Guide to Starting a Handyman Business

Handyman business requires a general knowledge of plumbing, electrical and carpentry. Handymen are always in demand and the business is slightly challenging.
The business is practicable full-time or part time and you need to purchase appropriate tools. Many handymen save cost by leasing equipment and working from home.
To start the venture you need to write a business plan and carry out a feasibility study. Understanding your customer needs and location is essential to success of the enterprise. You can start with low funds and slowly increase spending.
Guide to Starting a Handyman Business
Obtain a Business License
Obtain a business license and state trade license. Incorporate as a sole proprietorship or limited liability company. You need a tax identification number and basic insurance policy.
Build a Website
You need a domain name and host plan to build a website. You could hire someone to build the site or do it yourself. Make sure the website is targeted at your local community.

Purchase Tools
Purchase basic tools you need to carry out your duties. You could lease more expensive tools as required.  
The tool you need include hand tools, tool box supplies, plumbing tools. Other important tools are hammer, drills, saws, ladder, safety equipment and cleaning equipment. You also need proper tool storage equipment like boxes, crates or shelves. 
List of Handyman Tools
You can start your handyman business with basic hand tools. And later increase inventory as the business grows.
The job description determines the tools needed to complete the repairs. Basic tool you need include tool belt, hacksaw, voltmeter, step ladder, corded jig saw and stud finder.
Others are circular saw, cordless vacuum, flashlight, cordless drill. Protection gear includes knee pads, latex gloves, dust mask and eye goggles. More tools are wrenches, paint scrapers, screw drivers, files, and hammer.
Handyman Tools
  • tool belt
  • hacksaw
  • step ladder
  • corded jig saw
  • stud finder
  • circular saw
  • cordless vacuum
  • flashlight
  • cordless drill
  • knee pads
  • latex gloves
  • dust mask
  • eye goggles
  • wrenches
  • paint scrapers
  • screw drivers
  • files
  • hammer
Develop a Good Relationship
It is very important developing a trust relationship with your client. Many handymen do lots of sharp practices, steal and cheat clients.
Offer quality work, fair prices and be courteous to customers. The business is built on repeat patronage of satisfied clients. Honesty, good time management and top notch work are the keys to success.
You need to keep track of your income and expenses. Use proper management software to calculate your expenditure and income.
Handyman Income and Expenses
There are some expenses incurred by handy men. Expenses are advertisement costs, transportation, and tool. Others are utility bills, insurance cover and job costs. Average monthly expenses could cost about $1,600.
Total income includes referrals, networking, online listing and website maintenance. Others are leads, Craigslist leads and recurrent customers.
Average monthly income could range from $4,000-$6,000. You could estimate your hourly rate based on actual site hours, and official hours. You can place an hourly rate at $30-$40 per hour.
To attract clients you need to advertise. Use print media such as flyers, business cards, billboard and posters. Other methods are through local newspaper advertisements and magazines. Use classified websites, Craigslist Facebook adverts ad Adwords.


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