The Complete Guide to Building your Blog Audience

Blogs need to have an effective marketing strategy to attract huge audience. Writing quality post is a start however you need engaging content. Try to re-purpose old content and build an active community.
 Other considerations are content syndication, organic traffic, paid traffic and email marketing. Here are a few ideas on how to build your blog audience.
How to Write Engaging Blog Post
To attract a huge loyal audience you need engaging blog posts. While writing the content you need to consider new and old audience.
Try to post regularly and use rich media to attract different caliber of readers. Study competitors in your industry and concentrate on trending posts.
Discover popular topics and find an interesting angle to write about. Make sure your content is 100% original and not plagiarized.
Follow trends and use social media to locate viral topics. Study your community comment to discover topics of interest. Become a master story tellers and identify with your audience.
Wikimedia commons
How to Re-purpose Content
An interesting way to attract new audience is to re-purpose existing content. By simply adding info graphics, podcast and statistics you bring the old post alive.
A reach multimedia content is better than text and image content. The date of publishing also changes which puts your content upfront and easy to see. It also provides good opportunity for content promotion.
Types of content to re-purpose are quality content, evergreen topics, relevant and popular content. It takes huge effort to write quality content so re-purposing such articles is beneficial.
Ways to Re-purpose Content
You can re-purpose content into a guide, power point presentation and use visual content. Conduct interviews, case studies, info graphics slides and statistics. Turn the blog post into a podcast or create a newsletter.
How to Build an Active Community on Your Blog
To build a blog audience you need an active community. You need your audience to actively engage with your content.
Apart from quality content you also need to identify with your audience. A good way is to respond to comments, ask questions and create community projects.
Be consistent by producing quality content that is relevant and informative. Include a subscription form and actively participate in social media discussions.
Build Your Blog into a Community
Have you noticed that most successful blogs have diehard fans and a community? To build communities try a lighter approach. Make it personal and connect with avid commentators.
You can find lots of them on industry influencer’s blogs. You need to attract established authority writers, break into established contributor camps and join niche communities.
Use direct contact, develop a course and build a fan page. Your course should be used to gain email list. Don’t forget to post quality content regularly and use Facebook advertisement.
Syndicated Content
Syndication is about publishing your content on other people blogs. Syndication presents republishing opportunities multiple platforms.
It is a much simpler format that guest posting. All you need is to reach out to blog owners an offer the content.
There are downsides to content syndication such as duplicate content, no email collection and powerful blogs will outrank your original post. Alternately try guest posting because it’s less scary than syndication and does the same job.
Find blogs open to guest posting through keyword search. The same applies for finding blogs in a syndication network. The higher the PageRank of the blog the more traffic you get.
To solve the syndication nightmare you can reach out to syndication partners to include a rel=canonic tag. The tag allows Google find the original article on your blog. They could also use the non-index tag to prevent indexing of the post.
Pay Per Click Syndication
Syndication networks may offer pay per click services. Top content syndication networks that offer this service are Outbrain, Zemata and ARC. Others are Taboola, nRelate, ZergNet(use promotional exchange)
You Need Organic Traffic
Although paid ads will drive targeted traffic, organic is best. Websites with natural traffic are higher ranked and perform better.
To build blog audience you need to consistently drive them to your blog. Organic traffic is also search engine friendly and free.
It is the primary source of visitors to top blogs. The more the audience the higher your articles appear on search.
To increase your organic traffic you need proper SEO. First identify your target demography and keywords.
Target keywords and create content around the word. You should develop a content strategy, use update and repurposing.
Optimize each page with image attributions, internal links, infographics and include post comment tab. Engaging posts attract high quality backlinks and rank juice.
It also increases organic traffic to your blog. Finally monitor your stats with tools such as analytical or webmaster tool.
Use Paid Traffic Sources
As said organic traffic is the best however paid traffic earns quicker payouts. You need to be careful with paid traffic and use only google approved methods.
Most social media traffic is accepted and could fit your budget. You can also use pay per click/impression such as Adwords.
Top paid social media advertisements that provide good results include Facebook Ads and twitter. Others are StumbleUpon, Reddit, Linkedin and Instagram. Use in-text ads networks, mobile ads and sponsored blog posts.


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