How to Start a Carbolic Soap Production Business

A mild antiseptic soap that contains carbolic acid is carbolic soap. Mass production of carbolic soap was introduced in 1894 by William Lever.
It has a distinctive smell and a popular disinfectant in early surgeries. The essential ingredients are primarily fat and alkali common to modern soaps.
The soap destroys bacteria and is a good deodorant and disinfectant. However the soap could cause irritation to sensitive skin.
Carbolic Properties
Carbolic properties are its rich red color, deodorant and disinfectant qualities. The mild soap is anti-bacterial and has a natural scent.
Interestingly some rural farmers use dissolved carbolic soap to drive away insects on farms. The underlining danger to people who consume such crops is not yet established
It is used to treat bumps, itching and as an insect repellent.  It is usually made into a bar soap and branded.
  • Rich red color
  • Deodorant
  • Disinfectant
  • Mild soap
  • Anti-bacterial
  • Natural scent
  • Used as an insect repellent
Carbolic Soap Ingredients
To produce the carbonic soap you need to know the ingredients. The common ingredients found in the soap are rosemary, eucalyptus carbolic fragrances and camphor.
Others include sodium tallowate, glycerin. Make sure the soap is phosphate free, gluten and sodium laurel free. The soap is primarily red due to the presence of carbolic compound.
  • Rosemary
  • Eucalyptus
  • Carbolic fragrances
  • Camphor
  • Sodium tallowate
  • Glycerin  
carbolic soap
The Soap Making Process
The soap making process involves the ingredients listed above. Sponification occurs when lye and fatty acid combine. The soap is an excellent surfactant and easily washes away dirt on skin. The disinfectant in the product encourages cleanliness and proper hygiene.
Write a Business Plan
Write a Carbolic Soap production business plan. Then carry out a survey and feasibility study.
The soap is hardcore old school and only few companies still make the product. Make sure the plan covers equipment, factory lease, staff, ingredient supplies and startup funding. Major producers of the product are found in the Caribbean’s.
Find a Supplier
Find a supplier of ingredients you need to produce the soap. Purchase them wholesaler or in bulk to reduce costs. You can also find credible suppliers online with simple keyword search.
The soap has nostalgia market to those in their seventies. It can be used in residential homes, clinics, local surgeries and health centers.
Sell your products online through your website or on eBay. Offline marketing includes printing flyer, call cards, banners and billboards. You need a large sign board in from of your retail store.


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