How to Start a Book Club

Book clubs are gatherings where people share opinion of books they have read. The choice of book depends on the group’s selection.
The subjected depends on their collective interests such as romance, science fiction, historical, technological and business. The gathering is usually held at predetermined locations.
The group select reading material, conducts reading seasons and discussions. Students of higher institution are also encouraged to form groups to discus study material.
Book Club Variations
There are different variations to the book clubs. Different types of clubs include library book clubs, and online book clubs. We have the traditional book reading club, broadcast clubs and author led clubs.
  • Library book clubs
  • Online book clubs
  • Traditional book reading club
  • Broadcast clubs
  • Author led clubs.
Book Club Locations
Book discussion groups are usually held in predetermined location. Popular locations are residential homes of members or bookstores. Other ideal locations are libraries, cafes, pubs, and online forums.
Broadcast clubs are usually presented as podcasts, television segment or radio. Author led involves the author while library clubs are organized in public libraries.
  • Residential homes
  • Bookstores
  • Libraries
  • Quiet cafes
  • Pubs
  • Online forums
  • Social media
  • Dedicated website
Online Book Clubs
Online book clubs are fast becoming popular. Unlike brick and mortar clubs that require physical discussions and meetings the online club has slight variations.
Online book clubs operate through dedicated websites, forums and social networks. Other applications are through an app, yahoo groups, mailing lists and conference calls.
Book Club Check List
There are a few things to consider before starting the club. You need to find people of same interests and like-minded individuals.
Book Club Theme
You need to decide on the theme of the club. The focus could be academic, entertainment, romance or pleasure. The theme would dictate the kind of books selected during the discussion seasons.
Club Themes
  • Horror
  • Romance
  • Academic
  • Science fiction
  • Bestsellers
  • Romance
  • Historical
  • Technical
  • Popular authors
  • New authors
Get Members
The club needs members interested in the same type of literature.  You could attract membership through word-of-mouth, email listing, store notifications.
You can place advertisements at local book stores, libraries and community centers.
Select a Location
Neighborhood clubs use a rotational visit to each member’s homes. Other locations are a local library, bookshop or town hall.
More locations include online forums, social network sites and websites. Some public locations are restaurants, snack bars and cafes.
Meeting Time
You need to pick a convenient time for the group meeting. The best time is usually on weekend evenings or when members have less busy schedules.
You need to write some ground rules to guide the discussion group. The moderators are also selected to keep the group in check. You also need to decide on the maximum and minimum number of participants.
How to Make Money with a Book Club
A book club is an infopreneurs dream because it is a gathering of kindred spirits.  An infopreneur sells information based products such as books, manuals, audio CDs, and Videos.
You can easily market popular books to members for cash. You could also find book clubs in you locality or sell your own publication.
How to Start a Book Club
  • Theme
  • Membership
  • Location
  • Meeting time
  • Choice of moderator
  • Attracting members


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