The 14 Solar Business Opportunities That Wins Customers

There are lots of solar products and service for the astute investor. The environment is of great concern to nations around the world.
They offer incentives, funding and subventions to develop solar initiatives. You could leverage on this goodwill and develop solar products or sell wholesaler/retail.
You could also offer solar related services and repairs.Then incorporate the business, get insurance, write a business plan and carry out feasibility study of your locality.
Solar Products
There are lots of solar products such as solar re-chargers, torchlight’s, heaters and solar gadgets. More include solar panels, solar cooling systems, cell phone, accessories and chargers
  • Solar re-chargers
  • Torchlight
  • Heaters
  • Solar gadgets
  • Solar panels
  • Solar cooling systems
  • Cell phone
  • Solar cooker
  • Accessories
  • Chargers
Solar Financing
If you have the financial resource or high net worth partners you can setup a private investment company. You offer loans to industrial players in the solar sector. You could offer partnership deals, join ventures, long or short term financing
Sell Information Products
Information is needed in every industry and marketers make good money selling such products. Your product should be well researched and niche focused.
Use lots of multimedia to develop an information product. Use text, tutorials, videos, info-graphics and charts.
Type of Information Product
  • E book
  • Book
  • Tutorial
  • Manual
  • Video
  • Online course
  • Podcast
Discover Product Opportunities
Solar business is still relatively new and the products few. Find niche products, purchase wholesale and sell in local markets. There are products such as torchlight’s, solar cookers, sola mobile accessories.
Develop Solar Products
The solar products you find in the market were invented by someone. If you have the technical skills why not invent your own product.
Once the product solves someone needs it will sell. You could even hire technicians to develop the product under your band name.
3rd Party Service Provider
A 3rd party service provider sells other peoples services. You don’t need to have the prerequisite skills except marketing.
You can come into some agreement with the service provider and sell to interested parties. Such services include funding, insurance and maintenance.
 After Sales Products
There are many after sales products to sell to solar product consumers. The product could be for added service, maintenance, improvement or cleaning. Some products are solar panel replacement, cables or cleaning agents.
Wholesale and Retail
Find solar based products and sell wholesale or retail. Make sure the product is high quality and easy to sell. Products include battery backups, chargers, panels and solar inverters.
Become a Solar Broker
Emerging markets develop portfolios that are attractive to investors. Investors will buy into such projects or form partnerships. European countries are focused in developing green energy and are huge players in the industry.
Solar Energy Consultant
An energy consultant provides expert services on installations and energy auditing. They help maximize your equipment and minimize wastage.
Start Training Institute
You could make lots of money running a training institute. Solar technologists are few and far between. Many people interested in developing knowledge could become trainees in your institution.
Cary out Maintenance and Repairs
If you have the perquisite technical skills why not go into solar repairs. The equipment’s are usually fragile and need occasional maintenance and repairs.
Job Placement Service
The solar industry is niche based and requires specific experts. You could start a job placement service to accommodate this sector of business.
A good way is to build a solar job placement website. You earn through company advertisement placement and subscription fees from potential job seekers.
Start an NGO
Although non profit organizations are mainly to provide selfless service some make money. There are lots of donors willing to invest in a reputable NGO. Focus your solar products or services to improve poor communities and displaced people welfare.
Don’t forget to build a website and do effective marketing. Reach your customers through strategic advertisement placements in print and electronic media.


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