
5. Parse the ad code and copy the parsed Adsense code.
HTML Encoder Tool
How to Add Google Adsense in Blogger below Title
To add adsense code in blogger, open your blogger dashboard. Then go to template and backup the template. The next step is to click on edit HTML button. Copy the template code and past in a note pad.
To add the code press Ctrl+F and search for <data:post.body/>
. You will find this code more than one time but use the second one. If you don’t see the Ad units after using the second one try the third one.
Now place the ad code just above .now replace the PLACE YOUR AD CODE HERE with the Parsed Ad code. Finally click save template button and you are done.
To find out if the placement worked open your blog and visit any post. You should find the ad unit below post title looking like this. The ad unit should show on the left just below the title.
Add Google Adsense in Blogger below Post Title
1. Open blogger dashboard
2. Backup template
3. Click edit HTML button
edit blog template
4. Copy template code and paste on note pad
5. Press Ctrl+F and search for <data:post.body/>
6. Now replace the PLACE YOUR AD CODE HERE with the parsed Ad code

<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>



7. Click save template button
8. You are done.

This is the code to place an ad unit at top left of post

This is the code to place an ad unit at top left of post
<b:if cond='data:blog.pageType == "item"'>
<div style="float:left; margin:10px;">
Place Your Parsed Adsense Code Here
Place Your Parsed Adsense Code Here
 The tutorial is courtesy

How to Start Razor Blade Manufacturing Business

Facial hair is generally removed by aid of a razor blade. The shaving tool is perfect for removing beard, mustaches, leg hairs and body hair.
There are different types of razor categorized into electric or straight. The straight is operated through manual action while electric razors are powered by current.
The usage of sharp implements to cut hair dates back to the Bronze Age. Ancient tools include clam shells, copper razors, and sharpened flint. An investor looking to enter the blade industry needs startup capital. They need an operational factory, equipment, licensing and knowledge of the production process.
Different Types of Razor Blade
There are 4 major types of razor blades. We have the electric razor, cartridge, safety and straight razor. More are the removable blade razor, safety razor, disposable safety razor.
The modern straight blade has hollow ground blades and decorative handles. They have different features, preference settings, functionality and durability. Some are particularly made for certain skin types or hair.
The safety razor was first invented in 1762 by jean-Jacque Perret. It had a wooden sleeve and a straight blade. Later on the design evolved into a small blade sold by the Kampfe Brothers. In the straight razor family you have the removable blade razor, disposable.
Types of blade razor
·  removable blade razor
·  safety razor
·  disposable safety razor
·  modern straight blade
·  cartridge razor

