The Beginners Guide to Link Building

Link building is one of the most challenging aspects of blogging. There are many ways to increase your sites authority through proper link building.
You could link to high PageRank domains, use guest posting and socials. Other methods include producing linkable content and finding free quality backlinks.
How Search Engines Value a Link
It is important understand the way search engines see our links. They place value on each link which inadvertently affects our page ranking.
There are a few things search engines evaluate such as domain level links that exist on each page especially unique links. The engines evaluate entire domain metrics and assign higher ranking to domain with lots of links.
Domain authority accounts for google algorithm. Top metric influencers are external links pointing to your website, anchor text and trust rank.
TrustRank looks at page trust worthiness while page rank is estimated on 0-100 algorithms. Other value chain points at domain authority, content uniqueness and estimated on shared content, IP address and reciprocal sharing.
More considerations are topic relevance, link relationship, appropriate use of Re No follow and page level analysis. The geographical location and IP address of reciprocal link is also taken into consideration.
Other parameters involve link type HTML, Image, JavaScript links including targeted source page links. Search engines also look at historical link patterns and avoid embedded links.
How to Write Linkable Content
Quality content that attracts lots of backlinks has good page authority. Quality content would naturally overtime earn valuable links.
People generally share interesting and quality posts while others link. Use original research and powerful data to attract links.
Use a headline analyzer to write quality headlines. The article content should be unique, actionable and useful.
Produce authoritative information, expert opinion and introduce outbound links. Make sure the article is captivating and lengthy by checking the word count.
Articles that gravitate between 1500- 2400 words attract better Google rank priority. Introduce charts, data, images and infographics to present a fully robust content.
Other inclusions are screenshots, slide presentations quote visuals and videos. News and entertainment content attract huge instant traffic especially topics that a trending. However evergreen topics remain relevant and build traffic over years.
High Domain Authority Websites
You need high domain authority websites to get valuable backlink’s. Google pays attention to were your back links originate.
In your bid for backlinks always consider high domain authority websites. You can consider both no-follow and do-follow high PageRank authority sites. However the do=follow carry much weight to its counterparts.
The high PageRank sites should have domain authority of 78-100. Top Do Follow high authority sites are,,,,
No Follow high PageRank sites include,,,, and
Backlinking .EDU and .GOV Websites
.Ed and .gov websites usually have high ranking and domain authority. You get real juice from such websites improving your site ranking.
To leverage on these websites you need to first find those with high domain authority. Here are a few strategies to consider and avoid spamming.
Your main target on such sites is the comment section. The comment sections usually have three fields NAME, Email, Address and URL.
Don’t get tempted to drop anchor link in name field you could get flagged. Instead use your websites name email and url appropriately.
To find targeted niche relevant pages install tool. This is done by restarting Firefox, click search setting on gear icon, choose instant results and choose number of results per page.
Then use and enter targeted keyword.  Study he results page-level PR and find a post comment area.
Then fill the field as early suggested. Other suggestions include creating a discount or scholarship for students and submit to appropriate sites.
How to get Free High Quality Backlinks
Study your competitors and find the sites they are linked to. Link building should come naturally with web content writing.
Reciprocal links might not do the job due to poor tracking of such link performance. You need to search for your target audience and build a relationship.
Try engaging experts in your industry and social influencers through interviews and social. Leverage on niche related communities, forums and socials.
You can conduct interviews, use guest posting and reviews. Blog commenting is another easy strategy and answer question on socials.
Broken Link Building
Large websites would in time have some broken links. This might affect the websites rank and page juice.
Although broken link building could be time consuming it could be rewarding. Recreate a version of a dead content and reach out to websites that link to that resource. Then fix the link and you get a good Backlink.
An easier way to find broken links than using a manual process is to use Ahrefs database. Type in your competitors url on ahrefs search bar and select broken.
Then gather the contact information of website owners with broken links to contents similar to your. Create the content and reach out to them.
Guest Posting
Guest posting is an easy way to attract high authority backlinks. Search websites in your niche and reach out to them that you want to guest post.
You would be surprised at the respond because websites need lots of quality content to grow. For your effort you get targeted traffic and lots of new followers. In your link building campaign use only white hat methods and try to avoid black hat methods.


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