Home Based Businesses Ideas -Top 17 Home Based Business ideas

There are many business ventures you can do that are home based. The business ventures are as diverse as the creativity of the individuals involved in this kind of business.
Home based businesses are good money spinners and they allow the business person time to pace his work load.
There are many home based businesses such as service oriented businesses to job related businesses. Indians are very creative and can start any of these business ventures right from there home.
indian home
Home Seating Service
Home seating service is a simple business that requires zero capital involvement. The business involves taking care of a clients home when they are away on holidays.
Many people don’t like leaving there homes empty for long duration and they are willing to pay a reputable home seating service to monitor their home.
You need to have very high recommendations and integrity to get home seating jobs. The owners of the home can pay you monthly or for the duration the home is empty.
Home seating service takes care of the gardens, aerate the house and clean them. They also provide some level of security for the property. Home seating can be for a limited duration of
time or long stretches for empty country houses.
LET a Space
Do you own property of your own like a house or bungalow? Then you can make brisk business by letting a space in your house.
This business is very effective and provides additional funds for smart landlords. Not everybody has the capacity to rent two or three bedroom apartments.
By offering a room for rent you get additional income without doing a thing. You need to be careful about who you rent the space to because you will be living in close proximity to the tenant.
The best demography to let your room space are bachelors and students. You need to make sure carry out lots of due diligence before accepting a tenant in your home.
If you want privacy you can even demarcate your house into smaller units.
home cleaning
Home Cleaning Service
Home cleaning service business is a good venture that attracts lots clients. Many people get overwhelmed when it comes to cleaning there homes.
The home cleaning service provides this function for a fee. The cleaners can be contracted for monthly cleaning or on certain occasions.
Home cleaning involves carpet cleaning, trash disposal, brushing, cleaning, washing and other functions.
You can expand your home cleaning service to hostels, hotels and even hospitals. To start you home cleaning service you need cleaning equipment like brushes, brooms, towels, vacuum cleaner and a small bus or car.
Baby Seating
Baby seating is best for women than men. The babysitter has an option of two possible locations her house or the house of the mother of the baby.
The arrangement between the parents and the babysitter depends on the location. To become a babysitter all you need is recommendation from other parents.
You can also advertise your services in your locality via paper advertisement in store fronts. Babysitters are well paid for there services and the job require zero start up capital.
Home Gardening Services
If you have a green finger then home gardening business is your best bet. You are your own boss and work according to your own schedule.
Home gardening services can deliver monthly earnings if you have regular clients. You need to know about different plants, and landscaping.
Home Gardening business does not require too many equipment. But you need to know where to source plants, good manure and seedlings.
Your home gardening business can expand to tertiary institutions like schools, polytechnics and even hospitals.
The number of high paying clients makes the difference between low or high profit. Let your work speak for you and do creative marketing to gain more customers.
Home Handyman Services
Every home needs repairs and maintenance by providing this service you make money. The handyman is an essential resource for home owners.
Handyman jobs include and are not limited to the following. The handyman’s job involves the fixing faulty electrical connections and appliances, broken cabinets and doors.
Anything that needs fixing and repairs can be done by the handyman. The start up capital for a handyman is small with the major investment in tools.
To be successful in this business you need knowledge on carpentry, electrical fittings and instillation's, appliances and even plumbing.
Great care should be taken to know what you are doing to avoid electrocution or dangerous working hazards.
daycare in india
Home Daycare Services
Businessmen can open a home daycare service for kids in your area. Modern parents with little children might need the services of a daycare center.
Home daycare services provide this stop gap functions and are popular. To open a home daycare service you need a dedicated staff to oversee the welfare of the children.
However, doing it yourself is another option. Daycare services need local registration and certification with strict rules of compliance.
Learn the rudiments of the business and what it entails before venturing into home daycare business.
Home Based Online Commerce
There are many businesses you can do online right from you home. Some of the businesses are publishing eBooks, building websites, and freelancing. Others are affiliate programs, selling online and offline and blogging
Home Blogging
A housewife can earn additional income to help her family by blogging. A blog is like a website but is more personal to the web master.
Bloggers use blogs to express feelings, write about personal experience or highlight a topic of interest. The business owner can use either a free or self hosted blog.
To make money from your blog you can place advertisements, affiliate links or items for sale. Blogging is easy and you can start with zero capital from your home computer.
Home Freelancing
Do you know you can get a job online and work from your computer? Online freelancers work from there computers from there homes and even bedrooms.
I am in fact writing this post in my bedroom in shorts without a shirt. The freedom online commerce offers business people is amazing and has defined the new modern living.
There are many freelance websites you can join all you need to do is select a job execute it and get paid in dollars. Other freelance websites allows you to create what you can offer and clients buy the task from you and you get paid.
