Starting a Fruit Selling Business in Nigeria

Although each fruit type is seasonal and perishable they provide an ideal investment opportunity. Fruits are loaded with essential nutrient, energy, natural supplements for our body. They taste nice are delicious, easy to digest.
They aid bowel movement, provide fibers and are low in calories. Fruits have many economical values in the food, beverage and manufacturing industry. To start a fruit business you need finance, suppliers and store.
Types of Fruits
The list of edible fruits found in Nigeria is huge. Popular fruits are oranges, lemon, pineapple, and apple.
Others are banana, pawpaw, guava, grape, watermelon. More include carrots, tangerine, plantain, mangoes and pear. You can sell a combination of fruits or specialize in one type.
Fruit Selling
  • Oranges
  • Lemon
  • Pineapple
  • Apple
  • Banana
  • Pawpaw
  • Guava
  • Grape
  • Watermelon
  • Carrots
  • Tangerine
  • Plantain
  • Mangoes
  • pear
Economic Aspects of Fruits
Apart from the benefits derived from the consumption of fruits they have good economic value. They are eaten raw, processed, cooked or roasted.
You can add them to meals, blend or make into fruit juice. Fruit selling provides good income for the investor.
An investor could go into wholesale, retail or production. Manufacturing beverages involves huge capital investment in machinery, factory location, utilities, personnel, transport and marketing.
However retiling requires small startup of less than N100, 000.  About N500, 000 to N1, 000,000 is sufficient to go into wholesale. Popular wholesale fruit markets in Lagos Nigeria are Ketu Fruit Market, Ojo Market, and Mile 12.
Find Suppliers
A wholesaler or retailer needs to find a credible supplier. Wholesalers generally buy directly from farmers in remote areas. Sometimes they work through middlemen who contact the farmers.
The fruits are then gathered, transported to the major markets. Top producers of fruits are the northern parts of Nigeria. However fruits are found in abundance throughout the nation.
Fruit Retailer
A fruit retailer buys directly from wholesalers or farmers. They supply supermarkets, grocery stores, market women. The retailer can open a store to sell directly to customers.
Fruit juice Producers
 A person might decide to go into fruit Juice production. This involves juicing equipment, preservatives, airtight packaging, branding. The juice could be patented and needs NAFDAC.
Only manufacturers need   NAFDAC registration number. You could get a business name, trade license. There are some local government levies including membership of associations.
The location of the business should be in a commercial area. Ideal locations are close to their market base. Other good locations are busy roads, walkways, areas with heavy vehicular, human traffic. .Make sure the office has storage equipment, refrigerator, generator.
Ideal Location for Fruit Stall
Marketing fruits is very easy because of their health benefits. To sell you fruits you can get a stall in a popular fruit market. Other ways include selling through on online portals or a website. Try home delivery, word of mouth, supermarkets or network with fruit sellers.


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