The Beginners Guide to Search Engine Optimization

There are many SEO techniques webmaster use to increase traffic and web ranking. There are lots of things you can implement on your blog to improve traffic and visitor engagement.
To succeed online you need a well designed blog, valuable content and link building. This guide should be useful to small business owners, affiliate marketers, social media sites and ecommerce websites.
Domain Name
You need to build the website or blog the right way from the start. A very important aspect that contributes to SEO is your domain name.
The domain name is your blogs address and should contain keyword elements. Domain names add credibility, highlight your brand and attract traffic.
Make sure the domain name is short and a top level extension such as .com.  Once you have selected a good domain name you need a good host provider.
You Need a Responsive Web Design
The design should have fluid grid concept, image flexibility and CSS. The design should be mobile and desktop friendly and un-obstructive.
A free open source content management system to consider when building your blog is Wordpress. Over 10 million webmaster use this system to run their blogs. The system comes with basic/premium themes, plugin’s, and mobile friendly features.
Organic Traffic
The most valuable traffic to attract is organic. Organic traffic is generated by visitors to you site who came through basic search.
The traffic is targeted to specific keywords and contributes to conversion. To get organic traffic your web pages should appear in search results for visibility. Web pages or articles found in first page of Google search attract lots of traffic.
To get on Google search and other search engines you website should be indexed. To get indexed search engines need to access your website and craw your pages.
They make sense of the content, design and layout of the website. Crawlers/bots don’t see the site the way we read them. They look at Meta tags, Alter text, Sitemap, HTML, and robot text to make meaning of the content.
Website Speed
You need to build a fast responsive website for your audience. The most annoying thing is when a person visits a site and it’s slow to load.
The visitor would simply back click and leave the site to another. As a webmaster you need to analyze the website speed and implement changes.
To increase the speed make sure you optimize images (Jpeg) by adding description, alt text and capture. Study the blogs layout and design template.
To increase speed-minimize HTTP requests, enable compression and enable browser caching. Other implementations include optimize CSS, use less plugin’s and prioritize above fold content. Finally reduce redirects and reduce server response time.
Link Building Tricks
There are many link building techniques to improve your page rank. Use direct affiliate links for referrals, try blog networking, or contribute a page to Wikipedia.
Other techniques include partnering a non competing ecommerce site, register expired blogspot blogs and link back, and add backlink’s from news sites.
You could offer backlink’s to niche specific associations, use product giveaways, submit reviews and use offline marketing. Some webmaster use relevant reciprocal links, guest blogging and second tier link building.
More ways are embedding videos, getting trackbacks and get a link from chambers of commerce. You can submit to local listing, use press release and directory submission.
Use email signature, include links to your newsletter, use social media, forum posting and blog commenting. More are Google+ shares, social bookmarking, power point submissions.
The Beginners Guide to Content Marketing
Content Marketing
The most important aspect of content marketing is creating authoritative, useful and relevant content. If your content is bad no amount of content marketing will help you.
Quality content easily drives traffic to your blog. Amazing content is easily shared on social media websites.
You can start your content marketing through content syndication. Market your content through an ebook, blog posts and infographics.  Webmaster use micro-videos, YouTube videos, SEO targeting to market their content.
Use social sharing, ad enhancers and leverage on your audience. You can distribute your infographics to websites such as slideshare, ingur, and Pinterest.
 Lists of social media to distribute your content are Google+, Instagram, twitter, Flickr, tumbir. Use email marketing, advertisement to drive targeted traffic to your content.


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