Disposable safety razor
The disposable one resembles cartridge razors and is made with lightweight inexpensive material. The product is commonly produced through the injection mold process. They are disposable and does not accommodate sharpening or replacement.
Cartridge razor
A more modern and commonly used blade is the exchangeable cartridge. The design emanated in 1960 and involves a pivoted head that helps align the blade with the skin. Similar to double edge the entire head is assembled, removable and disposable. The product comes with multiple razor blades set.
Disposable blade straight razors
The straight razor comprises open steel blades sharpened on one edge. The razor is made with high carbon steel or stainless steel.
It has rotating blades on a pin between scales. To protect the user or prevent damage it folds into the scales. The handle scales are made of different materials based on the manufacturers design. We have handles made from wood, ivory, bone, plastic celluloid.
Removable blade razor
This is a basic razor first invented in 1880. The product has a handle with a head that accommodates replacement of the blade. The design has a comb pattern on the head to prevent cuts and bruises during use. A new improvement to the design now has a safety bar instead of the comb like ridges.
We also have double or single edge products. The double edge has a slant bar with two open edges and either side can be used while the single has only a long straight razor edge. An innovative design that allows different blades to fit is the multi faced central channel.
How to Start Shaving Blade Manufacturing Business
Razor Manufacturing Process
The technology depends on the type of razor you want to make. The razor manufacturing process starts with the press then the thermal process. It then goes for blade edging, polishing, quality control and inspection.
The process continues with coating, burning before the plastic molding. The head is then assembled, and then the handle is assembled. It goes through another inspection before packaging and competition.
Manufacturing process: mixing and melting of components. The steel heated then quenched in a steel hardening process called annealing. The blades are die- stamped to form cutting edge shape.
The support structure of the small blade is achieved by passing a steel sheet through a die cutter. The component is made into an L shape with two edge runners. The various support components are then assembled and welded onto the cutting blade.
The plastic component starts with a resin mixture cut into pellets and molded. The plastic goes through molding and assembling. The packaging involves clear plastic wrapping or boxes. The finished product goes through a series of quality control and standardization methods.
Blanking- degreasing-hardening-grinding-sputtering-coating
The Process
·  steel hardened
·  blades die stamped
·  polishing
·  components are made
·  handle made
·  assembled
·  quality control
·  packaging
Raw Materials
One of the main components is the razor blade. It is made from special corrosion resistant steel alloy. The plastic parts comprise the blade cartridge, handle. The plastic resins are used in pellet form, melted, molded into razor components.
1. Carbide steel
2. Plastic resin
3. Polystyrene
4. Elastomeric compounds
5. Polypropylene
Register the business as a limited liability company. You need EID number and liability insurance. Brand the product and find out if value added tax is applicable in your demography. You need a manufacturers operation license from your state include safety and waste control measures.
Try to find a good location for the company. The location should have factory space including a large warehouse. Other requirements are loading area, utilities like electricity and good road network.
Locate the business close to source of raw materials or market base. Make sure you hire appropriate staff such as drivers, machine operators, and casual staff for loading. You need an accountant, plant managers, and administrative staff.
The machinery depends on the type of blade. If you are manufacturing concertina razor blade you need a press for punching strip to form razor blade.
The second machine is an assembling machine, fixing the wire and the punched razor blade. You need a heat unit or furnace, extruder. Others are mold making machine, injector machine, assembling machine.
1. Heat and Quench unit
2. Extrusion
3. Injection
4. Molding machine
5. Assembling plant
6. Packaging
There has been a sharp increase in the demand for razor blades. This is attributed to low cost of production and prices. Other prevailing factors including increase in population, heath and safety issues.
Top countries that produce blades are China, USA, Germany and Japan. While the major companies are Gillette Company, inax corp., Nippon Steel Corporation and Metal Box Company limited.
To succeed you need to create a quality product and brand identity. Use strategic marketing techniques, proper pricing and find distribution channels.
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How to Start an Umbrella Manufacturing Company

The simple umbrella is ideal for climatic conditions like snow, rain or sunlight. The scourging heat of the sun can cause sunstroke, burns and eye problems. Rain also has its bad side and health related issues. 
The demand is huge and predicated on population explosion in most countries including climatic change. Early history of the device has seen different forms of the modern umbrella.
The business is profitable and you need good manufacturing equipment, effective marketing and startup funding. A smart entrepreneur can leverage on the demand during rainy season
Apart from local consumption you also have demand from foreign markets. Here are a few ideas on how to start an umbrella manufacturing business.
girl with umbrella
Types of Umbrellas
When it comes to umbrellas there are a few options. They depend on style, fabric, or portability. We have the fold-able ones, classic, golf, automatic, and storm or bubble umbrellas. 
The golf umbrella has an extra large canopy over 70 inches in diameter. Automatic ones open and close at touch of button, storm types are extra strong and made from re-enforced material.
The bubble umbrella is spherical in shape while the classic is the common type found in every household. Finally the fold-able ones are easy to carry in a handbag and ideal for sudden storms.
Different Umbrellas
·  Storm Umbrellas
·  Automatic Umbrellas
·  bubble Umbrellas
·  Classic Umbrellas
·  Golf Umbrella
·  Foldable Umbrella
The Design
Although there are different variations and designs there are basically two types. The two types are differentiated by the structure and functionality. You have the three and one fold umbrella. The three fold is more compact and handy than the two fold.
Learn how to Make Umbrellas
You need to learn the trade and understand the manufacturing process. There are many ways to acquire the knowledge. You could read a book, manual or eBook. Other ways include trade workshops, technical or vocational training. More ways involve attending a seminar or online articles.
Raw Materials
Modern umbrellas are assembled by hand. The revolutionary U shaped steel rod developed by Samuel Fox around 1850 is still in use.
Common components in the manufacturing process are rounded metal ribs, stretchers, fabric. Others are ferrule cups, plastic/wooden handles, notches. More materials are spring ball cups, waterproof cloth, chrome plated steel tubes.
U shaped Steel rods
Rounded metal ribs
Waterproof Cloth
Notches and plastic handles
Ferrule cups
Spring ball cups
Chrome plated steel tubes

