How to Make $1000 with Udemy Affiliate Program

Udemy offers online learning in a simple and practical way. They have different courses that cover a huge spectrum of subjects.
Founded in 2010 they host over 48,000 courses and are the top destination for online courses. Thousands of tutors, professional instructors and teachers produce courses on the site.
There are two main ways to make money on Udemy. The first is to publish a course or become an affiliate.
Ways to Make Money on Udemy
People that offer their course on Udemy make tons of cash. The course should be comprehensive and approved by the website.
To create the courses consider making videos, PDF files and Slideshows. An affiliate uses a special URL to direct visitors to a particular course.
They earn commission if the visitor signs up for the course. Affiliates earn a whooping 40% for their effort.
To become an affiliate sign up with the website for free. Then understudy the workings of the site.
Many affiliates earn from $100 to $1000 a month. To succeed the affiliate needs a platform such as a blog or website.
Then drive traffic to the blog through quality content and proper SEO. Use social media channels and advertisement to attract the right traffic. Another strategy is to choose popular course with 4.5 to 5 star ratings.
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Course Categories on Udemy
Udemy features 14 categories such as Business, office production, language, test preparation and music. Others are academic, photography, personal, and teacher training. More include health/fitness, development, design, marketing, IT and software
  • Business
  • office production
  • language
  • test preparation
  • music
  • academic
  • photography
  • personal
  • teacher training
  • health/fitness
  • development
  • design
  • marketing
  • IT
  • Software
Supported File Types on Udemy
The website supports various types of files to give the student a holistic experience. Supported files are video tutorials, lectures, articles and combined presentations.
 Lecture file types comprise GIF, BMP, PNG and JPG. The image files allowed should be smaller than 1megabyte.
Combined lectures include video presentations and slides. PowerPoint presentation slide are made into PDFs. While video files accepted are MOV, WMV and MP4 files.
They also support files form additional resources such as PPT,MP3,MOV,and XLS. Source code file accepted are Ruby and Python files.
Supported Files
  • JPG, PDFs, MOV
  • WMV and MP4
  • PPT,MP3
  • MOV and XLS
How to Earn More as an Udemy Affiliate
To earn more as an affiliate build a website and select a custom domain name. Create social profiles, build newsletter list and post regularly on social channels. Select popular courses prepare deals and network with instructors.


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