How to Start a Travel Blog

If you love traveling and are adventurous then consider travel blogging. The job description involves visiting dream destinations, while earning money. Before packing your bags, understand your goals and motivation.
There are three ways to launch a travel blog. Read up on fun places and gather resources for your blog. Secure a travel contract from an organization, company, magazines or website.
Save up and traveling the world on meager funds. You could document your travel adventures during trips or special holidays.
Save Money
The most important aspect of travel blogging is money. Once you are motivated save up for the journey.
Create a budget, decide on the destination and write a business plan. Destination traveling is expensive and requires huge money.
Individual travel bloggers save close to a year to gather enough capital. They use target savings and borrow from friends and family. Contracted travel bloggers are sponsored by organizations to predetermined locations.
You need to save about $30,000 for your trip and living expenses when you return. Budget $20, 000 for transportation, accommodation and feeding. On the journey you need to develop cost saving measures such as backpacking and sleeping at cheap locations.
Study your Destination
You need to study your destination before committing funds. Some countries are downright dangerous with ethnic wars and conflicts.
You don’t want to be caught up at such locations. Other considerations are culture, crime index and international travel warnings. Make sure the destination is moderately safe and contact locals or travel guides.
Cost Saving Methods
It is important you implement lots of cost saving measures or you will run out of money. Costs saving measures include cheap hotels, backpacking and networking with locals.
You should approach tourism offices for destination advice, discounts and special offers. Focus only on the most important aspects of the trip such as lodging, food, and transportation.
  • Cheap Flights
  • Cheap hotels
  • Backpacking
  • Networking with locals
  • Approach tourism offices
  • Discounts
  • special offers
  • Focus on lodging, food, and transportation.
Use Social Media
Without a social media account you blog might not receive adequate traffic to turn a profit. The social media page will drive traffic and offer one on one engagement.
Another advantage of owing a social media account is gaining followers. Large number of followers guarantees marketing opportunities. Top social media accounts to consider are Facebook, Instagram and Twitter.
How Travel Blogs Make Money
Travel bloggers earn income in several ways. The blog could use Google adsense, propeller ads or other advertisement networks.
Other money making avenues are affiliate marketing, direct advertisement placement and selling products. The travel blogger can even earn directly from his social media accounts through brand campaigns.


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