How to Create a Social Networking Site

Social media networks have become million dollar businesses. Not surprising from the lowly start when early webmaster had no clue how to monetize traffic.
Building the site is highly challenging and requires serious strategizing and planning. Monetizing the network come with its own level of difficulty.
List of Social Media Websites
There are hundred of social media networks online. Popular sites include Facebook, MySpace, Twitter and Instagram. Others are SnapChat, StumbleUpon, reddit and Redgage.
How to Build a Social Network Site
There are four ways to build a social network. You could hire a professional to build the site or purchase software. Other options are white label platforms or build yourself from scratch.
Social Network Software
A viable way to build your network is to purchase premium software. The software is ready to use and configure.
The software usually offers customization options and templates. You could select the theme, colors, applications and functionality.
The network could be up and running within 10 minutes. Such platforms allow white label rights and charge membership fees. Downloadable Software solution providers include phpFox, Social Platforms.
Hire a Web Developer
Hire a professional to build your social network. The pro would do all the coding and installation of the website. You could visit freelancer and find someone to build your site.
Popular Social Network Building Tools
Onesite provides website hosting and social networking. The social network is easily integrated with an existing website.
The quality platform has the free and paid package. The solution is standardized and easy to customize. You are prompted to buy a domain name on the free package.
The free package allows only 100 users while an upgrade costs $30 and 1,000 users. A further upgrade costs $200 per month and 10,000 users. Fully customized designs are rather pricey.
CollectiveX is more geared towards groupings. The platform has a forum, share information and upload pictures.
The premium price is $9 per month and free package shows advertisement. They also have a one time fee of $99 for their product.
More Social Networking Platforms
Popular social platforms to consider are kickApps and CloudVine. Others are GoingOn, and PeopleAgregator and Haystack.
Marketing the Social Site
You need to drive traffic to your social network. Use newspaper publications, blog posts and press releases. List your site on directories and yellow pages.
List of Social Network Platforms
  • kickApps
  • CloudVine
  • GoingOn
  • PeopleAgregator
  • Haystack
  • CollectiveX
  • OneSite
  • Ning


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