BookScouter: Sell Second Hand Text Books with BookScouter

Those second hand books in your bookshelf maybe more valuable than you think. Luckily online commerce has provided innovative solutions to many problems.
Selling used books has become relatively easy and you get the best price on offer. A good website to consider for second hand books is BookScouter. 
BookScouter was established in 2007 and the founder is Brandon Checketts. The website is a marketplace for sellers and buyers of used books. Membership is absolutely free simply signup and join.
About BookScouter
You can buy and sell your text books for the best price on BookScouter. The website offers a search tool for title search and ISBN search.
You also have a choice of 42 buyback vendors and free shipping. Other features include price comparison and sellers feedback.
They also offer a downloadable app for faster reviews, prices and ratings. Check out their buy section to compare textbook prices.
Why use BookScouter
The websites helps individuals and small business owners sell used books for the most money. You only need to compare offer 30 offers and prices from vendors.
 The website has the largest textbook buyback price comparison tool. They offer best price recommendations, buyback resources and vendor rating and reviews.
  • Get best deals
  • largest textbook search tool
  • buyback
  • price comparison tool
  • offer best price recommendations
  • buyback resources
  • vendor rating and reviews
How BookScouter Operates
Selling your books on BookScouter is simple and straightforward. Locate the ISBN number of the book you want to sell.
The number is usually at the back of the book or first few pages. The next step is imputing the umber on a search bar. Another method is to simply enter the title of the book.
After a few days you will get offers from vendors. You select the offer you like and ship to the vendor. Some vendors provide shipping labels and box.
How Does BookScouter Work
  • Go to BookScouter and enter ISBN number
  • Get price offers
  • Accept best price offer
  • Many vendors provide shipping label and box
  • Vendors inspect the book then approve payment
  • Once approved receive payment via PayPal or check
  • Amount paid depends on value of book
How to Collect Payment
Make sure the book description is accurate and true representation of the product. Before shipping to a vendor, study reviews, user engagement and ratings.
You receive payment through PayPal or checks. The payment is facilitated on the BookScouter website but sent by the vendor.
The amount you make depends on the value of the book. To increase earning join their affiliate network and use their app to find best deals.
Affiliates earn about $0.15 USD per click. They also have pay per sale program for members.
Identity Issues
The website experiences leakages in member’s personal identity information. This might be due to inadequate security software on the site.
There are only a few countries that can participate on this website. Therefore find out countries eligibility status.
Don’t forget to get their mobile apps to view vendors rating and buyback prices. The app on offer works exclusively on IOS and Android smartphone’s.


Tom Corson-Knowles, the author who founded Bestseller Ranking Pro, spent six long years trying to get a traditional publishing deal (and failed miserably). He finally decided to self publish his first book on Kindle in February, 2012.

That one decision changed his life (and the lives of the more than 30,000 authors he's since taught how to write, publish and market their books professionally).

Just twelve months after self publishing his first book, Tom had his first $12,000+ month from Kindle ebook royalties alone.

In Bestseller Ranking Pro, Tom will share with you his step-by-step system for becoming a bestselling author.

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If you're going to write, publish or promote a book this year, you need to see this:

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