Manufacturing the Product
The first step is to buy quality components. The business is practicable small or large scale depending on the number of units produced daily.
The process of manufacturing requires hand assembling and quality control measures. It is important to focus on either collapsible or stick umbrellas. Here are some guidelines on how to produce one fold stick products.
The Shaft
The shaft of the product depends on the length you want to achieve. It could be made from wood, fiberglass, aluminum or steel.
The Stretcher and Ribs
Once you have the shaft use channeled steel or other material to create the U shape. The ribs are positioned under the canopy and connected by stretchers. The ribs are then attached to the shaft and fitted in a plastic mechanism, round nylon, notch and held with a thin wire.
Then connect stretchers to shaft with a metal runner that creates the open and close motion. Then use a joiner to connect the stretcher and ribs. Make sure the joiner achieves an open and close motion at 90%.
To slid open the umbrella attach two catch springs in the shaft. This is possible because the shaft is usually hollow. Above the upper catch spring a pin prevents the canopy from running beyond the upper catch spring and sliding past the top of the umbrella.
Canopy Cover
The choice of canopy cover should be a waterproof material. Sew the material to the ribs and shape the canopy. Sew panels to outer edges and establish connection between ribs and panels. The number of panels could be indicative of quality and craftsmanship. A ferrule is affixed over the tip of the umbrella.
The Handle
There are different choices of material used as the handle. The handle is then connected to the base of the shaft. Different materials used as handles include wood, bamboo, plastic, and fiberglass or metal.
How to Make an Umbrella
1. Making the Shaft
2. Assembling the ribs and stretchers
3. Cutting and sewing the canopy cover
4. Fixing the handle
Quality Control
The final product goes through extensive testing and quality control. It should pass basic standardized test and quality assessment.
Apply for the appropriate business license as a sole proprietor or limited liability company. You need an employer identification number from the Inland Revenue service. Protect from general liability by getting insurance cover. Find out if your product attracts value added tax.
Financial Considerations
The financial considerations are rent for land or building. You need working capital, experienced staff, and equipment. The equipment covers machinery, hand tools, furniture.
You need money to purchase raw materials, utilities. Map out a comprehensive financial analysis, turnover, and total sales including net profit.
Determine the fixed income, fixed cost and capital investment you need. To secure funds approach a trade bank with your business plan. You need collateral, guarantors and 1/3 of loan requested in your bank account.
Fixed Cost and Expenditure
Your fixed cost is determined by rent and depreciation of machinery. Other parameters include interest on capital, salary wages and other expenses. The expenditure is consumables, electricity, water and rent. Others are marketing, packaging, freight expenses, postage and stationery.
Machinery and Equipment
Umbrellas are generally assembled by hand by a technician. The equipment you need include hand tools like hammer, stamping block, measuring tape. Other hand tools are scissors, chisel, and punches. You need a sewing machine, cutting table and racks.
1 Hammer
2. Stamping block
3. Measuring tape
4. Scissors
5. Chisel
6. Punches
7. Sewing machine
8. Cutting table
9. Racks.
To succeed you need to produce high quality products. Make sure the price is competitive with those produced in your demography. Leverage on creative designs, attractive products and strategic marketing.
You need sales representatives, wholesalers and retailers. Use television advertisement, radio, billboards and flyers to push the product. Offer sales agents good commission on sale of each unit.
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How to Start a Ceiling Fan Manufacturing Business

