How to Start a Hot Water Bottle Manufacturing Business

The hot bottle is basically a rubber container that is filled with hot water. It is built to retain heat, provide warmth during cold season or aid a sick patient. Most are made from traditional rubber or PVC. You also have latex or phthalate free products for children with allergies.
The bottles are moderately priced and come in beautiful motifs, designs and patterns. Some are transparent, smooth, ribbed or plain. You also get them in different standardized sizes.
Investors interested in manufacturing hot bottles can make good money. The person needs to invest in equipment, sourcing raw material and registration a company.
They need to understand the manufacturing process and international standardization provisions. To start the business you need funds, good location and manufacturing license.
Different Types of Hot Water Bottle
You have a huge choice of hot water bottles in the market. They are generally built using traditional rubber or PVC. Modern types are built with quality rubber and are built to receive hot water.
To preserve the products manufacturers add non perishable rubber compound or less based on quality. The product needs to have the capacity to retain heat, good insulator and durable.
The types of hot water bottle are based on their different sizes, patterns and designs. You have novel hot water bottles, electric bottles, transparent ribbed or smooth.
The ribbed could be on one side and smooth on the other side. It could be ribbed on both sides, transparent, smooth or ribbed. Some are patterned, plain or based on size and dimension.
The group, fill or capacities vary however the standard size of a hot water bottle is 2.0L. However different sizes include 1.0L, 0.80L, and mini 0.5Lor extra large size of 2.7L. Theses sizes are based on availability of bottle covers or replacement stoppers.
Hot Water Bottle Types
  • novel hot water bottles
  • electric bottles
  • transparent ribbon or smooth
  • ribbed on both sides
  • transparent
  • smooth
  • ribbed on one side
  • some are patterned
  • plain hot water bottles
Raw Materials
The raw material depends on the type of bottle. Modern bottles are made from Indian rubber, natural rubber or PVC. Some manufacturers include novelty designs or fabric covers. Newer products use novel things like heat pads, polymer gel or wax. You find materials such as silicone based material instead of the traditional runner.
Rubber Types
  • Indian rubber
  • PVC
  • Local rubber
  • Natural rubber
hot water bottle
Product Safety
There is a mandatory standard for the design, performance, labeling and construction of the product. Key requirements for product safety include structural integrity, strength of seams.
Others are stopper leakage and pressure resistance. The manufacturer is mandated to provide labeling that contains warning indications and advice.
Importation Standards
The hot water bottle must meet specified international UK standards. The PVC should have specific thinness to avoid leakage, splits or burns. The product is mandated to meet British standard BS 1970:2012. The standardization covers filling requirements, none stick or blocked inside of bottle and ability to fill to recommended capacity 30s.
Although the standardization does not cover filling procedure the filling time depends on the filling aperture. The recommendations are no over filling, make sure funnel empty, inspection of damaged stopper, wear and tire.
How to use a Hot Water Bottle
The bottle should be wrapped by a towel before use. It must be checked for rips, splits or perished products. The products should have appropriate labeling and cover firmly closed before use.
Don’t add very hot water and avoid sitting or lying on the product. Don’t over fill and use a cover wrap such as a towel around the bottle before use. It is important to maintain care when filling with hot water and disposes of substandard products or report to regulatory authorities.
Users must make sure funnel is empty, avoid overfilling and avoid placing anything when storage. Finally always look for British Standardization mark. BS 1970:2012. BS 1970:2001 or BS 1970: 2006. There is however other standardization provisions based on the country of manufacture.
Safety Measures
1.  Bottle wrapped by a towel before use
2. Checked for rips, splits or perished products
3. Should have appropriate labeling
4. Cover firmly closed before use
5. Don’t add very hot water
6. Avoid sitting or lying on the product
7. Don’t over fill
9. Use a cover wrap
10. Care when filling with hot water
11. Dispose of substandard products
12. Make sure funnel is empty
13. Avoid placing anything on it in storage
14. British Standardization mark. BS 1970:2012. BS 1970:2001 or BS 1970: 2006.
Product Testing
 The product testing includes visual checks, design and structural integrity check. The manufacturer needs to test the performance and basic design.
Product Guarantee
 As a manufacturer you need to include a product guarantee. Under the consumer guarantee act you are mandated to provide a replacement, refund or compensate if your product is unsafe. The consumer on their part could choose to report to a regulatory body.
Before you acquire a manufacturing license make sure the product conforms to standardization requirement. You must conduct quality test through out the manufacturing stage to get the proper standardization.
You need to get a business name and register a limited liability company. Other requirements are liability insurance and TIN number. There are also waste disposal provisions that guide the industry.
The choice of factory location depends on two factors. You could locate the business based on availability of raw material the PVC or on nearness to market.
Things to consider when choosing a location are transportation, road network and utility. Make sure the factor can accommodate equipment, warehousing and administrative office.
The hot water bottles face serious challenge from heat blankets, reusable hot packs and modern heating. The demand worldwide is reducing however very cold regions still have a fair share of the market.
Top countries that use the product are Australia, Chile, United Kingdom, and Ireland. The manufacturer needs to find active markets and use product branding and advertising to reach potential customers.


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