Home Book Publishers
The fastest way to publish a book online is using the eBook format. EBooks are electronic books downloaded or read directly on a device.
You can write an eBook in less than a week and have it published in twenty minutes. A good publishing platform pays your commission monthly irrespective of how much you sold. While other publishers have a payment threshold of $50 commission before you can collect your earnings.
writing online
Home Writers
Writing jobs abound online so housewives can start earning online. Anybody with a passion for writing can earn steady income writing articles.
The internet is content based so original valuable content is like gold. There are many writing websites that pay instant money for contributions.
While other have different payment thresholds before the writer gets paid. You can also get freelance writing jobs, compete the assignment and get paid instantly.
If you are a moderate writer you can join content farms and earn via Google adsense, eBay and Amazon associate central.
A good article directory to join is hubpages while write on demand jobs can be found on iwritter. Iwritter is a little bit tough because clients have specific requirements in there articles which writers have to fulfill before getting paid.
To make money with hubpages you need to have at least twenty good articles. They also have a learning center were potential contributors learn many things.
Online Surveys
I am not a great fan of online surveys so I will not recommend any even though they pay high referral money. Many people attest to earning regular income doing online surveys. If you are interested in doing this business you need to open a dedicated email address and sign up for about twenty survey websites.
There are many scam survey websites out there so choose carefully. Warning: never divulge you credit or debit card details to any survey website.
Online survey business is simple you sign up fill as may surveys as you can and get paid if you reach the various websites minimum payment threshold.
Home Based Store
So how do you start home based store go online and make huge earnings? The business format is simple have your physical item, open and online store and sell to buyers.
The item you sell depends on your mode of delivery. Heavy items can be delivered by hand in you locality. Other less bulky items can go through postal services or courier services.
You are only limited by your imagination to create, buy, and refurbish goods for sale. You can browse online and get a feel of the types of items that are popular.
Sell Items through Free Classified
The easiest way to sell items from home is using free classified websites. Free classified websites allows free listing of items on the website.
The seller places the free advertisement which includes an image of the item, description, location, price and sellers contact.
How it works – A customer sees the item and calls you on the phone number you displayed. When a deal is agreed upon you meet the customer in a public place with the item an exchange of good and item is made and the transaction is completed.
You are wondering if the website takes a commission on your sale. They don’t because they make money on paid advertisement placement and other sources.
indian craft
Home Art and Craft
Creative Indians can make lots of money selling arts and crafts online. They can use any of the techniques previously highlighted to sell their art and craft.
There are also websites that creative people can sell there arts and craft. Auction websites are very valuable resources for arts and craft sellers. You can also sell locally to foreigners and local art enthusiasts.
Housekeeping Service
Housekeeping service is good business and you can make a lot of money doing this business. You can either open a housekeeping service and hire staff or go it alone.
The more staff and clients you have the more money you’ll make. When starting this business you need to identify if your services is needed for a particular period like daily, weekly, or yearly.
Chose your clients carefully and follow any local government provisions on this kind of business. There is no serious financial involvement in this business but training is required for members of your staff.
To get clients you can advertise on free classified mediums, newspapers and recommendations. Housekeeping business can make you rich if you build a big housekeeping business network.
fish pond
Homestead Catfish Farmer
Why not become a homestead catfish farmer and make cool cash. Catfish farming is easy and the fish are quiet and grow rapidly. All you need is a plastic tank lots of clean water, fish feed and regular water change.
To start this business get your plastic tank, add an inlet and outlet then buy catfish fingerlings. Catfish fingerlings are cheap and can be sourced form fish breeders.
It takes about six months for them to reach full maturity and attract premium price. You want to learn more about catfish farming log unto this blog www.catfishfarmingng.blogspot.com for everything you want to know about catfish farming.
Interior Decoration for Homes
Interior decorators make lots of money providing this service. The client bares all the cost of decorating his home or office while the decorator uses his expertise.
The better you brand and interior decorating skill the more customers you get. Some interior decorators are known to make huge money doing this job.
What you need to become an interior decorator is training, knowledge of modern trends and colors. You can study as an apprentice to a notable decorator or go for special seminars and programs.
The interior decorator is only as good as his last job so make every contract count.

Here is a list of home based business in India
1             Home Seating Service
2             Rent a space
3             Home cleaning service
4             Baby seating
5             Home gardening service
6             Handyman service
7             Daycare service
8             Blogging
9             Home freelancing
10          Book publishing
11          Home writer
12          Online surveys
13          Home store selling on free classified
14          Art and craft
15          Housekeeping
16          Catfish farming
17          Interior decoration

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