A ceiling fan is a mechanically operated device powered by electrical current to form a rotary motion. The fan is mounted on a ceiling and the extended blade due to circular motion circulates air.
The speed of the rotary motion is relatively slow in comparison to standing or desk fans. The climate control energy of a fan is predicated on the reduction of stratification-air in the room.
There are many components that go into the manufacture of the product. Investors in this industry need moderate to huge capital to start a ceiling fan manufacturing business
Types of Ceiling Fans
If you are interested in investing in fan manufacture you need to identify the different types of ceiling fans. The type depends on the design, functionality, energy consumption, decorative style and technology.
Common types are the synchronous motor mini, high volume low speed or huge fans. The synchronous fan is small plastic fan while the high volume low speed variety has large diameter fans ideal for huge spaces such as reception halls, warehouses.
More types of fans include DC ceiling fan, bladeless fan, belt driven fans and friction drive fans. More are gear drive fans, internal belt driven ceiling fan skeleton motors. You also have the direct drive ceiling fan, spinner fans, cast iron, 20 pole induction motor ceiling fan.
ceiling fan
Fan Types
1. Synchronous motor mini
2. High volume low speed
3. Huge fans
4. DC ceiling fan
5. Bladeless fan
6. Belt driven fans
7. Friction drive fans
8. Gear drive fans
9. Internal belt driven ceiling fan
10. Skeleton motors
11. Direct drive ceiling fan
12. Spinner fans
13. Cast iron
14. 20 Pole induction motor ceiling fan.
Manufacture, Wholesale or Retail of Ceiling Fans
Before entering into the business you need to determine the sector of interest. You can choose to manufacture the fans, become a wholesaler or retailer. Manufacturing requires knowledge of electric fan assembling, marketing and branding.
You need a good location, warehouse, raw materials and appropriate equipment. The business is highly competitive and lucrative. A small business owner has to compete with top brands in the market.
To succeed the entrepreneur needs proper funding, technical knowledge, professional staff and strategic marketing. It is important to focus on a nice and specialize.
ceiling fan
Write a Ceiling Fan Business Plan
Write a ceiling fan manufacturing business plan and carry out a feasibility study. You need to secure startup capital, licensing and raw materials. The business plan should have an executive summary, intro, industry analysis.
Other parameters are manufacturing process, project details, and cost considerations. Focus on how to get financial assistance or loans.
More parameters are manufacturing requirement, project economic and project cost. Investigate the competition then determine their strength, market share and marketing strategy. You can hire a professional in the industry for additional impute.
Business Plan
•    Executive summary
•    Introduction
•    Industry analysis
•    Specify manufacturing process
•    Project details
•    Cost considerations
•    Financial assistance or loans
•    manufacturing requirement
•    project economic
•    project cost
ceiling fan
You can consider buying into a franchise. Look for one that allows assembling of the parts in your factory. To find them use Yellow pages, directories or online search engines.
There is a possibility of getting one if there are no manufacturers in your geographical location. Securing a franchise is expensive however you gain their training, market penetration and brand name.
Where to Locate the Factory
 The size of the operation would determine the space required. You need adequate space for equipment, loading and storage. The factory should have utilities and close to source of raw material or market.
