Deli Restaurant: How to Write a Deli Restaurant Business Plan

Executive Summary
Mumbai Deli is a company that provides deli restaurant experience to lovers of nutritious food. The establishment will serve fast foods, salads and sandwiches with a focus on Indian cuisines. With our excellent location, unique deli experience we a poised to dominate immediate locality.
The business is community based, focused on middle class and upscale clientele. The company is registered as a sole proprietor business. Owned by Anita Hyde.
The company was started with an initial capital investment of $25,000.  The business is highly competitive with different fast food outlets, restaurant and food delivery establishments serving the same market.
The deliberate choice of downtown area is to provide a competitive advantage, closeness to customer base. Our target customers are business professionals, middle and upper class clientele. To generate greater sales volume the business will leverage on an array of services tailor made for discretionary tastes.
We will deploy an aggressive yet effective marketing strategy, word of mouth technique and promotions to drive awareness and patronage. The high quality food will attract a slightly higher price than those obtained in the industry.
This will reflect in our expanded menu and upscale branding. It is estimated that the company will achieve $230,000 sales in first year.
1.1 Mission
The combination of hot, cold salads and sandwiches including our expanded menu will differentiate us from the competition. The huge choice will encourage upscale patrons to choose our services. The pricing strategy will guarantee profit.
         Expanded Menu
         Upscale Patrons
         Pricing Strategy
1.2 Key to Success
The key to success is our extensive menu and high price. Our location within downtown area will offer corporate clients convenience. The use of aggressive marketing, promotional, word of mount and targeted social media would drive sales.
         Extensive Menu
         High Price
         Good Location
         Customer Base
         Aggressive Marketing
         Social Media Marketing
1.3 Objectives
We aim to make sales of $230,000 in the first year and $350,000 subsequent year. The income growth possibility will provide appreciable income for the proprietress. Since the business is funded by owner it maintains self-sufficiency the first year of operations.
Company Summary
Mumbai Deli is a business established out of passion and a lifelong dream of the owner
Startup Summary
With an initial investment of $25,000 generated from her personal savings. The business requires an additional loan of $35,000.
The loan will be interest free and secured with her personal assets. In addition she will source extra funding from family members to the tune of $10,000 repaid in two years.
Startup Expenses
The startup expenses include stationery, rent legal and expensed equipment. We have startup assets, cash required current assets, long-term assets and startup investment.
The total required is $70,000. This is divided into startup assets to fund $60,000, expenses to fund $10,000.
Company Location
Mumbai Deli is located in Mumbai India at a downtown community close to corporate clients. The facility is built to accommodate a maximum of thirty persons.
The facility consists of eating area, front area, counter, storage and kitchen. Equipment include refrigerator, ovens, cookers toasters and cutlery.
Company Ownership
Mumbai Deli is owned by Anita Hyde and is incorporated as a sole proprietor business. She occupies the role as CEO, founder and manager of the establishment. As the business grows the business status will change to reflect the growth.
Products and Service
 The products are served on site and ordered take out services. They include on-site meals, cold drinks, beverages, hot, cold sandwiches, lunch menu and cold cuts. Our breakfast menu will consist of toasts, eggs, omelets, tea and coffee.
The lunch menu will consist of salads, roasts, turkey and pork. The cuisine will reflect Mumbai’s style including seafood burgers, salmon rolls, and crab sandwich. Our menu will have salmon sourdough bread, fresh fruits and long berry tarts.
Salad types are Mumbai eggplant salad, potato salad. More are Indian salads, Caesar salad and sesame/watercress salad.
Future Products
The owner would conduct occasional surveys of customer preferences to develop new products.
Products and Service Description
1.       Chai
2.       Coffee
3.       Tea
4.       Mineral Water
5.       Soft drinks
6.       Fruit Juice
1.       Mumbai Eggplant Salad
2.       Potato Salad
3.       Caesar Salad
4.       Greek Salad
5.       Sesame and Watercress Salad
1.       Seafood Burgers
2.       Tuna Sub
3.       Veggie Sandwich
4.       Mumbai Seafood
5.       Burger
6.       Smoked Salmon Bread
7.       Chicken Soup
8.       Organic vegetable
9.       Salad
10.     Chips
11.     Fresh Apple Cake
12.     Loganberry Tarts
13.     Cheese Sandwich
1.       Fruits
2.       Orange juice
3.       Fish and chips
4.       Hash Browns
5.       Yogurt
6.       Eggs
7.       Toasts
Competitive Comparison and Sales Literature
The city is full of establishments with a wide variety of clientele. To drive sales the sales literature wild have the company’s address, phone number, menu list. It will be delivered through the use of flyers sent by mail.
Marketing Summary
The market is segmented into four customer base. The business will leverage on downtown traffic and local workers.
They include phone-in meeting delivers, community members, corporate clients, private individuals. The business is community based and accommodate both middle and upper class patrons.
Target Market
To attract our target market we will use flyers and word to mouth advertisement. Marketing trends worldwide is focused on healthy living, organic food. We will source our raw material from organic markets and farmers. Our core mission is to provide healthy and nutritious food. The meals are served in comfortable environment for enjoyable experience.
Service Business Analysis
The business is highly competitive because of the low entry point. Same applies for profitability which has low margins and rely on bulk sales. However there are huge companies who capture a particular sector of the industry.
To compete favorably we have a good location and offer appropriate pricing. We will provide quality food and create local dishes.
Strategy and Implementation Summary
Sales strategy is based on the specialized cuisine and community location. Others include our quality products, huge variety of menu and higher price.
Marketing Strategy
We will place a signboard in-front of the restaurant and use flyers. Promotional strategy are open parties, community based activities, radio advertisement.
We will use posters, banners and billboards. We will use social media targeting and build a website. We will accept credit card, debit cards and cash.
Price Strategy
We will offer a huge selection of high quality dishes. The price strategy is slightly above prevailing prices to encourage profitability.
The milestones are recruitment of employees. Sales contracts and networking. Others are bank loan, initial market communication, web implementation, registration of business name.
Sales Forecast
The sales forecast will focus on take out-dishes, coffee lines, lunch lines and breakfast lines. The business will leverage on strategic analysis to drive sales.
Management Summary
The company will have eight employees in total. The personnel plan are two busboys, kitchen staff, counter clerks and owner.
The owner will function as the manager of the establishment. The accounting and marketing would be outsourced. The payroll depends on what is obtainable in the demography.
         Counter Clerks
         Kitchen Staff

Financial Plan
The financial plan include $25,000 from owner, $35,000 loan and $10,000 borrowed from family and friends.
The loan is long-term interest free and secured with real-estate of owner. The general assumptions of a monthly plan are the current interest rate, long term inters rate and tax rate.
Key Financial Indicators
The financial indicators are predicated on daily earnings, gross, sales and operational expenses. The break-even analysis is based on the average percent variable cost and monthly revenue.
Projected Profit
The projected profit is based on low number of employees, higher prices. Pro forma profit/loss depends on direct cost of sales, sales and kitchen expenses.
The expenses are insurance, utility bills, payroll taxes and depreciation. Others expenses, payroll, sales and marketing. The projected cash flow is cash from sales while expenditure are cash spending and bill payments.

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