11 Best Free Web Hosting Websites

Small business owners know the importance of having an online presence. A website would attract clients, improve sale and company visibility.
Startup entrepreneurs struggle with low funds, competition and increased inflation. Building a website involves some financial involvement to purchase domain name and paid host plan.
This scenario easily applies to the young people, graduates and unemployed. Embracing the web should not dent the pocket of new comers.
There are several platforms for website building with zero investment.  And a few host providers that offer free hosting and sub domain names. This is an ideal arrangement because upgrading is relatively easy.
Most host providers offer free plans and encourage upgrades to paid host plans and more features.  Listed below are 11 host providers that offer users free hosting.
web hosting
WebfreeHosting.net offers completely free hosting services.  They have a simple 1 click website builder for Wordpress or joomla.
The package has a Bandwidth of 5GB including 1 free email account. Other features are 1GB storage including 1 domain name and 3 sub domain names. The host plan is not eCommerce compatible.
They offer unlimited bandwidth, unlimited storage and free sub domain. The host plan allows eCommerce product listing, shopping cart and product search. You don’t get any email however the website has a simple drag-drop builder.
Features are 20GB bandwidth, no email and 5GB storage. The website builder is 1 click Wordpress installation.
They support eCommerce with a 1-click installation for ZenCart, PHPShop and Joomla. 5GB Store and uses CloudLinux operational system and cutting edge technology.
FreeWebHosting Area.com
They offer 1.5GB storage, unlimited bandwidth and 1 click installation for blogs and forums. The have free sub domain. You don’t get an email with the free package.
FreeHostia.com has a fee website building service with 1 click installation. They also have a choice of free templates.
Storage size is 250 MB and bandwidth of 6GB. The package comes with 3 email accounts, 5 hosted domains and 1- click eCommerce cart installation.
With over 10 years hosting experience the website has Wordpress and joomla installers. They offer no eCommerce solution and allow 1 domain and 3 sub domain names. You get 1 email account 5GB bandwidth and 1GB storage.
Weebly is a popular website builder that offer free and paid host plan. You get the Weebly sub domain name, no eCommerce and 500MB storage.
Other features of the plan include unlimited bandwidth, free templates and drag-drop features. An upgrade allows eCommerce store building.
X10hosting has unlimited storage, unlimited bandwidth and 3 free email accounts. They support the latest cPanel, MySQL and PHP versions.
The website builder supports 150 templates and cPanel installations. Install an eCommerce store with 1 click installation.
000webhost offer users 100GB Bandwidth and 1.5GB storage. 1 clicks installation and 100+ templates. The host providers allow unlimited number of domain names and free sub domains.
The website builder is drag-drop with many templates. Storage size 500MB, Bandwidth 500MB, Wix sub domain name, no email, no eCommerce.
Biz.nf provides 1-click Wordpress installation and free Wordpress themes. Thy offer FTP accounts, PHP5 and MySQL. The plan comes with free sub domain, 500MB bandwidth and 250 Mb storage space.


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