Staff Requirements
Only hire qualified staff to operate the machinery and run the assembly plant. The staffs you need are assembly staff, packaging, loading, driver and accountant. You might need a marketing department including quality control officer.
Ceiling Fan Raw Materials
There are a few raw materials that go into the manufacturing of electric ceiling fans. Some are build parts however you need top quality, strength, and durability of the component. Try to order parts from reputable companies that stock quality product.
Make sure the parts purchased are ISO certified for commercial use. Purchase fan blades, capacitor, bearings fan stamping, fan coils and gaskets.  .Others includes fan shafts, fan top/bottom, decorative components, fan canopies and fan down rod.
ceiling fan
Raw Materials
•    Fan blades
•    Fan capacitor
•    Bearings
•    Fan stamping
•    Fan coils
•    Gaskets
•    Fan shafts
•    Fan top/bottom
•    Decorative components
•    Canopies
•    Down rod
•    U-bolt system
•    Rotor
Key Components of a Ceiling Fan
Flywheel: The flywheel is a key component of a ceiling fan. It consists of a double torus attached to a motor shaft. The flywheel could be constructed from plastic, tough rubber or metal. A lock screw locks the inner ring to shaft and blade irons to outer ring.
Blades: the blades are flat paddle shaped to accommodate proper air circulation. They can be built from iron, aluminum, wood, plywood or plastic. The blade irons comprising flanges, holders, arm and brackets aid connection of blade to rotor.
Down rod: the down rod is strong iron or metal pipe that is used to suspend the fan from the ceiling. Mechanisms used to mount the fan include u-bolt system, j-hook, ball and socket system.
Decorative adornments are used to conceal the screws, while switch housing conceals important components like the switches, capacitor and wires.
Operating system: the fan needs an operating system to control the speed, start and stop the fan. Two major types of operating systems are the variable speed controlled fan, pull chain fan.
A common type is the wall mount controls that are either choke, digital or solid state variable speed control. Some innovative devices are the wireless remote control or direct switch. The direct switch controls the direction a fan rotates either clockwise or anti-clockwise.
Safety Concerns
There are a few safety concerns to the installation and operation of fans. The concerns include weight of the fan, support stress, failure of junction box. Other safety concerns involve low hanging fans and wobbling.
Ceiling Fan Manufacturing Cost
The cost of producing a unit depends on many factors. The cost includes cost of utility, labor, efficiency of the equipment and raw materials. Others are transportation cost, warehousing, value added tax, and cost of production.
A basic 2 speed fan with light fixture, plastic components and simple design costs about $20 -$80. Quality designed fan with upscale light fixtures combination of materials could go for $200-$500. Top end ceiling fans with fiberglass rods, decorative lights sell from $600.
The quality, durability of the material and design accounts for the final price. The motor size also adds to the cost while average blade length is 29-54 inches. Other factors in pricing are if the fan is capable of clockwise and counter clockwise rotation.
The first step is to build a quality product. You could patent the brand name and apply strategic marketing. Use electronic and print media to push the brand.
Give discounts, organize competitions or fairs. You need to attract wholesalers to purchase your brand. A good way is to have good remunerations and competitive pricing for your product.
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How to start inverter manufacturing 

