High Profit in Leather Goods Business and How to Process Different Types of Leather

Leather is used to produce various commercial products like leather car seats, bags and high fashion accessories. Leather is fairly abundant and the applications are limited only to our creativity.
Leather is durable tough and has various applications. Leather goods are produced for domestic consumption or exportation.
The business profile of leather goods manufacturers includes high fashion stores to road side dealers. There are many products that are in high demand like leather bags, shoes, belts and hats.
The leather Industry
Leathers is Evergreen
Leather is a tough material made out of the skin of animals. It is cured and processed to make it durable and easy to manipulate.
 The material is processed animal skin tanned to produces leather a tough or flexible material. Leather is obtained from cows, goat, sheep, camel, donkey or even dogs.
 The skin is durable and lasts for ages without depletion in quality. Leather is used in the fashion industry business because of its interesting qualities.
It is made into shoes, bags, hats, items of clothing like coats, and jackets.  There are 2 basic types of leather gotten out of animal skin,
  Rawhide leather is usually tough but brittle and subject to the elements. They are inflexible and in some cases are not grouped under true leather.
The industrial application and commercial value of leather industry is enormous considering the varied uses of leather. Other applications of leather are automobile upholstery, tables and motorcycle seats.
How to Process Leather
 Leather is gotten from the hide of animals through various processes before it is safe and usable. Leather is made through a process called tanning where the protein content is matched and impregnated to stabilize the skin.
 The process of tanning results in raw hide and tanned grain. The tanned leather although stabilized is usually hard and inflexible, while the other is flexible and is used for all types of application.
The most common method of tanning leather is chromium used to achieve a bluish sheen color. The leather is immersed in chemicals or tanning liquid and tumbled to allow a slow process of absorption.  
The tanner has to periodically observe the leather to know when it has been thoroughly cured. To check the leather a cross sections is cut until a certain consistency is observed.
Which is not a derivative of Leather
Top of Form
  • Shoes
  • Bags
  • cups
  • sandals
  • Hats
  • books
Bottom of Form
Processed Leather
Tanned leather in manufacturing application goes through further processing. The methods may differ depending on the application.
 Some of the additional manufacturing method is when enzymes are introduced to dissolve casein, collagen and keratin. The method of casting is basically tinning of the hide while retaining its sheen through lubrication.
More Ways to Process Leather
The leather goes through splitting which cuts the leather into two or more halves. Dyeing produces a particular sheen or coloration. Softening the leather allows additional flexibility, shaving, smoothness, oiling, and buffing.
Others are roller coating, spraying, glazing, embossing, polishing and ironing. Leather goes through a lot of changes depending on the industry and what function it is used for.
 Vegetable Tanning
Some other mediums used to processing leather are vegetable tanning. Vegetable tanned leather is derived from leather immersed in vegetable matter.  Some of the matter is derived from tree roots, bark, fruits and leaves.
Boiling Tanning
Leather is sometime put through a boiling process that has a shrinking effect on the material. A substance used in this process the gelatin which preserves the leather. 
If the leather is boiled it looses some mass and shrinks. Another process is when the leather is boiled with wax hardening and preserving the leather.
Brain Tanning
It sounds weird but this is a method used by applying the animal brain into the tanning process. The process produces very fine soft leather.
Tanning using the regular method of chromium sulfate works just fine it is rigid and tough. While chamois leather is oxidized uses oils and is water absorbent. Even some tanning method uses flowers like the rose tanning.
Types of Leather
Full Grain
             Top Grain
  Corrected Grain
High Quality
                  Split Layers
   Raw Hide
                  Brilliant Sheen
   Stained, Dyed
Long lasting
   Has imperfections
Things that Affect Leather
1   Exposure to humidity
2   Hot weather
3   Passage of time
4   Water
5   Chemical damage
6   Ultra violet rays
7   Air pollutants
8   Corrosive acid
Different Types of Leather
There are different types of leather depending on the type of animal skin and method of tanning.  Sometimes the medium used in processing gives the type of quality in the finished product.
Full grain leather
High quality leather is refined to what they call full grain leather. The skin maintains some grain which provides rigidity to the fiber strength making the leather very durable.
The full grain leather is known to contain less moisture and has not gone through the buffed, sanded or snuffed stages lowering the leathers grain.
