Top 20 Profitable eBay Business Ideas to Start from Home

Many people have found a good source of income selling products on eBay. The business is practicable from home part time and full time.
The secret to success is selling unique items not easily found in store. Items such as handmade woodwork, novelty items, prints and hand crafted toys.
You could also invest in merchandised items, rare items and limited edition items. To start the business you need to select a niche and procure the items.
The next step is buying the right equipment and setting up an eBay account. You need a laptop/computer, scanner, printer and internet connection.
silver necklace
Sell Sunglasses
Sunglasses are always popular items in the store. Make sure you sell trendy shades or limited edition shades.
Sell Used Cloths
Everybody has used cloths they want to discard. If the cloths are neat and nice you could sell them online. You need to consider shipment prices in your pricing.
Sell Toys
Sell home made toys that are unique and long-lasting. Popular toys are collectibles, electronic, limited edition, branded or wooden toys.
Sell Branded T-shirts
You could design amazing prints on t-shirts and sell. Make sure the designs are beautiful and cool. There are small printing Presses to help in monogram printing.
Sell Tie-dye Materials
Tie-dye materials are hand made and every pattern has its own identity. The print transfer method provides a purely African theme that is delightful and in demand
Sell Refurbished Items
There is an endless list of refurbished items to sell on eBay. Repair phones, electronic items, novelty items or woodwork. Focus your refurbishing enterprise towards your natural skill and talent.
Sell Luxury Products
A good and highly profitable niche is luxury products. Luxury products fetch premium prices and good profit margin.
Mobile Accessories
Although the business is saturated there is still room for new entrepreneurs. There are lots of mobile accessories to sell such as batteries, cases, are piece, Bluetooth devices and power banks.
Hair Accessories
To cash in on this huge market produce your own hair accessories. People are always on the look out for unique products.
Herbal Products
Although I am not a fan of herbal products you can’t doubt its popularity. Millionaires are made everyday form herbal product sales.
The industry is not properly regulated in most countries and the practitioners smile all the way to the bank. Common herbal products are soaps, creams, ointments and drugs.
Sell Handcrafted Jewelry
Handcrafted jewelry is very popular on eBay. They attract huge markets and provide regular income for craftsmen and women.
Sell Ebooks
Writers have found a market selling ebooks. Make sure your book is on a popular topic or specific niche. There are many ways to sell ebooks such as from your blog, or a marketplace like eBay.
Sell Other Peoples Products
You don’t have to create any product to sell them. Find a company that offers third party deals and dropshipping arrangement. You promote the product and they handle the shipment.
Rare Books
You can sell rare books or limited edition books. If the books is are hard to find you will get a buyers.How to Sell Used Books
Handmade Gift Items
Sell handmade gift items such as cards, enamel, wood or craft items. Unique gift items will find people interested in such gifts.
Craft Items
Craft items are huge sellers on auction sites. The craft should be interesting, well made and branded.
Antiques are also favorite items on eBay. You can buy them from flee markets, craft shows or antique stores. You need to learn about different types of antiques to know their real Value.


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