A Beginners Guide to Content Marketing

Content marketers need to build a strong foundation. Then create hundreds quality content and plan your content for maximum exposure.
Without audience there is no point in writing. The next step is learning how to write viral content and develop a writing style.
You must overcome common marketing roadblocks and optimize the content for search engines. To succeed your content should be engaging and drive traffic to them.
How to Get Content Ideas
Writers and webmaster grapple with finding good content ideas. After writing a few posts you start finding it difficult getting content ideas.
There are many online resources and tricks to keep the ideas coming.  To get ideas visit forums related to your niche, your readers forums, industrial publications and social media groups.
Other ways include social questions & answers, followers, hashtags, industry discussion groups. Search YouTube videos, Instagram feeds, roundups, and conduct surveys.
Study competitor’s sites, your FAQ section and create subjects around a popular post. Use webinars, webmaster tool, google search box suggestions and google related search.
Subscribe to niche newsletters, use google alerts and internal website quarries. Some webmasters use content topic generators, local news broadcasts, Amazon best industry book list or visit reddit.
Search related topics on Google news. Read trade magazines, visit Flipboard for aggregated content and photo sharing sites.
writing content
Free Content Creation Tools
There are lots of free content creation tools for blog writers. Content creation is a manual process however you have tools to aid designs, writing and editing. Here is a list of free content creation tools.
LICEcap is perfect for GIF, Placeit to upload images of your site/product and HobSpot for free stock pictures. Haiku Deck for great front, use premium templates, image Color Picker and free Google Fronts.
More tools are infographics templates, Skitch to mark up images including PDF files, and ThingLink for clickable images. More cool tools are Canva to create visual content, Nimbus Screenshot.
Headline Analyzer analyzes specific components of your headlines. Hemingway App assesses your post and makes it easier to read. Use Grammarly to check grammatical errors and use a Blog Topic Generator to find topic by entering a keyword.
Can’t write the content yourself hire freelancers on a website like iwritter. Don’t forget to use a WordCounter, Word2CleanHTML, and Google Webmaster Tool for SEO, keyword search.
Guide to Content Planning
Quality content is the most important aspect of SEO. To plan your content you need to understand your audience.
Understand you brand, maser your niche and analyze websites in your industry. To create quality content brainstorm ideas,.
Use web tools like keyword Expander, UberSuggest, Spezify and SEOgdgets content ideas generator. Try to segment your content types, and create a plan.
How to Become a Successful Content Writer
To become a successful content writer you need to be original and read a lot. Learn how to conduct optimized search and write constantly.
Leverage on your passion, create an identity and be unique. Always edit your work, be word-count conscious and present in-depth well content.
Although writing is fun it can be stressful, therefore manage the stress and take occasional breaks from writing.
The beginners Guide to Search Engine Optimization
How to Write Like a Pro
It is easy to write blog content but can you write like a pro. Once you have chosen a niche you need to populate you blog with quality content.
Contextual sites require well researched topics, useful keywords and planning. Many people build sites to generate income however building out of passion is more rewarding. To succeed make sure the content is useful, trending and relevant.
Don’t Plagiarize, Copy or Paste Other Peoples Content
The biggest cardinal sin for writers is to copy and paste other peoples content. Apart from getting flagged as duplicate it will inadvertently affect your websites credibility.
Don’t plagiarize and focus your energy on writing original content. You can include rich media such as videos, images and graphics.
Make a List of Competitors
The bottom-line is that someone is already dominating your niche of choice. To get a fair view of your competitor you need to understand what they are doing differently.
Conduct a search by using keywords or visit top directories. Once you have found the top contenders make your list.
Master the Vocabulary
Each industry has its own jargons and vocabulary. Make sure you use the right vocabulary that people in the industry understand. Some Industries with their own lingual are finance, engineering, sports, entertainment, and politics.
Narrow Down the Topic
It is important narrowing down the topic for better delivery. You could arrange the ideas into points, paragraphs and submissions. A narrower topic is easier to dissect than broad based one.
Conduct Research
It is very important to conduct a thorough research of each topic. You don’t what to present substandard work, remember quality is paramount. Conduct a search through keyword search tools and search engines.
Develop a Writing Style
With constant practice you will develop your own writing style. Some writers start with case studies, use graphics or animation.
Own the style and make your visitors identify with your content. Be confident of your abilities and have an opinion.
Content Marketing Challenges
There are few challenges you face content marketing. Finding new ideas for blog content is challenging.
Other difficulties include finding free stock images, social media sharing and writing monthly newsletters. Others are content integration, writing 'How to posts' and producing unique content.
You need to engage your audience through interactive strategies. A serious problem remains quality content versus quantity.
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Promote your Content
Promote your content by sharing on social media and through email marketing. Use direct messaging and turn content into video or magazine.
Convert it to pdf or add internal links to popular content. Submit content to article directories and use paid social websites.


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