22 Ecommerce Businesses Strategies For Beginners

The internet has become a veritable way to earn income. There are hundreds of business ventures you can do online.
You could work full time or part time depending on your business template. You could start with less than $100.
However you need lots of passion, dedication, innovation and knowledge to succeed. To start an eCommerce business you need two things a computer and internet connection.
Affiliate Marketing
Affiliate marketing is one of the most common eCommerce technique used by blog owners or individuals. You can run the program with or without a blog.
An affiliate program requires a member to signup and a unique URL is assigned to the partner. The URL usually point to a product or service and uses tracking software.
You earn if someone buys a product/service and you earn referral fees. Each program comes with its own set of rules that guide the partnership.
online shopping
There are millions of blogs managed by single individuals. The blogs are an expression of the webmasters interests and focus.
They are for entertainment, information, learning and fun. The topic s vary and depends on the owners interested.
There are two categories of blogs, contextual blogs and eCommerce blogs. Both types have many monetization methods such as affiliate marketing and advertisement.
To build a blog you need a domain name or sub domain name and host plan. The host plan could be paid or free.
If you love writing you can earn monthly income from eBooks. My first ever earning online came from eBooks even though I had no idea on how to write good content.
An ebook is read or downloaded online and stored in an electronic format. The books can be sold on any eBook publishing website or your blog. You set the price and earn commission on sales
Online book store
You could also sell physical books from your website or online book stores. You could sell you own publication, use an online publisher or sell other peoples books.
If you have a popular blog, create a book around the main topic of the blog. If you own an offline book store sell more of your books through a dedicated website. Once your book is ordered you ship to the customer.
Build a Classified Website
You could build a classified website and offer people free and paid advertisement. The user’s signup to your site and place advertisement for free.
The website could focus on a niche or broad based. A good example of a classified website is olx.com.
Software Developer
Software is the life’s blood on the internet. Software developers can create unique products or solve problems.
They can offer trouble shooting services, web development or produce products. A good product can earn a developer huge payouts on purchase or lease.
Content Writer
Millions of blogs and websites require content. As a content writer you can never run out of jobs.
You could offer your services through freelance websites or directly from your blog. Places to find jobs are iwritter, freelancers and other similar sites.
Article Contributory Networks
It is difficult earning huge wages on an article contributor. However I recommend hubpages for new writers without a clue of content writing.
There are hundreds of similar sites where you write on any topic and share revenue with the web owners. The business template is easy and straightforward.
Here is   My Hubpages Page
Sell Domains
Every blog or website needs a domain address. You could create your own domain names or purchase top level domain name and sell.
To sell domain names you need to host/park the domain on a host provider. Selling involves transferring the name to the new owner.
Sell Website
If you want to fast track the business buy existing websites/blogs. Once you buy do some basic improvement and resell.
Another option is to build the blog from scratch and sell. You can make huge earning focusing on this business type. Interested in buying and selling websites here is a useful resource.
Sell your Own Products
You could sell your products from your blog or an ecommerce site. Popular ecommerce sites are eBay, Amazon and Etsy. You could also sell other peoples products through affiliate programs.
Build a Job Site
Job search websites offer job seekers a list of employment opportunities. Job search sites are huge and attract large traffic.
You need to focus on your target demography and offer free listings. The employment portal is the go between job seeker and companies.
Build a Subscription Websites
Subscription websites make money from member’s fees. The fees could be monthly, quarterly or yearly.
Good examples are video streaming websites, sports betting, entertainment and ecommerce sites. Once you can offer value to your subscribers you will earn steady income.
Run an Online Course
Top bloggers with tons of expertise leverage on online courses. They could build a dedicated website for the courses or include them in the blog. Many people are eager to learn new things and are willing to pay for such course.
Niche Based Search Engine
If you have the technical skill why not build a niche based each engine. Advertisers will pay to get featured on your engine. The search engine needs to have a 99% up time to be effective.
App Developer
Applications are so important to Smartphone users. An App solves a problem, built for fun or leisure activities.
Sell you app in any App store of your choice. You could even list your App with a mobile phone service provider.
Online Directories
Online directories are places webmasters list their sites. It makes it easier to find the website using a popular directory. Directories are monetized through contextual advertisement or paid listing.
Online Grocery Store
Sell any type of grocery online to eager customers. You need a dedicated website and effective shipping or transporting network.
You could focus your services locally or internationally. You might need a dispatch rider to transport the groceries to the buyer.
Network Marketing
Network marketing involves recruiting other sales personal. The business works through multilevel marketing structure or pyramid marketing. You earn a small percentage on new entrants you referenced.
Search Engine Optimization Expert Services
If you are an expert at search engine optimization you can sell your services. You form an agency and offer to improve the traffic of a webmaster. Experts in this field earn six figure income through satisfied customers and referrals.
Sell Arts and Craft
Do you have a creative talent sell you product from a blog or a dedicated eCommerce site. A good place to sell your craft is etsy.con. You need a unique products, good description and price.
Social Media Consultant
Are you popular on social media and have lots of followers. You could offer social media consultancy for a fee. You could also earn money through product endorsement and reviews.



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