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How to Start a Thermos Flask Manufacturing Business

The function of a vacuum flask is to insulate its content. It maintains the temperature higher or lower than the surrounding temperature. This keeps the content hot or cold for extended duration.
It works by eliminating air from the chamber between the two flasks. The vacuum flask consists of two flasks placed within the other joined at the neck. This is achieved because a layer of vacuum space is created.
It is used to keep hot coffee or cold water, food or beverages. The product has good economic value and attracts premium prices. Although there are many types the market is not saturated.
Therefore investors interested in the business can carve a niche through design quality and branding. To start the business you need to learn the manufacturing process. Then purchase appropriate equipment and raw materials.
Try to focus on one type of thermos and work on quality. You need startup funding, good location and an effective marketing strategy. You can supply you local demography or look at export opportunities.
A Brief History
The insulated bottle was originally designed by Sir James Dewar in 1892 as a result of research in cryogenics. He evacuated the air between two flasks through a vacuum system to create the product.
Common uses of the bottle are for household use and scientific chemical experiments. Later development of the product includes the introduction of aluminum and glass.
By 1904 commercial glass blowers Albert Ashenbrenner and Reinhold Burger designed and patented the thermos. They later sold the design to the thermos company who expanded the size, shape and product rage. The thermos design was significantly refined by Gustav Robert a Viennese inventor.
Types of Thermos Flask
They generally work the same but come in different designs. The different types can be based on materials used in the construction. Common types include all-steel vacuum bottles, stainless steel and ceramic thermal tumbler, glass.
Business Plan
The first step is to write a comprehensive thermos flask making business plan. Then carry out a feasibility study and product sampling. You need appropriate funding, good design and quality equipment. Try to study your competitions prices, products and marketing strategy.
Learn the Trade
It is important you learn the manufacturing process. You can hire an expert in the business. Other ways are through industrial training or apprentice programs. Learn through trade workshops, seminars or tutorials.
hot water bottle
Raw Materials
The raw material depends on the type of thermos you want to make. To manufacture the product you need stainless steel, plastic resin. Others include soda-lime silicate glass, an aldehyde solution, silver ammonia complex solution and liquid foam.
  • stainless steel
  • plastic resin
  • soda-lime silicate glass
  • aldehyde solution
  • silver ammonia complex solution
  • liquid foam
  • borosilicate glass
  • metal
Register a business name and incorporate a company. Your company could be an enterprise or LLC. Go to the corporate affair commission of your country for details. You also need tax identification number TIN, liability insurance cover.
Your products should pass the basic quality assessment and standardization of such products. Other requirements include environmental issues, proper waste disposal system and safety of employees.
Make sure your company hires experience machine operators and administrative staff. You need direct labor for packaging, location drivers and sales representatives. You need a marketing department and quality control department.
The location could be close to the source of raw materials or market. Make sure the factory has basic utilities, good road network and easy accessibility. The factory should accommodate equipment, storage and loading area.
Manufacturing Process of Thermos Bottle
The vacuum flask consists of two vessels placed one within the other. Air is evacuated between the spaces to create a partial vacuum to reduce convection or conduction.
There are a couple of steps you need to make thermos bottle. The manufacturing process depends on the type of flask. The stages are the perform preparation, system of billet. Then the introduction of a complex solution poured into the bottle ballet inner layer and finally the vacuum system.
To make plastic vacuum flasks small pellets of plastic resin is blow molded into desired shape. A stainless steel sheet is shaped for the outer covering.  The formed outer cap is fitted with inner layer and glass filter placed inside the outer cup.
Insulation is added and liquid foam is sprayed between the cup spaces and allowed to harden. To manufacture a hot insulated bottle instead on liquid foam, air is sucked out of the cup space with a powerful vacuum machine.
The steel bottle is coated, bottle stamped or logo added. Blow molding is used to make the top and a stopper is introduced. The final product goes through a series of quality assessment and standardization tests.
Manufacturing Process
1. Perform preparation
2. System of billet
3. Introduction of a complex solution
4. Vacuum system
Quality Control and Safety
Insulated bottles go through strict control measures. The heat or cold retention are tested, viscosity or discolorations.  The vessel should be fitted with metal base for safe handling or prevention from physical damage. Rapid vessel temperature changes can lead to implosion or unexpected shattering.
To get your product noticed you need an effective marketing strategy.  You need wholesalers, retailers and export market. Use electronic and print media, proper pricing and attractive packaging. Leverage on marketing professional’s to introduce your brand to the general public.

