How to Design a Self-Hosted WordPress Blog in 10 Minutes or Less

web design
Wordpress is an open source content management system and it is installed on a web server. It was first released in May, 2003 and has a web template system using a template processor.
Wordpress has many themes that allow a web master a lot of flexibility in the look of his websites. The themes use Wordpress PHP and Cascading Style Sheets.
The Wordpress themes are either installed using Wordpress administrative tools or uploaded. CSS code allows advanced features and plugin’s for a more robust experience.
Webmaster are at liberty to develop there own custom designed themes. There are many Plug- in that extends the website features to align with any webmasters vision.
Wordpress features include search engine friendly pages, tagging, filters, text style and standard formatting. You can only install one blog template at a time.
How to migrate from one server to another server
Migration from on server to another is fairly easy using Wordpress. The process involves down loading Wordpress files. Then download associated backup copy.
Then upload files to new server. You need to create data base on the new server and import sql backup, then update data base.
How to create a free blog with Wordpress
You can create a free blog with Wordpress by using the personal publishing platform. The free platform provides great features, and an easy to navigate structure.
You can easily sort article in categories and manage user accessibility. You can change template theme, publishing and editing posts.
The only downside with a free blog on Wordpress is you are not allowed to place advertisements. However, you get full control if you install Wordpress on a self host plan

Step by Step Guide to Launching a Wordpress blog on Bluehost
A Step By Step Guide
The easiest way to launch your eCommerce business or have online presence is starting a blog. If you are interested in starting an information product marketing business the most effective platform to use is blogging.
You have a choice of host plan from free hosting or self-hosted plans. Any other plan might be too expensive and not economically viable.
Top free host plans can be found on, and Wordpress. Com. But if you intend having full control of your blog then self-hosted Wordpress is the best strategy.
Serious bloggers have adapted the use of self-hosted Wordpress blogs.  One of the biggest problems new bloggers face is how to launch your self-hosted blog.
Launching your self-hosted blog is simpler than you think and with proper directions takes about ten minutes.
This involves setting up a hosted service and installing Wordpress. Once you know exactly what you are doing the process of setting up your new blog is straight forward.
I will show you a step by step guide on how to design and launch you blog including how to post your first blog. The good news is that it does not require any technical skill. The tutorial we have put together is easy and we walk you through the entire sequence a step or click at a time.

Things you need to setup your Wordpress blog
1             You need to have a domain name.
2             A credit or debit card
If you haven’t already registered your domain name the process is much easier and cheaper. We will show you how to get a domain name for free using a simple technique.
But if you already have one for your blog no problem you only need an additional step to point the domain in the right direction. We will show you how to do this at the end of the setup process.

Step one
Step one involves setting up a host account for your Wordpress blog. Every website or blog has a domain name ether sub domain, shared, hosted or self-hosted name.
This is a location where you install the Wordpress software, manage and operate the blog. It is not that difficult to host your blog when you know what you are doing.
There are many host service providers to choose from. A top provider is Bluehost as a good option for several reasons. They provide adequate support through telephone and email messages.
 The customer care is quick and reliable and Bluehost has a 98% uptime average. There software is easy to use and Wordpress has officially endorsed their brand and top three Wordpress host companies.
Other attributes of Bluehost is unlimited disk space, and over 800,000 Wordpress blogs on there server. They also have unlimited e-mail accounts, unlimited bandwidth and its affordable.
Hosting plan on Bluehost costs about $3.95 to$5.95 a month. The amount exponentially reduces with longer host plans.
There are certain restrictions to the type of content they accept. They don’t accept pornography, nudity, hate websites.

