How to Start a Pizza Business in India

Pizza is a traditional dish that originated from Italy. The delicious fast food comprises flatbread, cheese, tomatoes sauce. More are different condiments, meat, and vegetables. The ingredients vary according to geographical location and recipe.
It is prepared fresh or frozen and baked in an oven. The snack is popular worldwide, easy to prepare. Commercial restaurant that offer the snack earn good income despite a few challenges.
Pizza Types and Toppings
The difference between each pizza is the toppings. Different types of pizza include Neapolitan, mozzarella, pizza alla marinara and pizza pugliese. Common toppings are olives, peppers, tomatoes, garlic. You have bacon, chicken, carrot, spinach, anchovies.
Common Pizza Toppings

  • Olives
  • Peppers
  • Tomatoes
  • Garlic
  • Bacon
  • Chicken
  • Carrot
  • Spinach
  • Anchovies
  • Cheese
Learn the Trade
The first step is to learn the trade. You need to know different types if pizza and how to make them.
Other aspects include creating a menu and gaining culinary experience. You could go to a culinary school, work at a pizza kitchen or become an apprentice.
Other ways are through online courses, books and vocational training. You need basic business and accounting skills to run the parlor. To acquire business knowledge take some classes.
Develop a Business Plan
It is essential you come up with a plan. The plan should focus on equipment, menu, staff and location. Focus on immediate and future goals to prepare a practicable blueprint.
To succeed you need to offer innovative services and delicious food. You could increase customer awareness through discount, free giveaways, friendly competitions or added services and products.
Franchising or Independent Business
There are basically two ways to get into the pizza business. You could leverage on a franchise or start independently. It takes more funds to join a popular franchise than starting from scratch.
However franchise owners offer ready made menus, and training. You gain from their experience, brand name and marketing paraphernalia. Another advantage of franchising is that you get loyal customers of the brand.
On the other hand independent operators need to cover every aspect of the business. The major advantage of being independent is full control of your establishment.
The Type of Pizza Services
You need to decide the type of services on offer. You could offer a restaurant type service or home delivery service. To offer delivery service you need a mode of transportation like motorcycle, bicycle or car. The target area for delivery should be with a maximum of 30 minutes from your location.
Choose a good business name and logo. This will become the identity of your pizza. Find a good graphic designer to create something unique, interesting and fun. The logo should be on your boxes including the address and phone number.
Find an Ideal Location
The best location is in commercial areas with lots of human and vehicular traffic. The location should be easily accessible. You can carry out a feasibility study and use realtors to find the ideal location. The location also affects the pricing, rent and type of clientele.
There are some guidelines to running a food business. Your establishment needs to comply with health and safely issues.
There is also food handler’s health including operational permit. Others include business registration, insurance and tax identification number. Find out state laws that apply to your food business.
You need to get funds to start the business. Acquire funds through target saving or borrow from friends and family. Approach any commercial bank in your area for long term low interest loans.
There are four types of ovens used n the preparation of pizza. You have the coal fired brick oven or wood oven. Others include conveyor belt oven and electric deck oven.
More equipment is the peel (long wooden paddle). You need disposable boxes, rolling pin, warmers. Small outfit needs a chef, receptionist, service personnel, manager, and delivery person.
Payment Methods
It is import you accept money through different payment methods. You can accept cash payments or POS payment. Other methods include credit card, debit card payments online.
Build a Website
Going online could double your output and profit margin. Make sure you get a good domain name, host plan.
The site should be attractive and include images of your product. Highlight the geographical location you cover, add terms of service. Introduce an online payment system, contact number to receive orders.
Deploy television adverts, radio, print in your marketing campaign. Print flyers, handbills, posters, billboards and signboard. Use targeted social media ads, Adwords to drive traffic to your website. Offer your customers discounts, run occasional promotions.


One can also approach a franchise business company to start a food or tech outlet.. they are highly profitbable.

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