How to Become a Renewable Energy Entrepreneur

There are different types of renewable energy businesses. Renewable energy relies on natural resources to generate electricity, heating, off grid energy.
It contributes about 20% of global energy consumption. The energy sources are basically hydro, bio-fuel, solar and wind power.
Advantages of Renewable Energy
There are many advantages to investing in renewable energy. The power source provides energy efficiency, climatic change mitigation including energy security.
The natural process is constantly replenished and considered clean energy. It provides technology diversity of energy resources for many countries.
Other advantages include reduced pollution, environmental degradation and reduced mortality. Other benefits of renewable energy are simple solutions for rural dwellers and people living off the grid.
  • Energy efficiency
  • Climatic change mitigation
  • Energy security
  • Constantly replenished
  • Clean energy
  • Reduced pollution
  • Reduces environmental degradation
  • Simple Technology solutions for rural dwellers
Types of Energy Sources
The energy sources are derived from natural process. Types of energy harnessed by energy companies include ocean, sea, sun rays and bio-gas. Others are heat generated deep within the earth, hydrogen, and geothermal resources.
  • Ocean
  • Sea
  • Sunlight
  • Bio-gas
  • Earth
  • Hydrogen
  • Geothermal resources.
How Renewable Energy Works
The energy is used for power generation, transportation and heating. Ethanol is produced from feedstock while Bio-ethanol is derived from fermentation of crops rich in carbohydrate, sugar and starch.
The ethanol is used as fuel for vehicles or as a diesel additive. Solar is also used to power experimental solar cars and machinery. Electrical power generation is applied to machinery and light.
Renewable Energy and Technologies
Solar Energy
Solar energy is powered by the sun and used to generate electricity. The technology converts sunlight into electrical energy through the aid of photovoltaic cell, boiler or mirror.  Common technology includes solar water heaters, micro parallel inverters, photovoltaic modules and solar cells.
Wind Energy
Wind energy is harness and used to generate electrical energy and pump water. Technology includes wind mills, wind farms and turbines.
Hydro power
Hydro power energy generation powers 17% of world electrical energy requirements. The power is harnessed through hydroelectric dams, small hydro systems.
Biomass energy involves burning of wood and produces harmful carbon monoxide gases. Biomass fuel is used to generate electricity and production of methane.
Geothermal Energy
Geothermal power stations use thermal energy to produce electricity. Thermal energy is formed from the planets matter. The heat energy is harnessed by thermal stations and hot springs.
How to Become a Renewable Energy Entrepreneur
Choose a Niche
Renewable energy sources are numerous so you need to determine your niche. Focus on one source of energy and buy or develop technology. Profitable areas are heating and electrical energy generation.
Purchase Equipment
Purchase applicable equipment in line with your business template. Common equipment’s are inverters, solar panels, batteries and machinery.
The amount of money depends on your business plan and budget. Source funds through targeted savings, bank loans or borrow from friends and family. You need funds for rent, staff wages, equipment and marketing.
Target your customer demography through advertisements and online resources. Use newspaper advertisements, print and radio.
 Build a website and include images, services and contact address. Add an email address, phone number, about us page and products.


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