How to Start a Specialty Freight & Courier Service

Specialty freight cargo handling involves serious logistics and networking. The mode of transportation defers however the objective remains the same.
A specialty freight courier’s job is to pickup and delivers goods to a predetermined destination intact and on time. The process of transporting cargo includes ground transportation, air, ship and inter-mode shipment.
Vehicles used by Specialty Freight Companies
The type of service determines the mode of transportation. It’s not uncommon to find freight and courier services using different vehicles to ship cargo. Many specialty courier company’s use tractor trailers, straight trucks and box trucks.
Vehicles used by Specialty Freight Operators
  • Mini van
  • SUV
  • Cargo van
  • Box truck
  • Pick-up van
  • Trucks
  • Straight trucks
  • Cars
  • Tractor trailers
Specialty Freight
Specialty Services
The company is at liberty to fashion the type of services they want to provide. You could offer pooled distribution, warehousing and courier services.
Other services include freight distribution, freight brokerage and cartage. Don’t forget cargo transportation, LTL services.
  •  Warehousing
  • Pooled distribution
  • Freight
  • Transportation
  • Courier services
  • Freight brokerage
  • Cartage
  • LTL
Major players in the courier business offer transportation, trucking and railroading services. They also offer entrepreneurs independent contraction opportunities.
Independent Contractor
If you don’t what to go through the hassles of setting up a full-blown specialty courier business, you could become an independent contractor. A specialist freight and courier contractor needs infinitely less capital and red tape to get onboard the courier business.
The major requirements are a good condition van, truck or car. To become an independent contractor you complete a pre-screening process and select your target market.
Once you pass the specially company’s requirement you become one of their independent contractors.
Companies that work in this industry have lots of staff. A lager company could hire staff strength of 50-200 employees. A small self employed establishment might make do with a smaller crew.
Many big courier companies are privately held. However a few might opt for equity sales in stock markets and become public companies.
You can incorporate your business as a limited liability company. Before starting the business find out local and state laws guiding the enterprise.
The exporter or importer pays the carriage, insurance and freight of the cargo. You need a personal identification number for tax purposes. Find out if the cargo you handle attracts value added tax.
Build a Website
You need a website to accept orders and do online transactions. The website should provide information about the company’s structure and management team.
It should also show area of operation, services, location and prices. Make sure the website is attractive and has good imagery and information. Include an email address, company address, specialties and telephone numbers.
Sell your services through television and radio advertisements. Organize community activities and use newspaper publication.
Print flyers, billboards, posters and banners. Offer discounts to frequent customers and create a competitive price chart.
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