How to write a Sports Equipment Café Business Plan

Executive Summary (Stanford Sports Café)
Stanford Sports Cafe is a sports equipment store located near the National Stadium. Our niche is sales of athletic sportswear, sports gear and equipment. We offer a one-stop solution and combine coffee shop experience with an ultramodern sports equipment store.
Startup Requirements
The startup requirements are legal, marketing consultant, rent. Others are hiring a marketing consultant, expensed equipment.
Startup assets include startup inventory, current assets and long-termed assets. Startup funding raised is $150,000. Shared $50,000 each among the three owners. The funding requirements are non-cash assets, cash required.
Sports Equipment Café Startup
         Marketing consultant
         Hire a marketing consultant
         Expensed equipment
         Startup inventory
Liabilities include current borrowing, long-termed liabilities and account payable. The total funding is $150,000 while loss at startup is $75,000.
         Current Borrowing
         Long-Term Liabilities
         Account Payable
Company Location
The location is central to the success of the enterprise.  The shop is located a few meters from the national stadium guaranteeing regular patronage. The National stadium is a hub of commercial activity, sports and entertainment.
Company Owners
The business is duly registered as a limited liability company. Owners are Greg Stanford, Dorati White and Orlando Garland. The co-owner have contributed startup capital of $50,000 each.
Orlando is an ex-football player, former manager of a second division football club. Greg Stanford has a Bachelor’s degree holder in business management. While Dorothy White works as the procurement officer at a multi-national sports equipment company.
The Market
The sports equipment market has shown 5% growth every year. The increased interest is attributed to popularity of the premiere league, lawn tennis and athletics. The federal governments increased spending on sport festivals has played a key role in sales.
Management Summary
The owners wish to build a community based company by providing a coffee shop experience. Their main focus is sales of sportswear, equipment at a competitive price. They will draw on co-owners strengths to leverage the business for profitability.
The Organizational Structure and Personnel Plan
The organizational structure has Greg as company manager and Dorothy procurement manager. Orlando is the chief executive office of the company. The personnel plan includes CEO, procurement manager, company manager and two part time employees.
Company Personnel
         Company manager
         Procurement manager
         Chief executive officer
         Two part time employees
We strive to service both professional and amateur athletes. This will guarantee regular patronage from sport enthusiasts.
Local community can access our premium coffee shop for small community gatherings and recreation. We strive to provide a holistic experience for regular customers and visitors.
Value Proposition
We offer our customers high quality sportswear and equipment in a cozy environment. The coffee shop will serve premium brews and small chops.
Competitive Edge
The premium location close to a highly trafficked stadium is our competitive edge. Others include branded name, quality products and services. The sports equipment we sell are appropriately priced for better competitiveness.
         High traffic
         Good location
         Quality products
         Affordable prices
Sourcing of Products
The products are bought wholesale from top manufacturers worldwide. We strive to develop distribution channels and leverage on popular brands. The online ecommerce store would use drop-ship format and source additional goods from China.
The products are tracksuits, soccer boots, tennis bats, footballs. The coffee shop will brew Espresso Shakes, Espresso Regular. Other items are books, gear rentals, sports garments, T-Shirts
Sports Equipment Café Products
         Soccer boots
         Tennis bats
         Tennis balls
         Espresso Shakes
         Espresso Regular
         Gear rentals
         Sports garments
Pricing Strategy
The price would remain competitive and profitable. Sales forecast depends on volume of off-line and online sales. The forecast growth is placed at a moderate rate of 4% first year.
Promotion Strategy
Stanford Sports Café will leverage on social media marketers, blogs and website. We will hire third party advertisers, Facebook ads, Ad-words.
Distribution strategy will involve an online ecommerce store, courier serve. We will use mail order, drop ship strategy to expand our scope beyond physical location. Our online transactions would be facilitated through debit/ credit card payment.
Marketing Strategy
Our primary target are professional and amateur athletes. We will use sales promotions, community based marketing, discounts to attract customers. We will use personal sales, events and on-site advertisement.
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