How to Make Money Writing Articles

I discovered the internet in its infancy way back in 2001, fooled around with setting up a website -then left the cyber world until 2013. I have always had conviction that you can make good money writing online until recent development and the little experience I gathered.
I feel a little angry for leaving the cyber space early considering the vast experience I have gained over a mere one and a half years. I have decided to speak plainly so new writers and seasoned ones can learn from my mistakes and small experience.
From all indication, article contributors made lots of money between 2005 and 2012 before the panda algorithm changed. The webmasters made several hundreds to a few thousands of dollars monthly especially from affiliate sales and advert networks.
Making such earnings theses day especially new writers would be difficult because of the following reasons.

Time Factor

It takes time to generate traffic to your articles whatever platform you decide to use, new/small article directories, and blogs struggle to get Google first page slots. If you want to generate income as an online writer, you need traffic and first page ranking to earn wages.
You hear bloggers say you should optimize your article via SEO techniques, social media links, and using keywords. So how relevant are these techniques to writers today considering old articles that have gathered hundreds of inbound/outbound links.
The only strategy apart from Search engine optimization techniques that night work for new articles is finding an obscure or unique title for you article. Even this technique does not guarantee traffic to your website or article.
The older website will always out perform the new ones in generic traffic, followers, and income. However, there is hope for mew article because they eventually become older and gain better listing.

Other Ways of Improving your Page Ranking

There are other ways to improve your articles page ranking and stand a chance of generating more traffic. You can integrate an analytical account, signup and run a webmaster tool such as Bing webmaster tool or Google webmaster account.
The webmaster accounts analysis your site and provides important suggestions on how to improve them. They also use web crawlers to view contents and categorize you content thereby listing your articles on their search engines quicker.
Your search engine optimization technique could involve a good title, introduction, lots of attributed images, subheadings and some keywords within the text.
Other methods used by webmasters are forum contributing with a link in your signature, guest blogging including URL. Submissions to top search engines and directories.
Some writers sign up with multiple sites and create backlinks to their main articles and sites.
Virtual Administrative Assistant Business

Writing Articles

General Content versus Niches

Everywhere you look as new or experience writers they say quality content is the best way to start your writing business. I agree that quality content is very important but concentrating on a niche even better.
I have a few niche blogs but like most writers, usually spread each niche between blogs and article directories for better Google page ranking. One of my general topic sub domain website generates lots of traffic but not as much as those old article websites.
I have a few first page articles not because of any SEO technique but could be attributed to the topic or subject matter

Business Model, Platforms, Posts

business model
written content
advertisement networks
niche content
affiliate marketing
general content
article directories
promote other peoples products
paid to write websites

How much Money can a New Writer Make Writing Articles?

How Much can you make Writing Articles?
Not very much and that is the gospel truth, you need to write hundreds of high quality, SEO articles to make between $50 -$100. The writing platform you chose is also very important or you might just waste your time and earn virtually pennies.
Older websites established between 2004 until 2012 with lots of content used to generate over 100,000 to 1,000,000 visitors monthly. Therefore, the revenue they made for such huge traffic on advert networks like Adsense was upwards of $1000 monthly.
What favored such websites were fewer articles and competitors and today they face stiff competition and a major loss in revenue.
Making money today with your content is difficult if you want to earn a decent wage through your writing. A strategy might be to diversify your portfolio and contribute content to several writing platforms.

Writing Content for Websites

The Advantages and Disadvantages of Writing on Many Websites

If you decide to contribute articles, to several websites you might very quickly burn-up and still make only peanuts. The only way such contributions can make you a hundred dollars combined is to have between 150 - 250 articles each in three top article directories.
Let’s assume you have managed to write that many articles, yet there is no guarantee of earning a steady sum. Traffic and many factors outside your control is something online writers have to deal with.
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Write an eBook

With eBooks, you can make a few dollars monthly depending on the number of people that buy the book, price, and general interest. The advantage of writing an eBook is once the work is published it can earn you a steady income for years.
The disadvantage of self-publishing is promotion, without promoting your book you are bound to fail.

How Webmasters Make Money

Webmasters make money with their content or articles via advertisement networks such as Google Adsense, Chitika and many others. You signup with them, go through an approval or rejection stage then you place advertisements by them on your blog or website.
Making money through advertisement networks depends on either impressions or clicks. So getting targeted traffic is very important especially when using an affiliate program to sell goods and services.

Blogs, Websites, Sub domains

Writers face a tough choice which platform to use to get your voice heard. You can start your own blog/website and add valuable content. However, it takes about a year and a half for your blog to have any relevance in today’s reality.
Another option is to spread your writing between 2 -3 top article directories and write lots of content. If you are consistent, eventually your articles would gain prominence and you make some money.


It takes quality articles, SEO, and proper time management to become a successful writer.. You might choose to write assignment and be paid immediately for your work, reach a payment threshold about $50 and cash out.
Writing articles online is not for the faint heart but with time you might earn some cash for all that toil and sweat.


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