How to Start a Magazine: Learn How to start a Teenage Lifestyle Magazine

There are different kinds of magazines on different issues. They could focus on sports, outdoors recreational, politics, news and entertainment. There are travel magazines, educational, animal care and lifestyle.
If you are in your teens or a young adult you could consider stating a teen magazine. Teenagers are usually interested in romance, education, sports and general lifestyle issues.
Such publications are popular in high schools, colleges and universities. You also get your share of the general public interested in such publications.
It requires huge funds to start for a regional or national magazine. However a local publication is achievable with moderate funds.
You need to take your audience into consideration and develop quality content. Here are a few ideals on how to start a magazine.
Why Magazines
There are many reasons people start magazines. The main reason could be financial or to fuel your journalistic instincts.
Although printing a weekly or monthly publication is challenging it is also highly lucrative. You could actually become super rich in this industry.
Magazines are unique, entertaining, visually appealing and focuses on people’s interests.
The Challenges
There are serious challenges that publishers need to overcome in print media. This is because 40% of all new magazines fail in the first year of publication.
The reasons differ, however common difficulties include funding, equipment, competition and proper distribution channels.  You need to plan for success and future publications.
Conduct Research
It takes considerable research and time to achieve a balanced publication. You need to write a business plan and conduct a survey on consumer’s interests.
Try to develop a marketing strategy, study competitors, purchase the right equipment and secure funding. Learn from trending magazines, blogs and seasoned professionals.
Write a Business Plan
Write a teen lifestyle magazine business plan. The plan should focus on reader’s demography, distribution channels and marketing.
You need a management team, experienced staff and office equipment. You need to determine if the publication is daily, weekly or monthly.
The equipment’s could be divided office and printing machinery. Office equipment includes computers, DeskJet printer, paper scanner, office furniture and telephone.
Stationeries are bond paper, software, staplers, cover paper and pencils. Printing machinery include die cutting machine, plate maker, offset printer, laminator and cutting machine.
  • Computers
  • DeskJet printer
  • Paper scanner
  • Office furniture
  • Telephone
  • Bond paper
  • Software
  • Staplers
  • Cover paper
  • Pencils
  • Die cutting machine
  • Plate maker
  • Offset printer
  • Laminator
  • Cutting machine.
Related Post: How to Start a Printing Business
How Magazines Make Money
The major source of income is through advertisement. Advertisers will only come if your publication is widely accepted with huge circulation.
Other sources are through subscriptions, magazine sales, paid circulation and reviews. You need to factor the costs of production such as staff wages, printing materials and sales price.
  • Advertisers
  • Subscriptions
  • Magazine sales
  • Paid circulation
  • Reviews
Funding a magazine startup is considerably difficult because no one invests in a dream. If you have professional experience in a successful magazine you can attract funds.
The number of publications also dictates the amount of working capital you need. Apply for bank loans with long terms and fixed interest rates.
Use angel investors, venture capitalists or sell startup equity in the business. You could try a partnership arrangement or borrow from friends and family.
  • Apply for bank loans
  • Use angel investors
  • Venture capitalists
  • Sell startup equity
  • Partnership arrangement
  • Borrow from friends and family.
Breakeven Publication
To breakeven you need to circulate a certain number of publications. Focus your publications to region, group or demography.
Narrowing the field provides advertisers specific audiences for their products. Small magazines could breakeven with publications that range from 10,000-50,000 copies.
 A healthy 25,000 copies in circulation could attract sales in excess of $100,000. A national magazine should sell between 100,000-500,000 copies.
How to Attract Advertisers
A community based publication with lots of subscribers and sales will attract advertisers. There is no short cut because advertisers will study your sales to determine the popularity. Prepare your statistical data and circulation figures and provide discounts for regular advertisers.
Go Online
Build a website for your magazine and drive traffic to the site. Add a blog to the website and post unique and quality content.
You need lots of organic traffic to your online magazine. To build your website select a top domain name and host plan.
Use a web developer to create a beautiful and appealing website. Invest in SEO premium templates and add lots of content, images and resources.
How to Start a Magazine
  • Startup requires huge funding
  • Develop a prototype
  • Conduct a survey
  • Write a business plan
  • Differentiate your publication
  • Build your circulation channels
  • Focus on a niche/ audience
  • Go digital
  • Secure funding
  • Sell advertisement space
  • Put in place an editorial team
  • Find subscribers
  • Purchase the right equipment


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