Full grain leather is identified by the tarnish on its surface which is a fine sheen that protects the surface. The patina provides durability, long-lasting protection for the leather.
The aniline variety is known for its full grain tarnish white while semi or half grain has a slightly lower quality to the full grain.
top grain leather
Top Grain Leather
Top grain leather is leather that is known for its split layer and plastic feel. Common items that have high grain leather are shoes, handbags and slippers.
 They generally have a fine coat and brilliant sheen. However, low value leather are easily broken and defaced with cracks on the surface. They are less expensive with an unbroken finishing.
Corrected Grain Leather
Are semi aniline and pigmented, their surface has artificial grain applied to it making them substandard and full of imperfections. The dye is usually in huge quantities and applied to conceal the leather imperfections.
Split Leather
Raw hide are usually spit grade quality, the splitting removes the top grain further split into several layers. Leather is durable, adaptable and is evergreen quality.
Leathers great properties make it an indispensable item in today's business world.
leather products
 Leather Products Business
The business person is at liberty to open an outlet, work from home or open a leather manufacturing company. Small leather manufacturers can concentrate on hand made leather goods.
With a little more capital the leather manufacturer can easily expand his operation. The size and scope of the operation is purely subjected to the manufacturer’s discretion.
Stay atop of your inventory have strong brands for sale and decide on wholesale or retail segment of the business.  You need to develop a recognizable brand associated to high quality items.
The best way for small business owners is to focus on a sector and specialize. There are many sectors like automobile and transport, fashion and travel industry.
Leather bags are in high demand, shoes, fashion accessories like bangles wristwatch straps and jackets.
leather products
How to start Leather Goods Business
There are many leather goods to sell and make huge profit. Leather business is very lucrative especially if you carve a niche for yourself.
 To start a leather goods business you need to take into account a few considerations. You also have to follow a basic sequence that covers all the basics.
There are two major business types in the leather goods industry. You are either a wholesaler or retailer of leather or a manufacturer.
It doesn’t matter which one your favor, setting up follows the same format. Here is a general way to start your leather goods business
The Product
Long before you venture into the leather business you need to determine the leather product to sell. The products derived from leather are too numerous to mention.
 However, a few are custom made bags, shoes, wristwatch straps, jackets even car seats.
You need to decide on the type of leather goods you want to sell or manufacture.
leather processing
Training involves learning how to produce the leather goods. It does not cover wholesalers or retail segments except in learning how to identify different quality leather.
Manufacturers need to have proper training in the use of specialized equipment used in the manufacture of leather goods.
Some of the equipment involve stitching machines, stapling machines, and cutting machine. The manufacturer also needs design templates and hemmers.
The most important aspect of starting a leather business is getting adequate finance. Poor financing can make or break a leather goods business.
The entrepreneur could get financing form bank loans, personal saving, cooperative accounts and family and friends. Another way is to get a core investor or business partner.
Many countries have specialized banking services that give loans to startup companies.
Having a good Location in the wholesale ad retail leather goods business is very important. Nearness to a ready market improves your chances of huge profit.
Manufacturers have to be close to raw material to offset unnecessary transportation cost. A small scale manufacturer has the advantage of locating the business from home or a shop.
Small scale manufacturers and retailers need only about one or two staff. While large scale leather goods manufacturer hire according to their needs.
There is nothing wrong in having a one man operation if he can handle the job.
The production output for small leather goods manufacturer is small. But they have a good chance at focusing on high premium items.
Mass produced leather are cheaper than those with intricate work, high leather quality and designs.

Sales Outlet
Leather manufacturers should also consider where to locate a sales outlet. Leather goods are sold in shops, stores on the street and in high end boutiques. Selling online is possible through websites like ebay.com, and olx.com.
Promotions and Marketing
Marketing will help the business grow faster and reach potential customers. The more focused and intense the marketing the higher patronage you get.
Market your business in Newspapers, radio, television, online, and magazines. The more exposure your product gets the more people are drawn to it.
Leather good business is a highly competitive business and you should be ready to have serious competition.


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