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Start a Marriage Counseling Practice

marriage councilor
A marriage councilor's job is to guide the couple toward a successful union. Marriage Life is no bed of roses because there are lots of challenges along the way.Marriage is about two different individuals coming together to make a home. Counseling is slightly challenging because you accommodate different kinds of people.
Before starting the business you should acquire professional qualification. A master’s degree in counseling or psychology is very important. State governments only issue licenses to qualified practitioners.
Councilors that attend to different kinds of people usually run a general practice. However narrowing the field presents better opportunities, specialization and branding.
You need to join a professional association in your country. Other things to do are secure an office, get clients and register the enterprise. Here are a few tips on how to start a private counseling practice.
How to Start a Private Counseling Practice
Choose a Niche
You should choose a niche or focus on general practice. Some sectors of counseling are teen, hardened criminals, marriage and drug addicts. Choosing a sector allows better understanding of your client’s peculiar needs.
Deepen your Knowledge
To increase knowledge try internship programs, get a mentor or read lots of publications. There are many resources such as books, e-books, conferences and seminars.
Write a Counseling Practice Business Plan
Hire a professional to write a counsel practice business plan. If you have a feasibility study and survey include data on competitors, target demography and best location.
Lease an Office Space
Lease a visible office space in a commercial area. Make sure the office is tastefully furnished to convey a relaxing atmosphere for your clients.
Use lots of neutral colors and soft hues like green and cream colors. You could operate from home in a dedicated space.
An office space requires a reception area and consultation room. Furnish the space with mahogany wood, landscape paintings and office equipment.
Some therapists practice over the phone, live-feeds or a subleased office space. Subletting is cost effective however you work under strict time constrains.
Others sublet at hourly rates only during therapy seasons. You can lease on an hourly, weekly or monthly rate.
Register the Business
To operate you need a business license and permit. Register a business name and get liability insurance.  Private practice is usually one man businesses so make it a sole proprietorships enterprise.
Employ a receptionist, secretary and administrative staff. However, most small practices operate on their own with only a receptionist. This is cost effective and increases your profit margin.
Private practitioners hardly reveal how much they charge. However an average season could cost $100-$150 per season.
While some seasoned veterans charge $200 per hour. Busy therapists see an average of 15 -30 clients per week.
Those that choose to sublet pay about $100 a month for the space. Many marriage counselors and general practitioners prefer collecting cash pay.
Do the Paper Work
There are a few important forms and legal requirements. Make sure you get help from a qualified lawyer and your association.
You need a dedicate phone number, internet connectivity and a website. You need a management system to organize your financials and therapy notes.
Office Equipment
Your basic office equipments are a phone, computer, modem and printer. You need a reception area intercom and comfortable chairs.
Build a Practice Website
Get a web developer to build the website. You could offer phone consultation and offline seasons.
Purchase a good domain name and host plan. To attract traffic use social media, classified websites and regular blog posts.
Marketing Considerations
Although newspaper advertisement could bring in a few clients use referrals form MDs and colleagues. You can list your practice in directories and sites related to your business.
To succeed as a counselor you need to think like an entrepreneur.  Find a good location, legalize your papers and use a dedicate phone number. Other requirements are build a website, set your charges and print business cards.

