How to Pitch a Reality Show

Reality shows have seen an explosive number of programs in recent years. The shows are breaking new records in earnings across the globe.
They contribute immensely to increased viewership, earnings of stations, producers and thespians. There are many popular shows that transverse music talent hunts, family life, survival strategies and cookery.
Shows like storage wars, Dynamo Magician Impossible and New Housewives increase popularity of this genre. Many producers and directors are turning to reality show with great success.
Stations are eager to consider good reality shows to boost their audience. Are you interested in pitching a reality show and getting on the bandwagon?
Producers are looking for original ideas, new scripts, writers and unique content. There are a few things to do to achieve your dream.
Kardashian, Khloe
By Luke Ford ( [CC BY-SA 2.5 (], via Wikimedia Commons
Why Reality Shows Are Popular
Many reality shows are social experiments that resonate with viewers. Such programs include experiments like Naked and Afraid, Big Brother Franchise, Survivor and Monster Fish.
Some tell unique stories, show survivalist skills and stunts. The programs are broadcast globally through different media both online and offline.
The increase in popularity includes access to digital television, Smartphone’s and internet connectivity.  The world is rapidly becoming a global village and people identify with such programs.
Popular programs are Amazing Race, Survival, Fear Factor, the Bachelor, and Wipe Out. Others are Extreme Make Over, Top Chef, American Pickers, Undercover Boss, Dog the Bounty Hunter and New Housewives.
Different Reality Formats
To create your show you need to consider different formats. Identify the format that best fits into your concept.
Successful formats include family oriented programs, competition format and relationship. Others include sports concepts, contests, music programs and stunts. More are lifestyle, fashion, artifacts and architecture.
  • Family oriented programs
  • Competition format
  • Relationship
  • Sports concepts
  • Contests
  • Music programs
  • Stunts
  • Lifestyle
  • Fashion
  • Artifacts
  • Architecture
  • Historical
Reality Structure
There are basic structures when presenting a reality show. The show could have a definitive conclusion per episode, documentary style or progression.
Documentary style series are very popular and has different sub-sectors. Others are drama, story competitions and comedy.
  • Definitive conclusion per episode
  • Documentary style or progression
  • Different sub-sectors
  • Drama
  • Story competitions
  • Comedy
How to Find Producers
You need to find legitimate television producers. There are many ways to identify producers.
One way is to look at credits on popular television series. You could conduct a simple search to find credible producers.
Use yellow pages and directories to find possible candidates. Don’t pay any producer that request money to accept your script they are fraudulent.
Pitching a Program
Once you have determined the genre and developed the story you need to pitch the program. Create a synopsis, tile and logline before approaching a producer.
The title should have the keyword that directly correlates to the subject matter of the program. The title should be captivating and immediately capture the attention of audience.
You need to detail the stories progression and unique participants. Propose scenarios, interesting subjects and other parameters.
Detail a clear step by step progression and write about 4-6 pages. Make sure you get credit for your story such as co-producer or consultant producer.
Negotiate a per episode fee and avoid selling the concept outright to highest bidder. A good series can generate lifelong income if you negotiate a good deal.
You can pitch your show anytime of the year. Every show needs to go through the grind, content and development.
Production Sequence
The pitch should be content driven or produce a reel if possible. Pitch the content to independent producers, television stations and production outfits.
The sequence is writing a synopsis, pitch to producer, and sign a deal. The production company provides the funds, creates the program and sells to major television stations.
The network finance installments of subsequent series.
How to Create and Pitch a Reality Show Idea
  • Identify the genre
  • Develop a hook
  • Write a captivating title
  • Write a synopsis
  • logline
  • Make sure it has a progression
  • Make sure its original
  • Find production companies
  •  Study the 'option' agreement
  • Consult an attorney before signing


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