How to Start Mouthwash Manufacturing

The function of a mouthwash is to reduce microbial load in the mouth. It is not a substitute for toothpaste but a useful antiseptic solution. After application of a fluoride toothpaste the person can rinse with water or use a mouthwash.
The scope of the business depends on the template. The entrepreneur can start a small or large scale manufacturing company. To succeed produce a quality and use develop a marketing strategy.
Starting a Mouthwash Manufacturing Company
Things to consider are obtaining a manufacturing license, factory equipment and hiring qualified labor. The person needs to formulate and get the product certified by the regulatory authorities.
Other considerations are funding, purchasing raw material and marketing. The business is highly competitive despite the few manufacturers in the industry.
Startup Considerations
         Obtain a manufacturing license
         Rent a factory
         buy appropriate equipment
         Hire qualified labor
         Formulate the product
         Get the product certified
         Secure funding
         Purchase raw material
         Develop a marketing strategy
Functions of Mouthwash
Mouthwash is very useful because it neutralizes acids in the mouth. Other activities include reduction in bad breadth, acts as saliva substitute and an antiseptic.
It acts as an anti-fungal, anti-inflammatory and analgesic. It leaves the mouth with fresh breadth while reducing bad odor in the mouth.
         It neutralizes acid in the mouth
         Reduces bad breadth
         Acts as saliva substitute
         an antiseptic
         Acts as an anti-fungal
         An analgesic
         Fresh breadth
         reduces bad odor in the mouth
How it Works
After using fluoride toothpaste the person rinses the mouth with water or mouth wash. The liquid is usually held in the mouth passively, gargled or swilled in the mouth.
The gaggling action might form liquid bubbles at the back of the mouth. The action reduces saliva molecules and could increase fluoride content in mouth.
Benefits of Mouthwash
The mouthwash is generally used as an oral hygiene routine and commercial antiseptic. The use does not eliminate the use flossing or brushing. There is no standard formula for mouthwash however it should combat cavities, bad breadth and bacteria plaque.
It is sometimes prescribed prior to oral procedure, used to treat oral ulcers, decreasing pain associated to oral lesions. It controls oral malodor and gingivitis.
         Used as an oral hygiene routine
         A commercial antiseptic
         Combat cavities
         Reduce bad breadth
         Fight bacteria plaque
         Prescribed prior to oral procedure
         Used to treat oral ulcers
         Decreasing oral pains
         Controls oral malodor and gingivitis
Side Effects of Mouthwash
The active ingredients like coloring, fragrance, preservatives and flavors might cause side effects. Side effects include stained tooth, dryness and sores. Other negative effects are allergic reaction, ulceration, taste disturbance and redness.
Side Effects
         Stained tooth
         Mouth dryness
         Allergic reaction
         Taste disturbance
The small business owner needs to register the company. Incorporate as a limited liability company and get liability insurance. They need tax identification number, FDA number and registration of brand name.
The product should pass inspection and secure certification before introduction to general public. The product should have seal proof cap, a label with manufacturing and expiration date. It should have address of company and telephone number.
         Incorporate as a limited liability company
         Get liability insurance
         Tax identification number
         Food and Drug Administration certification
         Registration a brand name.
         Place relevant information on product
Choose a location close to source of raw material or customer base. Make sure the factory is accessible with basic utilities including loading area.
Types of Mouthwash
Mouthwash comes in a variety of colors flavors and functions. Popular colors are blue, green, red and golden. The flavors are peppermint, eugenol, methyl salicylate and menthol.
The three types are the antibacterial products, fluoride mouthwash and re-mineralizing products. The one with fluoride is to fights tooth decay, antibacterial one for bad breadth while the last tackles lesions.
         Antibacterial products
         Re-mineralizing products
         Fluoride Mouthwash
Formulation and Ingredients
The ingredients differ slightly from one manufacturer to the next. However common ingredients are present to fight microbial causes of tooth decay. One of the main culprits of tooth decay is the Streptococcus mutans.
Common ingredients found in mouthwash are alcohol, Calcium, Betadine, Benzoic acid Benzalkonium chloride. Others are edibles oils, fluoride, flavoring agent, Glucocorticoids. More includes Zinc chloride, tricolsan, tranexamic acid, Sodium lauryl sulfate, sucralfate, sanguinarine and Methyl salicylate.
Common Ingredients in Mouthwash
         Benzoic acid
         Benzalkonium chloride
         Edibles oils
         Flavoring agent
         Zinc chloride
         Tranexamic acid
         Sodium lauryl sulfate
         Methyl salicylate.
Raw Materials
The manufacturer needs to find a credible source for ingredients or raw materials. Raw material that constitute mouthwash are flavoroids, soaps, colorant, antibacterial agents and dilutes. Treated or deionized water constitutes fifty percent of the raw material.
Therefore a manufacturer needs a good source of water. Antibacterial agents are tannic acid, salol, phenols, thymol. The alcohol content is about twenty percent and coloring flavors are added to the mixture.
Common flavoring are menthol, peppermint and packaging is in a transparent bottle. Manufacturers use specific formulation, compounding and stability testing. There are also viscosity checks, filling, batching and quality control.
The business is highly competitive and there are many products. To gain a share of the market the product should be good. Use electronic and print media to spread the word.
Use television, radio advertisement and newspaper publications. Print flyers, posters, banners and billboards. Build a website and use Facebook, instagram to push the product. Offer discounts, promotions and organize community based activities.


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