How to Start Inverter Manufacturing Business

The job of an inverter is to change direct current DC to alternating current AC. The functionality and power handling depends on the frequency, design circuit output/input voltage.
On its own does not produce power and relies on the power supplied by a direct current source. The composition consist of an electrical circuit, mechanical or rotary apparatus. There are also some inverters that are static without the application of moving effects.
A power inverter device requires a stable DC power source. However the input depends entirely on the purpose or design. Electric vehicles require 300-450 V DC, Solar panels 200to 400 V DC while home energy requires24, 36 or 48 V DC.
The output waveform could be sine wave, modified sine wage or square wave. A small business owner interested in investing in inverter manufacturing is bound to make money. The assembling and manufacturing process is simple and the space requirement is minimal.
sine wave inverter
sine wave inverter
The inverter works alongside batteries for power. To prolong the run time there are 2 basic installation options. You have the parallel configuration or series configuration. The series configuration is meant to increase voltage while the parallel configuration is to prolong run time and increase capacity.
Installation options
·         Series configuration
·         Parallel configuration
Uses of inverters
The technology can be incorporated into an electroshock weapon. Other applications include HVDC transmitter, induction heating or a solar inverter. Others uses are grid- tied inverters designed to feed electric power distribution.
You find them in refrigeration compressors and electric motor speed control. However the most popular use especially in third world countries is to supply AC power for uninterrupted power supply.
·              incorporated into an electroshock weapon
·             HVDC transmitter
·             induction heating
·            solar inverter
·            grid- tied inverters
·            refrigeration compressors
·            electric motor speed control
·            AC power for uninterrupted power supply.
electric car
electric car
The Economic importance of Inverters
The ability to convert DC electric from batteries, fuel cell to electricity is the main attraction. This enables easy operation of AC equipment. The economic importance of inverters is based on the application.
They provide uninterrupted power supply to complement current from the grid. The inverter is used alongside batteries to supply AC power. Once the main power is restored the rectifier supplies DC power to recharge the batteries.
Business License
To operate a manufacturing company you need a business license. Secure a trade license from the municipal authorities, value added tax registration and trademark registration. You need a business license from ROC, factory license, anti pollution provisions.
1business license
2 trade license from the municipal authorities
3 value added tax registration
4 trademark registration
5 factory license
6 anti pollution provisions
Inverter Manufacturing Raw Materials
A huge amount of raw materials goes into the manufacturing of inverters. Components you need are switches, diodes, resistors, capacitors. You need heat sink, S.C.R, LED, ICS. More include sockets, PCB, lug, relays, auto wires, wire, and sleeves.
Others are fuse holder, mains lead, tapes copper wire, pre-set. Purchase sleeves plastic formers, coir, hardware fittings, impregnated compound varnish and P.F, Fuse holder.
Raw Materials
1 Switch
2 diodes
3 resistors
4 capacitors
5 mosfet
6 a heat sink
7 S.C.R
10 sockets
11 PCB
12 plug
13 relays
14 auto wires
15 wire
16 sleeves
17 fuse holder
18 mains lead
19 tapes
20 copper wire
21 pre-set
22 plastic formers
23 hardware fittings
24 impregnated compound
25 varnish
26 P.F
27 Fuse holder.
light bulb
Inverter Manufacturing Machinery
There is a few machinery or equipment you need. Buy a frequency counter, multi-meter, winding machine, coil winding machine. You need LCR Bridge (digital), Flow soldering machine; true RMS meters (4 digits).
More equipment is Ocilla scope dual trace 10 MHz, surface mounting equipment. You have the line frequency monitor, power analyzer, megger, testing equipment, HV tester, Rheostats and drummer stat 4to 8 Amps.
manufacturing Equipment
1 frequency counter
2 multi-meter
3 winding machine
4 coil winding machine
5 LCR Bridge(digital)
6 Flow soldering machine
7 true RMS meters (4 digits)
8 Ocilla scope dual trace 10 MHz
9 surface mounting equipment
10 line frequency monitor
11 power analyzer
12 megger
13 testing equipment
14 HV tester
15 Rheostats, drummer stat 4Amps to 8 Amps.
Manufacturing Process
The manufacturing process starts with the procurement of special transformers. Then you test critical components. The components are fixed, soldered on printed circuit boards.
However, the controls and sockets are assembled individually. The transformers are introduced and interconnection made. Check the power and output voltage and make adjustment. Then perform a series of quality control measures.
How to Assemble an Inverter
1Different components are assembled on printed circuit board based on design
2 The power, output voltage and wave forms are checked
3 The necessary adjustments are made
4. The chassis is enclosed in a cabinet, and connections completed.
5. Inverters of different capacity are made with input voltage 12V, 24V DC and output 230 V AC
Marketing Potential
A manufacturer should focus on countries with power generation and distribution challenges. Despite the huge improvement in power generation in a country like Nigeria citizens still experience over 14 hours blackout. The demand is huge considering the over 150 million people in the country.
Common applications are found in Automated Teller Machines, banks, home use, and hospitals. The need for a stable source of electricity has driven the market.
In India the market is huge however investors would have to compete with established brands. The investor could launch a marketing campaign through electronic and print media.
Use television advertisement, discounts and proper pricing to attract patronage. You need good wholesalers and distributors to help push the brand.
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