How to Start a Recreational Vehicle Camp Park

RV camp parks fall under leisure and outdoors recreational activities. They are popular and offers an entrepreneur huge returns on investment.
Such businesses offer RV owners a camp site during trips or holidays. The business is highly competitive and requires adequate planning.
To succeed you need to meet your customer’s expectations. The park should be functional, attractive and properly maintained.
You need serious capital to start an RV camp site. Funding is needed for structural buildings, landscaping, gardening, equipment, amenities and utility bills. It could take two years to obtain permit and certification as an RV park.
Starting a Recreational Vehicle Camp Park
Learn the Trade
To position you towards success learn the trade and acquire basic knowledge. You might need an RV management courses and accounting skill.
Try an apprentice program, find parks work or read books. You could attend workshops, seminars and learn through videos tutorials.
  • RV management courses
  • Apprentice program
  • Work in the industry
  • Read books
  • Attend workshops
  • Seminars
  •  Videos
  •  Tutorials
 Recreational Vehicle Camp
Locate the Park
The best location for your park is an area with lots of warm weather. Alternately provide adequate heating during cold seasons.
Focus on out-state locations along major highways and distant destinations. Locate the camp close to natural parks and wild animal sanctuaries.
Makes sure the location is economically viable and can accommodate minimum of 120 vehicles. You need to conform to zoning and provide adequate waste disposal units.
Other features include proper drainage system, water, electricity and security. Consider choosing as site close to theme venues and eateries.
  • Warm weather areas
  • Along major highways
  • Distant destinations
  • Natural parks
  • Close to wild animal sanctuaries
  • Mother Nature.
How to Start an RV Camp Park
There are three ways to start an RV camp park. You could leverage on a franchise, purchase an existing park or build from scratch.
To start from scratch you need to obtain building permits, business license and conform to several rules before certification.
Use a landscaper /architect to design the camp grounds. Then present the blue print to local authorities for approval. Buying an existing park is easier and less stressful than starting from scratch.
Buying into a franchise would face same challenges as starting afresh. The only advantage is using the franchises certification and acquiring fewer permits.
Camp Grounds Amenities
The grounds should have well maintained lawns and utilities. Basic utilities are electrical powers, standby generator, wireless hot spot and recreational spots.
You could include a swimming pool, barbecue stand, mini-grocery store and equipment rentals. More amenities are retail cloths store, gymnasium and cable television.
  • Electrical powers
  • Standby generator
  • Wireless hotspot
  • Recreational spots
  • Swimming pool
  • Barbecue stand
  • Mini-grocery store
  • Equipment rentals
  • Cloths store
  • Gymnasium
  • Cable television.
You need building permit for any structure you put up in the park. Other permits are business license, insurance, tax and trade license. 
Give the camp a good name and register it as a limited liability company. You could design a logo and brand your company. Try to join an ARVC association and reap the benefits of membership.
RV Camp Services
Camp services include repairing broken down amenities and providing power. Other services include providing an efficient waste disposal service.
Grass trimming, general maintenance work and cleaning service. Offer minor repairs, on-site stores and sell vehicle replacement parts.
Offer assistance to campers, provide variety and attractions. Accommodate horseback riding, canoeing, swimming, bicycle rentals, fishing and boat rides.
  • Repairing broken down amenities
  • Providing power
  • Waste disposal service
  • Grass trimming
  • General maintenance
  • Cleaning service
  • Minor repairs
  • On-site stores
  • Sell vehicle replacement parts
Advertise in RV park guides and magazines. Use local newspaper publications and highway billboards.
Promote the business through merchandising and free giveaways. Use branded caps, T-shirts, rubber wrist bands and key chains.
Use print media such as posters, flyers, sign boards and business cards. Don’t forget word of mouth, promotions and discount offers. To attract regular patronage establish a loyalty program to reward regular campers.
Build a website
Build a website or blog for the business. Drive traffic to the blog through quality post and SEO features. Use social media, classified websites, online directories and yellow pages.


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