How to Start a Mobile Dog Grooming Business

Mobile dog grooming business is very profitable and moderately challenging. To start the business you need experience, quality equipment. Others are mobile vehicle, funding and appropriately priced services.
Things to Consider
Business considerations are legal fees, advertisement fees, licenses and certification. Others are proper accounting, type of vehicle, business registration.
Contact your local government to find out the requirements. You need a vehicle insurance policy and liability insurance.
More considerations are utilities like water, electricity and standby generator. You need grooming equipment and a commercial driving license.
         Legal fees
         Advertisement fees
         Accounting, advertisement
         Type of vehicle
         Business registration
         Vehicle insurance policy
         Liability insurance
         Standby generator
         Grooming equipment
Gain Experience
To grain experience become an apprentice or get formal training. There are a few professional training courses and associations. Attend seminars, workshops, read tutorials, books and web publications.
Gain workplace experience by working with a certified groomer. Knowledge in other disciplines like dog training, pet sitting and animal healthcare is advantageous.
         Become an apprentice
         Get formal training
         Join an associations
         Attend seminars
         Read tutorials
         Web publications
         Gain workplace experience
         Get certified
Cover the vehicle with wraparound advertisement. You need a permit to advertise on the vehicle. On the advert include the company name, logo, location, telephone number.
Print flyers, posters, banners, billboards to reach potential customers. Place your adverts in pet shops, veterinary clinics, pet food stores and animal shelters. Network with pet photographers, doggie daycare centers and dog walkers.
Use newspaper publications, referrals, word of mouth or community based activities. Offer discounts to regular customers, build a website and use social media platform. Use promotions, print newsletters, brochures and use email marketing.
         Vehicle wraparound advertisement
         Print flyers
         Use referrals
         Word of mouth
         Community based activities
         Offer discounts
         Build a website
         Use social media platform
         Use promotions
         Print newsletters
         Use email marketing
The amount of money to charge customers depends on many factors. Factors include breed of dog, type of grooming and type of cut. Other considerations are how long it takes to complete job and location.
More things that affect price are distance, fuel costs and labor. Mobile groomers charge higher than location based groomers. This is because of transportation costs, maintenance of vehicle. They also offer personalized services and convenience.
You need a commercial driver’s license, vehicle particulars and insurance. You need advertisement permit, business license and vehicle insurance. You need liability insurance, tax identification number and register the business as a limited liability company or sole proprietorship.
Define Operational Area
Since you offer mobile services you need to define service area. The area should be reasonable distance from your office or home. Focus on your immediate environment and locations not more than 30 minutes driving distance.
It is important to organize outcalls and group according to demography. This will offer better efficiency and reduce transport costs. You can meet appointments on specific days depending on your schedule.
Common locations are individual homes, apartments, office complex.
Mobile Dog Grooming Equipment
Make sure the vehicle is fitted with mobile dog grooming equipment. Common equipment are nail clippers, bows, cleaning products, shampoos.
Others are blow dryers, bandanas, brushes and shears scissors. More are clippers, bathtub, grooming tables, electrical outlets, lighten and generating set.
         Nail clippers
         Cleaning products
         Blow dryers
         Shears scissors
         Grooming tables
         Electrical outlets
         Generating set
The Vehicle
The vehicle is the most important equipment in the mobile grooming industry. The vehicle should be large enough to contain grooming equipment and a grooming table.
Preferred vehicles are trailers or large vans. Most grooming vehicles are converted and fitted with appropriate equipment. The conversion should meet high way traffic safety administration standards.


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