How to Start a Hot Water Bottle Manufacturing Business

The hot bottle is basically a rubber container that is filled with hot water. It is built to retain heat, provide warmth during cold season or aid a sick patient. Most are made from traditional rubber or PVC. You also have latex or phthalate free products for children with allergies.
The bottles are moderately priced and come in beautiful motifs, designs and patterns. Some are transparent, smooth, ribbed or plain. You also get them in different standardized sizes.
Investors interested in manufacturing hot bottles can make good money. The person needs to invest in equipment, sourcing raw material and registration a company.
They need to understand the manufacturing process and international standardization provisions. To start the business you need funds, good location and manufacturing license.
Different Types of Hot Water Bottle
You have a huge choice of hot water bottles in the market. They are generally built using traditional rubber or PVC. Modern types are built with quality rubber and are built to receive hot water.
To preserve the products manufacturers add non perishable rubber compound or less based on quality. The product needs to have the capacity to retain heat, good insulator and durable.
The types of hot water bottle are based on their different sizes, patterns and designs. You have novel hot water bottles, electric bottles, transparent ribbed or smooth.
The ribbed could be on one side and smooth on the other side. It could be ribbed on both sides, transparent, smooth or ribbed. Some are patterned, plain or based on size and dimension.
The group, fill or capacities vary however the standard size of a hot water bottle is 2.0L. However different sizes include 1.0L, 0.80L, and mini 0.5Lor extra large size of 2.7L. Theses sizes are based on availability of bottle covers or replacement stoppers.
Hot Water Bottle Types
  • novel hot water bottles
  • electric bottles
  • transparent ribbon or smooth
  • ribbed on both sides
  • transparent
  • smooth
  • ribbed on one side
  • some are patterned
  • plain hot water bottles
Raw Materials
The raw material depends on the type of bottle. Modern bottles are made from Indian rubber, natural rubber or PVC. Some manufacturers include novelty designs or fabric covers. Newer products use novel things like heat pads, polymer gel or wax. You find materials such as silicone based material instead of the traditional runner.
Rubber Types
  • Indian rubber
  • PVC
  • Local rubber
  • Natural rubber
hot water bottle
Product Safety
There is a mandatory standard for the design, performance, labeling and construction of the product. Key requirements for product safety include structural integrity, strength of seams.
Others are stopper leakage and pressure resistance. The manufacturer is mandated to provide labeling that contains warning indications and advice.
Importation Standards
The hot water bottle must meet specified international UK standards. The PVC should have specific thinness to avoid leakage, splits or burns. The product is mandated to meet British standard BS 1970:2012. The standardization covers filling requirements, none stick or blocked inside of bottle and ability to fill to recommended capacity 30s.
Although the standardization does not cover filling procedure the filling time depends on the filling aperture. The recommendations are no over filling, make sure funnel empty, inspection of damaged stopper, wear and tire.
How to use a Hot Water Bottle
The bottle should be wrapped by a towel before use. It must be checked for rips, splits or perished products. The products should have appropriate labeling and cover firmly closed before use.
Don’t add very hot water and avoid sitting or lying on the product. Don’t over fill and use a cover wrap such as a towel around the bottle before use. It is important to maintain care when filling with hot water and disposes of substandard products or report to regulatory authorities.
Users must make sure funnel is empty, avoid overfilling and avoid placing anything when storage. Finally always look for British Standardization mark. BS 1970:2012. BS 1970:2001 or BS 1970: 2006. There is however other standardization provisions based on the country of manufacture.
Safety Measures
1.  Bottle wrapped by a towel before use
2. Checked for rips, splits or perished products
3. Should have appropriate labeling
4. Cover firmly closed before use
5. Don’t add very hot water
6. Avoid sitting or lying on the product
7. Don’t over fill
9. Use a cover wrap
10. Care when filling with hot water
11. Dispose of substandard products
12. Make sure funnel is empty
13. Avoid placing anything on it in storage
14. British Standardization mark. BS 1970:2012. BS 1970:2001 or BS 1970: 2006.
Product Testing
 The product testing includes visual checks, design and structural integrity check. The manufacturer needs to test the performance and basic design.
Product Guarantee
 As a manufacturer you need to include a product guarantee. Under the consumer guarantee act you are mandated to provide a replacement, refund or compensate if your product is unsafe. The consumer on their part could choose to report to a regulatory body.
Before you acquire a manufacturing license make sure the product conforms to standardization requirement. You must conduct quality test through out the manufacturing stage to get the proper standardization.
You need to get a business name and register a limited liability company. Other requirements are liability insurance and TIN number. There are also waste disposal provisions that guide the industry.
The choice of factory location depends on two factors. You could locate the business based on availability of raw material the PVC or on nearness to market.
Things to consider when choosing a location are transportation, road network and utility. Make sure the factor can accommodate equipment, warehousing and administrative office.
The hot water bottles face serious challenge from heat blankets, reusable hot packs and modern heating. The demand worldwide is reducing however very cold regions still have a fair share of the market.
Top countries that use the product are Australia, Chile, United Kingdom, and Ireland. The manufacturer needs to find active markets and use product branding and advertising to reach potential customers.

