How to sell seeds online

Do you know you can start selling seeds online within minutes? That’s right, if you have web building knowledge all you need is an e-commerce platform, shopping cart and products.
You don’t even need web building knowledge you could use a free/paid websites that has e-commerce templates. The good news is that you can do the business part time or full time.
The business format is simple, setup an e-commerce site, find seed wholesalers and sell through your website. Like any brick and mortar business you need small startup funds. Here are simple steps to starting an online seed selling business.
How to Sell Seeds Online
The Software
The most important aspect of building an e-commerce store is finding the right software. The software you need is shopping cart software.
There are three ways to build your website use a free host, paid host or shared host plan. You could build the website yourself, hire a web developer or use available fully hosted websites.
Free Hosting
If you decide to use a free host website there is none better than blogger. However the blogging platform does not come with a shopping cart or e-commerce software.
The second downside is that blogger comes with a sub domain name. To work around this you need to purchase a domain name and point to blogger, this changes the sub domain status.
Then purchase a premium template and integrate into the blogging platform. You also need a basic knowledge of HTML, alter text and other tech stuff.
Host Plan
Most people use shared host plan to build an ecommerce website. You need a good domain name and host plan.
You also need to integrate premium ecommerce template to the web builder. The most widely used blog software is Millions of websites run on Wordpress templates.
Fully Hosted Ecommerce Solution Website
The easiest way to launch your ecommerce website within minutes is using a fully hosted ecommerce solution provider. The platform works beautifully for both armatures and seasoned web builders. They provide a simple solution with end-end solutions.
Choosing an Ecommerce Solution
There are many ecommerce solution providers and software. To choose the best solution you should focus on those with large data base of templates.
The templates should be unique, easy to maneuver and feature professionally designed templates. A good place to find all these features is Shopify and 3dcart. Therefore the online seed store should be beautifully, fully customization and quick to installation.
Things to look out for in a solution provider, is professional template including and 24/7 support. The software should have simple interface and data analyzing tools.
Choose a Domain Name and Host plan
The domain name you choose is very important especially for search engine optimization. The domain name should have keywords of your core business.
Make sure the domain name is a top level name like .com. Once you find the domain name, host with a domain registrar. Top domain registrars are Godaddy, HostGator, Bluehost and many others.
Partner with a Supplier
You need to find a seed supplier for your online store. There are many wholesale distributors online eager to partner with ecommerce sites.
 A good tool to use in your search is the Google search bar. Make sure the seed supplier comes highly recommended are dependable and offer fair and competitive prices. Find out if they have drop ship arrangement or affiliate programs.
Permit and Registration
There are very few restrictions to running an ecommerce business. However registering the business as a limited liability company is beneficial. There are tax laws guiding online commerce applicable to each country.
Setup your Office
You can run the enterprise form home or a dedicated office. Create a space at home and install a computer, printer, fax, internet connection and Smartphone.
Once you have built your website using an ecommerce solution you are almost ready. You need to added product, description, prices and a shopping cart. If you are using an affiliate site add affiliate links to your website.
Marketing the ecommerce site is the toughest part of the job. Without adequate marketing your website will barely receive 4 visitors daily.
You need to drive traffic to your website through social media engagements. Use online advertisement platforms such as Adwords and Facebook advertisements.
If you love writing add a blog to your website and post valuable content related to the subject matter. List your website on directories, yellow pages and try guest posting. The larger the targeted traffic the more chances to make a sale.


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