How to Start Sachet Pure Water Production Business

Good clean water is an integral part of human existence. Clear drinking is important to our well-being and development.
Many countries in South America, Africa and Asia experience clean water shortage. Drinking water is in high demand and water sachet producers have sustained and regular demand.
If you are in a location with serious water shortage then sachet water business is your best bet. The business is so lucrative that practitioners tend to acquire large fortunes.
The business requires huge startup capital, manpower and effective strategy. Moving water is stressful and challenging and you need proper logistics to succeed. There are a few things to consider before starting the business.
Why Start a Sachet Water Business
There are lots of reasons to start this business. The primary reason is huge profit potential and other economic reasons.
Others include poor infrastructure by government and inadequate water supply. More indicators are increase in population, essential commodity, affordability and prevention of waterborne diseases.
sachet water
Startup Costs
The startup costs depend on the scope and size of the enterprise. Other cost considerations are land procurement, equipment costs, labor, transportation and marketing.
Sachet Water Factory Site
Make sure you choose a location that has serious drinking water challenges. The factory should have proper utilities, piping, machinery and storage equipment.
The factory should be accessible with good road network to accommodate heavy vehicles. Ideal locations are within residential areas and highly populated areas.
Water Sources
The location could be close to a natural water source, spring, lake or dam. You could source the water by digging boreholes, wells or create a reservoir.
 Make sure the site is far from contaminated soil, refuse dumps, and fuel deports. More bad locations are close to septic treatment plants, pit latrines and fuel deports.
Water Source
  • natural water source
  • spring
  • lake
  • dam
  • digging boreholes
  • wells
  • Create a reservoir.
Register the Business
Register the business as a sole proprietorship or limited liability company. You need tax identification number and trade license.
Your products are subjected to quality test and registration by NAFDAC. Once approved the National Agency of Food and Administration would provide a NAFDAC number.
  • limited liability company
  • tax identification number
  • trade license
  • NAFDAC number
  • NFDAC approval
Sachet Water Making Equipment
Most sachet water companies dig boreholes and install water treatment units. More are equipment are boiler, filter units.
They install overhead tanks, automated filling/sealing machines and nylon materials. They have heavy duty trucks that carry and distribute the product.
The companies outsource printing of the logos to local screen printers. You need a generating set, small fork lift (optional).
An average factory is capable of producing 120 bags per hour equivalent to 400-500 bags a day at full capacity.
  • dig boreholes
  • pumping machine
  • water treatment units
  • boiler
  • filter units
  • heavy duty trucks
  • overhead tanks
  • wooden pallet
  • automated filling/sealing machines.
You need to consider point of entry costs, production costs and utility. Others are transportation costs, handling, materials and staff wages. The price of the product is moderated by the local association.
Water is sold at predetermined prices by members and cuts across the particular local government. Therefore the price of the product is uniform to avoid undue competitiveness and underhanded practices.
The water is packaged in 20 pieces of 500ml sachets in a large nylon bag. Staff.
Hire Staff
A small water sachet producer requires man labor to carryout the distribution and loading. They could purchase a forklift or load trucks manually.
 Staff requirements include drivers, machine operator, and accountant. Others are driver assistant, cleaner and security guards.
Factory Staff
  • Forklift driver
  • casual laborers
  • drivers
  • machine operator
  • accountant
  • driver assistant
  • cleaner and security guards.
The major challenge in sachet water business is distribution and getting new customers. The business is highly competitive and there are many players.
To secure buyers you need a delivery truck and marketing strategy. Hire sales representatives to find retailers and shop owners in your locality. Producers also sell to private individuals who purchase in bulk.
How to Start Sachet Water Production
  • Secure a business premises
  • Incorporate the business
  • Sink a bore hole
  • Install overhead tanks
  • Equip a distillation system
  • Apply for NAFDAC approval
  • Purchase sealing equipment
  • Install a generator
  • Nylon bags
  • Packaging material
  • Employ staff
  • Market the products


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