Decide on the hosting plan
The most practical plan on Bluehost is the Plus Plan. It is the next step from the starter plan and the Plus Plan supports an unlimited number of websites on one account.
Step on. Go to Bluehost.
 homepage and Select Get Started Now. Then click Select button, now you must choose a domain name.
Now enter your domain name with any of the appropriate extensions like .com, .net and click on Next button. You can now select the hosting plan you like either the starter plan or Plus Plan.
We suggest that you select the Plus Plan for the reasons explained earlier. The Plus Plan is only fifty cents more than the starter plan monthly but can host unlimited websites on one account.
Enter your domain name in the left box and click Next.
Fill in account information and scroll down. Bellow you will see different packages from $3.95 t0 $5.95 per month. Select the one you like and remember there is an annual fee to be paid in advance.
Now enter you billing information then confirm that you have read the agreement and Bluehost terms of service. When you click next the system will verify your debit card information.
Ignore the prompt to Upgrade and click the complete button. The software will boot and take a few minutes and the Welcome to Bluehost screen and congratulations.
You now have to choose a password for your account by clicking create a password button. The password generator will help you create a strong password, now copy it to the clipboard.
You can do this by using control –C, Now click the paste button into the appropriate fields. You will see a checkbook with ‘I confirm that I have read and agree to terms of service’.
Your new Bluehost account will be created when you click create button. Don’t panic if you get an error message because Bluehost robots take a few minutes to create an account.

The Bluehost Screen
At the Bluehost screen your new domain name is automatically inserted. If it is missing type it in the appropriate field.  Write your password in the password field and click Submit.
Disregard another prompt for upgrade instead click on the Hosting Link. You will find it at the upper left corner of your screen.
You are now in the control panel referred to as the C-Panel.

How to install Wordpress
In the C-Panel scroll down and click install Wordpress and wait a few minutes. A new Wordpress screen appears then click install button.
A new screen will open now select domain on which you want to install you Wordpress blog and Click on Check Domain.
 Last step you are almost there will appear so click on Advanced Option. Here you type in your blogs name, title and accept the admin username and Admin password suggested by Bluehost.
Click on’ I have read the terms and conditions of GPLv2 ‘and click on Install Now. A progress meter on you screen builds up until you get the message YOUR INSTALL IS COMPLETE
For records purposes click on view credentials button-then click on view button in notification page.
Here you will see a screen shot of your blog URL, username, password and login URL. You will also get an email notification of all theses details copy them and keep them safe.

How to login to Wordpress
You have completed the most difficult process of signing up, getting a host plan and installing Wordpress including linking a domain name.
To login to Wordpress use your username and password. Your Wordpress will open at the dashboard for you to start posting. Click on post/add new option, enter the title and write post directly bellow in the field provided. Click- Publish and you Wordpress blog is LIVE.

How to start blogging
To write your first post click post from your dashboard. You will be redirected to a fresh page, after writing your post click publish button.

Other considerations
You are at liberty to choose a different theme for a more professional looking blog. You can either buy a premium theme or use one of the hundreds free Wordpress themes online.
If you already have a domain name all you need to do is point it to your Wordpress blog. You will find lots of help and support from your host provider in carrying out this function.
Interested in starting a self host Wordpress blog or website sign up with Bluehost

15 Best WordPress Hosting
There are many Wordpress hosting websites but some stand out from the rest. Listed below are 15 of the top Wordpress hosts that provide the best Wordpress hosting solutions.

What they offer
  • Official #1 Choice since 2005
  • WordPress blogs & websites Easy 1-click WordPress installation
  • There service includes free domain name.
  • HostGator provides WordPress optimized hosting Plans.
  • A comprehensive WordPress Hosting plan.
  • Up to 2.5X faster, and advanced security software Free migration and  support


  • ThemeCloud  have Optimized WordPress Hosting and Premium WordPress Themes
  • Pay Monthly or annual pricing Auto theme install and fast switch

  • The have optimized Wordpress Hosting Plans.

  • You can get Free Domain
  • Nice website builder, great  they are a good alternative to WordPress

  • Drag, drop solutions

  • Nice hosting plans

  • You get free domain name

  • Free custom domain

  • You get a free online store

  • Great Hosting plans

  • Monthly Host plan

start logic

  • Wordpress enabled

Free Quotes


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