How to Create Adsense Account without Website

Did you know that there are different ways to get an adsense account without owning a website? Adsense is one of the most popular ways to make money online. The program offers publishers a way to monetize their content through advertisement.
Launched in 2003 the platform has over 3 million publishers. In European countries and America getting an account is relatively easy. However some geographical locations face a difficult challenge getting approved.
The advertisement network is not a get rich scheme and you need huge traffic to earn good money. The network uses cost per click which means once someone clicks on the advertisement the publisher earns money. The adverts are placed by the publisher on the website or blog.
To secure an account with a website you need proper SEO, quality content. Some countries need to wait for about a year to get approved. Before showing you how to get one you need to understand the type of account offered by goggle. There are two types of accounts, hosted and non hosted account.
Hosted Account
The hosted account is specific to certain platforms like blogger, YouTube or host partners. The owner of a hosted account cannot use the account outside the platform unless it is upgraded to non hosted account.
None Hosted Account
The non hosted account can be used across different online property. The non hosted account owner can use it on different blogs or website. It also works on blogger and other host partners. Now you have a basic understanding of both accounts let’s get into the ways.
google adsense
How to Get Adsense without a Website
The fastest way to get adsense is starting a blog. Technically a blog is different from a website and could be personal or public. The blogger platform is free and you don’t need a domain name or host plan.
Google owns blogger and the blogs on that platform are optimized for adsense. To create a blog sign into an account and choose a sub domain name. All blogs on this platform have sub domain names such as
Once you have the name, publish content, add image and optimize. Make sure the blog has quality content and is easy to navigate. Blogger also provides a selection of free templates.
You need to wait for the blog to mature then apply after a few months. The type of host plan you get is a hosted account.
2. Hubpages
Hubpages is my favorite article mill with thousands of publishers. The site is a revenue sharing site for writers. You can write on any topic of your choice and publish 10 articles before applying.
Without an adsense account you can withdraw your earnings on Hubpages. They also have different monetization methods such as Hubpages ad program and Amazon. The type of account you get is a hosted account.
3. YouTube
You don’t need a website to monetize a YouTube channel. However the channel needs at least 10,000 views to qualify for the ad program.
Once your YouTube channel is enabled for monetization you then apply for the account. You can’t earn money on this video sharing platform until you get approved. It can take from one week to a month before approval.
4. Build an Application
Another way to get the account is to build an application. Makes sure you develop a quality application that would qualify for AdMob. The type of account you get is adsense for Apps.
Those are the only way to get an account without owning a website. You can later decide to upgrade to non host however the process is challenging.

