Freelance Writing Business Ideas: How to Start a Freelance Writing Business

Content marketing is the number one business online. The web is based on lots of content whatever the website or blog is about.
This has opened doors to professional and armature writers. Like most creative forms writing is an art form that requires nurturing and constant practice.
There are many writing opportunities for content contributors such as writing for top brands, article directories, paid articles, magazine submissions and blogging. You have guest blogging, paid blogging, paid to write articles, reviews and top marketing blogs.
To turn your writing passion into a business you need to monetize your words. Many writing assignments are priced on word count, original content and proficiency of the writer.
Finding freelance writing work isn’t easy and sometimes clients steal the writers work with no remunerations. There are ways a writer can safe guard his work to increase the possibility of payment.
Getting Paid
To get paid for your articles ask for payment upfront. Some freelance websites collect payment ahead and only refunds if the customer isn’t happy. The customer has to give reasons or request further editing or corrections.
They have 24 hours non pay back policy once the article is submitted. The customer has to accept or decline based on the article submitted. These measures are used to safeguard writers from unscrupulous elements.
Another way to ensure payment is to request a signed contract or send an invoice to the client. The payment invoice should include phone number, service rendered, date, due date and name.
There are many online invoice solutions such as PayPal, Shopify, FreshBooks and Expensify. The advantage of freelance writing is that it works both part time and full time.
The best way to start writing is plan for success, learn how to write, practice the craft and seek legitimate writing jobs.
Offer Packaged Charge
Offer your charges based on a packages rather than word count. Word count and hourly prices will not put food on your table.
Create a package deal commensurate to the assignment and scope of work. Amateur writers or newbie can try word count to develop their skill however it has time constraints and little remunerations.
An article of 400 words in some writing websites attracts about $3. Base your package deal on value not word count or hourly rate.
Consider labor cost, word count and value to set a competitive price. Make sure your price is fair then send invoice on completion of project.
Examples of Package Deals
 . Blog post- charge a package deal such as 5 blog posts of 500-800 words per month at a particular price
. E-book Package- deal based on content and pages.
. About page, Privacy Policy page, Reviews
. Create Custom Packages for sale
How to Start your Freelance Writing Business
The best thing about freelance writing is zero startup cost. All you need is proper writing skills, a computer or laptop and internet connection. You need to discover your own style, focus on a niche and create a website or blog.
Pick a Niche
Writers have the ability to write about every topic quite easily. However narrowing your field shows clients your specialty and knowledge of the subject matter.
Things that differentiate your style include writing unique and original content. Make sure the niche you chose correlate with the content of your blog.
There are lots of niche subjects like fashion, politics, entertainment and heath. Other groups include fitness, technology and other topics.
Find a profitable niche that complements your knowledge and appeals to you.
Build your own Blog
Every writer needs a blog to showcase his writing skill. You need a portfolio of original content to grab editor’s attention when searching for jobs.
There is nothing more powerful than quality, original content to snag paying jobs. Your blog provides an outlet for content and builds a loyal following.
Your blog or website is where clients reach you for commissioned jobs. You can also sell your packages from the site.
It also helps with portfolio building and sampling.
Blog Categories
Select a topic for your blog from a large pool of categories. General categories are writing articles, bios, product reviews, and stories. Others are such as research papers, ebooks or blog posts.
Testimonials and Recommendations
Your website or blog needs testimonials and recommendations from happy clients. This goes a long way to convince new clients to try your services.
Get real testimonials from legitimate sources. Offer free content in exchange for honest reviews and testimonials from blog masters.
You can actively seek and associate with premium brands in your niche area. Make sure your website has a professional look, easy to navigate with a commerce page.
Create your package, and write original content with a contact page. Don’t forget SEO techniques to increase traffic to your website.
Some Advantages to Owning your Own Blog
Good for portfolio building
Showcases your writing skills
Attracts potential clients
Helps develop your writing skill
You can offer packaged deals for cash
It create writing opportunities
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Refine your Writing Skill
Owning a web blog helps refine your writing skill through regular content contribution. Writing regularly helps develop abilities to meet deadlines and schedules.
Try guest blogging, article networks to contribute content and define your skill.  And contribute content to top blogs in your niche area.
Although you don’t get paid it attracts traffic to your blog and better recognition. Some webmasters might offer you a paid deal based on your content.
Post content to gain experience, build trust, meet schedules and learn new skills.
Offer Commercial Solutions
To get paid directly from your blog or website offer commerce solutions. Create a page such as’ Hire Me’, ‘Work with Me’, ‘I Can Write for You’.
Marketing yourself is better than earning peanuts on freelance sites with huge number of writers and very low paychecks.
How to Make Money Online
Ways to Find Paying Clients
The biggest challenge for a freelance is finding genuine paying clients. You can reach clients by leveraging on region magazines or small business groups.
Use forums and offer solutions to members, webinars or guest posting to reach clients. Gather a formidable email list, get referrals and use your blog. Don’t forget the powerful reach of social media sites.
If you are not averse to slave labor join freelance writing sites and bid for jobs. Other ways are outright sales for articles and revenue sharing content farms.
Writers today have lots of opportunities to earn moderate income from their craft. They need to create a business plan and actively seek higher paying jobs.
You can even monetize your blog through advertisement networks for added income.


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