How to Make Money from Home as an EBay Trading Assistant

Selling items on eBay requires knowledge of drop shipping business. The popular auction giant has 200 million registered users and 600 million listed items.
Many people find it difficult fulfilling orders and selling items in the marketplace. They need help and are willing to share in the profit.
To fill this void eBay introduced a trading assistant program. The trade assistant helps sell stock and keeps a percentage.
What you need as an eBay Trade Assistant
You need good interpersonal skill and a trading structure. Others include an eBay account, merchandizing experience and good trading account. You need storage facility and moderate photographing skill.
Benefits of Becoming a Trade Assistant
There are many befits to becoming a trade assistant. A trade assistant provides valuable service to traders.
It attracts zero upfront costs, free inventory and huge number of products. The products could be high end items or non traditional merchandise. They fill a need, help others and make profit.
  • zero upfront costs
  • free inventory
  • huge number of products
  • assistance
  • profit making
EBay Requirements for Trade Assistants
Before offering your services you need a deep understanding of eBay. Read the terms and condition of service and guidelines.
Make sure to sell some personal merchandize before selling for others. To get listed in the trade directory eBay the assistants should have a satisfaction rating of 97%, 50 feedback ratings and at least 8 item sold in 60 days.
  • satisfactory rating of 97%
  • 50 feedback ratings
  • At least10 item sold in 60 days.
How to become an eBay Trading Assistant
Product selection is an important part of your job description. Select products based on your experience and passion.
Set a minimum value on items you wish to sell. Focus on items with sales value higher than $25.
The assistance should set fees form 10%-40%of final auction price. There are other money making opportunities such as per-item listing fees based on a successful auction.
Other functions of a trade assistant are item listing, collection of payment from buyer and shipping the item. Conduct research to determine item value and create a contract. 
Study other Trade Assistants
To have a good knowledge of best practices study your competitors. Find out the services they offer, prices and preferred items.
The job description involves physically meeting buyers and sellers. Another alternative is accepting items through shipment or cargo.
Contract Details
The contract details should include services, stocking and payment details. List your charges, fees and commissions. In the contact you could include drop shipment service or courier.
Promote the Trade Assistant Business
The best place to promote your services is on eBay. The website has a trade assistant directory based on geographical location.
Listings are free and study the best practices. Promote the business by using paid classified websites, newspaper publications and craigslist.
Offer your services on eBay related forums and websites. Use word of mouth, print flyers, brochures and newsletters. Offer your services to small business owners and private individuals.


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