SEO Business Opportunity: How to Start a Search Engine Consultation Business

Millions of websites are built yearly and attracting traffic has become rather challenging. Search engine optimization is about a websites visibility.
The visibility has to do with organic traffic from search engines like Bing, Yahoo and Google search. First page listing of web pages on top search engines will guarantee traffic.
Webmasters need to effectively monetized the traffic and get conversions. The traffic turns into conversions and the web owner earns some income.
There are different types of search tools used in optimization such as image search, vertical, local, academic and video search. Search engine experts also use keywords, HTML, indexing, targeted posts to achieve first page listing. Other tools are backlinking, mobile search and social media marketing.
Short Client Relationship
No matter how good the client, SEO expert relationship it depends on results. The interesting fact is that the more clinical and efficient your service the shorter your partnership.
This is how legitimate, top level SEO experts operate. They are driven to perform and produce fast results. It is unusual to have the same client after 3 years of collaboration, except they roll out new business.
search engine optimization
How to Start a Search Engine Consultancy Business
Learn Search Engine Optimization
You need to learn the tricks associated to search engine optimization. Learn how to identify keywords, write quality content and use Google Analytics.
Others include Meta data tags such as Alter text, image attributions and Meta description. You need to become a social media expert, use user generated comments and reviews.
Use a checklist to identify problems, programming flaws and other problems. It is advantageous developing programming skill, hyper linking and good indexing.
You need to acquire webmaster skill, basic accounting, tax preparation and marketing. Develop the required skills through online course, books, tutorials and formal education. Other ways are reading ebooks, conferences and seminars.
Create a Powerful Brand Identity
SEO business is all about bragging rights and branding. Your profile should be visible and create a brand, logo and identity. Register the business as a limited liability company and apply for a tax identification number.
Ways Search Engine Experts Increase Traffic
There are different ways search engine optimization expert improve traffic. They use search engine marketing, mobile search, analytics, Meta tags and HTML. Other methods include proper search indexing, sitemaps, keyword search and content editing
  • Search engine marketing
  • Improved IP address
  • Mobile search
  • Analytics
  • Title tag and Meta description
  • 301 Url redirects
  • Indexing
  • Sitemaps
  • Keyword search
  • Keyword density
  • Editing content
  • Backlinking
  • HTML
Develop a Reporting System
Develop a reporting system that categorizes analysis and monitor you data. Use available software, web programming and analytical tools to develop a comprehensive report. You also need to create identifiable parameters such as keyword search, page optimization monitoring and implementation.
Things to Do to Foster Good Client Relationship
Although companies are eager to see results you need to keep them abreast of what you are doing. Only good results are what they need and excuses could inadvertently end the relationship.
Ask you client’s questions bordering on expectations and results. Talk on improvement of services and promptly identify pressing issues.
Keep up a good client relationship and showing results would encourage the customer to use your services for many months. Other provisions include showing you clients a monthly report, data and surveys.
Regular communication is the key to client satisfaction.
Provide Results
Many SEO companies fail to provide the desired results. You need to ascertain the amount of traffic you need to drive to the company.
You need to drive 100 times the traffic on specific keywords monthly. The SEO expert needs to critically look at each keyword and increase traffic one hundred fold. Other areas are the conversion rate and multiplier effect of huge targeted traffic.
How to Get Customers
There is nothing more powerful than presenting data. To get clients you need to study the company’s keywords and current traffic.
Your job is to provide SEO that drives targeted traffic to you Clients Company. By presenting a comparison of full potential earnings and one hundred fold increase the company/website would be interested.
This is a powerful marketing tool SEO experts use in getting clients. However if the SEO person fails to deliver the contract is terminated.
Use Testimonials
To get customers you can use testimonials. Make sure the testimonials a legitimate and true. The company should due diligence and find out the authenticity of such claims.
Present a Case Study
Present potential clients a case study of past successes. The case study should be verifiable and authentic.
The case study is a physical representation of your competency and proficiency. The case study should highlight how you increased the conversion rate and optimized the keywords.
Networking is an effective strategy to gain new clients and business. You should network with web programmers, graphic designers, animators and content writers. They will provide valuable service and increase your productivity and efficiency.
List Big Clients
Small business owners and companies need to know they are in good hands. Some SEO experts list fortune 500 companies they have genuinely worked with to convince clients.
Once such sources are verified it is a powerful visual presentation of your abilities. Large brands are a proper attraction for small or medium enterprise. They calculate that with your services they will one day become big brands.
Show Result Oriented Data
The biggest challenge for new SEO companies is getting big brand contracts. This is because no company worth its salt will take on an up starter.
You need to convince top brands of your proficiency. So how do you achieve herculean task as a startup company. The best way is to send them a powerful proposal.
Most companies have contact information, email addresses and postal addresses on their websites. In you proposal break down the SEO problems and offer solutions.
Make sure the data is comprehensive and convincing. Top brand would more likely give you the account on the strength of your proposal.
Negotiate a good figure commensurate to your services. Some SEO experts try not to negotiate their prices. This strategy might cost you a great deal.
Become a Public Speaker
Search engine Optimization marketing conferences are verified money makers. Focus on industrial and non-industrial events for better results.
Carefully select venues with fewer SEO experts to compete for clients. Speak at conferences that attract top players and high network companies. Present powerful power points imagery and data to substantiate your proficiency.
A good way to attract customers is through blogging you need to have a dedicated blog for your company. Blogging requires constant posting of related subjects.
You can write about search engine optimization techniques, social media marketing and conversion optimization. Write long posts, content marketing and generate leads.
To generate leads give out free tutorials or ebooks. Optimize your blog, write ebooks and post testimonials.
Offer Free Services
Many SEO experts build up a client list by offering free service. The company would commensurate with a url badge or link back to your website/blog. This strategy should lead to increase in clients especially if you work with top blogs.
Many satisfied clients will probably refer your service. Referrals can bring in big business especially satisfied clients.  To gain referrals offer your clients top class services and increase their traffic exponentially.
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