How to Start Electric Tea Kettle Making Business

The tea kettle’s main function is to boil water. The simple pot consists of a lid, handle and spout. There are different types made from diverse materials. However the heating mechanism depends on the type of product.
Some are heated by placing on a burner, stove or open flame. While the electric kettle uses a specially designed electric heating element. The kitchen apparatus is very useful and has an important place in most households.
The word kettle is an old English word traced to Norse origins. It also has elements of German, Latin with loose translation of utensils such as funnel, bowl, and deep dish cauldron.
An investor looking for a highly profitable venture can consider kettle business. They can go into the manufacturing sector, wholesale or retail. The amount of investment depends on the number of units made produced daily. Other considerations include use of automated, semi automated or manual process.
Things to Consider
electric kettle
There are a few things to consider before launching the enterprise. You need to secure raw materials, factory space and purchase equipment. You need professional labor, licensing, funds and a marketing plan.
You also need to learn the manufacturing process of the product. First write a business plan and study any competition in your geographical location. Don’t forget to look at marketing trends including popular products.
Types of kettle
There are two basic types of kettle the stove-kettle and electric kettle. The stove top kettle is a metal vessel that contains water that features a spout, handle, round body and flat bottom.
The vessel is filled with water and placed on a heated stove. Some are fitted with steam whistle devices that indicate when the water has boiled by producing a load whistling sound. Most stove top products are made from stainless steel or other materials such as iron.
Types of Electric Kettle
The importance of the device is based on its simplicity. The kettle is used to make coffee, boil water or soup. The major advantage to similar devices is ease of use, shorter heating time and cost effectiveness.
The electric type is made from stainless steel with heating element fully enclosed. You have the cord or cordless electric kettle. The downside to the device is the amount of current it consumes.
Some have the functionality to deactivate at boiling points while others are fitted with whistlers. Some types are the jug style kettle, kettle with transparent water chamber, swan electric kettle, cordless electric glass, stainless steel, variable temperature kettle.
1.  Jug style kettle
2. Kettle with transparent water chamber
3. Swan electric kettle
4. Cordless electric glass
5. Stainless steel
6. Variable temperature kettle
Similar Kettle Devices
There are many devices that function the same way as kettles. They are perfect for boiling water and require heat. Similar devices are the Japanese Tetsubin cast iron pot with a spout, Teasmade a device that combines elements of teapot and kettle.
We have the teapot a vessel used to make tea that has a lid, spout and handle. Tea culture, samovar a Russian urn used to boil water, Kelly kettle specially made for outdoors use Windermere kettle and boiling vessel.
More types include the kettle drum, kettle grill (looks like a cauldron). Others are fish kettle a slim metal cooking vessel a cauldron (a large kettle). We have industrial scale copper kettle, solar kettle, Graves-kettle.
Other Kettle Devices
  • Tetsubin  cast iron pot
  • Teasmade a combined teapot and kettle
  • Teapot
  • Tea culture
  • Samovar a Russian urn
  • Kelly kettle made for outdoors
  • Windermere kettle and boiling vessel
  • kettle drum
  • kettle grill (looks like a cauldron)
  • fish kettle a slim metal cooking vessel
  • cauldron( a large kettle)
  • industrial scale copper kettle
  • solar kettle
  • Graves kettle
Write a Business Plan
You need to write a kettle manufacturing business plan and carry out a feasibility study. Study your competition, products and pricing. Focus on location, suppliers of raw materials and type of equipment you need.
Business License
To start a manufacturing company you need a business license. Register the business with the corporate affairs commission in your country.  It could be a limited liability company or enterprise.
You need liability insurance and manufacturing license. The product should pass quality assessment test and standardization. Finally find out if the product attracts value added tax.
Location and Staff
It is important you find the best location and hire qualified staff. Locate the business close to the source of raw materials or market base. The staff should be trained to handle the equipment and hire an accountant. Other requirements include good road network, warehousing and utilities.
Raw Materials
 The raw materials you need depend on the type of kettle. Other thing that contributes to the type of material is the design. High grade steel is used for top quality products. Common materials are plastic, metal, steel. Others include aluminum, iron and high grade steel.
The product of choice should be heat resistant and durable. Other properties include durability, low density and heating/electrical elements. Popular heat resistant plastics found in the product are polystyrene, polyethylene. The product also needs a cord, thermostat and plug.
The Manufacturing Process
Before you start making kettles you need to learn the manufacturing process. The factory receives the stainless steel sheets and checks for appropriate thickness.
The sheet steel is placed on the die of a punch press. The punch shapes the hollow shell of the kettle. The factory worker then removes the piece and places another sheet.
To die shape the heating component area a sheet goes through stamping to form the base and connector between cord and element. The base stamping goes through a conveyor system, given a small electrical charge and painted.
The coating machine paints the outer coat. This anodizing process is to protect the product from corrosion. The treated metal stamping are then welded together to form the base.
The Electrical Components
The electrical components are received and assembled as appropriate. They are then introduced and the connector is set to the base section. The cord is fitted into the base opening and rubber feet attached.
The Plastic Molding Process
Once the upper part of the kettle is formed colored polypropylene pellets are inspected for purify and are loaded into the injection molding machine. The resultant polypropylene is melted under high heat and liquid plastic forced into two half’s. This process is to make the plastic housing of the kettle.
The shaping also includes the handles and cavity relief. Once the cavity is cooled they are then assembled. The plastic housing is added to the kettle to complete the body. The flip up covers are then added and kettle completed. The final stage is the packaging and wrapping.
Kettle Making Equipment
  • Injection molding machine
  • Punch press
  • coating press
  • conveyor belt system
  • assembling plant
Quality Control
The manufacturing process produces lots of steel waste. The waste trimmings could be recycled, reground or sold. The product should undergo quality control and standardization during and after production. The type of steel material is very important to the outcome.
The tea kettle has become an important item in every home. Your marketing efforts should include price control, quality and branding. You need an effective marketing strategy and many wholesalers and distributors. Sell your products to stores, malls and large distributors. Use both electronic and print media to spread the word.