How to Start a Powder Coating Business

Why Start a Powder Coating Business
The question is why start a powder coating business? Powder coating has increased in popularity in recent times. The business is highly lucrative and easy to execute.
It is a process whereby powder is introduced to an object for beatification and protection. The coating is applied electrostatically and does not require a solvent.
The thermoset polymer hardly emits any volatile organic compounds and comes in a verity of colors. Powder coating finishes are durable and easy to apply hence the popularity.
The dry powder easily fuses with the object and heat is applied to cure the metal using a commercial oven. It is applicable to different objects such as household equipment, machinery, metal and aluminum.
Although the business could be done from home, bigger operations require large premises.
Things Needed to Start a Powder Coating Business
The activity of applying paint in a powder form to metal is powder coating. The process involves spray painting or dipping in a solution.
The coated metal undergoes heat treatment to cure the steel. Baking is done through conventional oven.
Some finishers use modern technology such as infra red oven to carry out the process. Powder coating covers a wide spectrum of applications such as motorcycle part spraying, automobile and many metallic and aluminum parts.
The effect of finish coating is durability, protection and beautification. Listed are a few ideas on how to start a powder coating business
How to Start a Powder Coating Business
Choose a Niche
Before launching the enterprise you need to choose a niche. The niche would determine the type of equipment and manpower your need.
The three sectors are manufacturing, supplies and finisher. The first two options are capital intensive while finishing is moderately challenging. Once you have determined a course of action write a comprehensive business plan.
Learn the Powder Coating Trade
If you don’t have the perquisite skill you need to learn the trade. Attend a technical school, trade centers, seminars and apprentice programs.
Study the techniques from books, manuals and online courses. Use video tutorials, YouTube channels and practical experience to develop the talent.
Lease Property
Once you have a clear definition of your operational direction,determine the amount of space required. A hobbyist business could be done from home or small space.
However, if you want to powder coat full time you need appropriate working space. The space should accommodate the equipment including storage and reception area.
The size of the powder containment, oven and power tools should be factored in the arrangement.
Type of Spray Equipment
Finishing equipment are basic and durable. There are over 10 different types of spray systems, guns, powder coating booths and applicators in the market. 
Purchase only high quality products for your industrial powder coating business. You need a powder containment unit, applicator gun, powder spray booth and curing oven.
Other equipment’s are bulk feed system, safety goggles, applicator, accessory kit and auxiliary equipment.
Standard Safety Requirements
Coating booth should conform to basic health requirements such as having exhaust ducts and vents. Safety gear and goggles should be worn during spraying or coating.
You need a large solvent tank and waste disposal system. Others are standardized oven specification, cleaning solvents and color mixing equipment.
A List of Equipment
  • Spray Systems
  • Hoses
  • Reservoir
  • Tanks
  • Accessories Kit
  • Spray/Powder Coating Booths
  • Filters
  • Applicators
  • Tubing
  • Dispensing Systems
  • Bulk Delivery Systems
  • Pumps and Pumping Systems
  • Auxiliary Equipment
  • Adhesives and Sealants
  • Feed Centers
  • Control System
  • Nose mask
Permits and Licensing
You are dealing with chemical material so proper safety protocols should be observed. You need a license to handle the coating pigments, spray and dispose of wastes.
Once you get your powder coating license you need a trade license. Your business also needs to pass health and safety inspection.
Other requirements are registration of business name and tax consideration. You need some form of insurance cover.
Powder Coating Profit Margin
Powder coating business is divided into manufacturing, supply and finishing. Powder coating raw materials are subject to economic conditions in which they are manufactured.
The price differentiation in product is predicated on quality, cost and efficiency. Due to advancement in experimentation and technology, manufacturers are able to optimize production and offer competitive prices.
A problem manufacturer’s face during production is the price of raw materials. Despite focusing on lower labor costs and production optimization the profit margin remains low.
This is because consumers consistently demand lower powder price. Other problems are production over capacity, low market demand and proliferation of cheap foreign products.
To breakeven and offer better prices and margins manufacturers, suppliers including finishers need to innovate.
Finishers should offer their clients high quality service with commensurate prices. Offering rock bottom prices could be counter productive.

How to Start a Locksmith Company

Locks are essential to doors as mattresses are to beds. Locks keep unwanted guests away while securing your property.
Sometimes out of negligence or security we need the services of a locksmith. Locksmiths provide two essential services unlock doors or provide sturdier locks.
They generally operate as sole proprietors and do lots of out-call at all hours of the day. While some prefer working the night shifts because it is more financially rewarding.
The job is highly rewarding and an established locksmith makes about $5000 monthly. An entrepreneur interested in the business should learn the trade. The business is practicable from home, large or small scale.
Types of Locks and Tools
Locksmiths work with different kinds of locks and tools. Some common locks they might encounter are listed below.
  • They deal with combination locks
  • Lockouts
  • Recombination keys
  • Master keying
  • Locksmith carry out lock installation
  • Take care of automobile lock outs
  • High security installations
  • Vaults
  • Door locks
  • Padlocks
How to Start a Locksmith Company
Startup costs are relatively low and the business lucrative. Locksmiths are in high demand providing essential services.
People that need the services are those locked out of their homes and for better security. Plan to succeed by writing a locksmith business plan.
Locating the Business
The office should be centrally located for better efficiency. Lease a property that has a good storage area, shelves and reception. Purchase office equipment such as printer, computer and dedicated telephone line.
Learn the Trade
You need comprehensive training as a locksmith. Attend vocational training classes, read books and manuals.
Attend practical training workshops and online courses. You need lots of practical experience so join and apprentice program.
Locksmiths generally learn how to install deadbolts, key locks and pick locks. Areas of specialization include residential locks, industrial locks and automobile locks.
Buy Equipment
Some locksmith equipment's are lock picks, different locks, key kit. Others are key duplicators, key cutting equipment, and generator.
Purchase equipment inline with your area of specialization. A large percentage of work is done outside the office 99%.
So you need a mode of transportation. Buy a secondhand vehicle for out-calls.
List of Equipment
  • key- coding machine
  • key blanks
  • voltmeter
  • copies
  • key-duplicating machine
  • drills
  • screwdrivers
  • micrometer
  • spare keys
  • lock picks
  • 10/2 volt outlets
  • padlocks
A locksmith could work alone or hire a secretary to receive calls. You could partner with a dispatch center for better efficiency.
Some locksmiths work late into the night which is very stressful. Try to define your work hours and stick to it.
What are your Charges?
The charges aren’t cheap and customers sometimes feel cheated. Find out what your competitors are charging and create a reasonable price chart.
What are the legal requirements?
Register the business name and get insurance cover. The legal requirements to operate your trade differ from each state, county and province.
Find out what is obtainable in your own locality. Once you have acquired a permit choose a locksmith specialization.
You could focus on automobile locks or residential homes. Determine your organizational structure for better efficiency.
Marketing Considerations
Network with local businesses in your area and use electronic or print media to reach customers. Build a targeted website to attract local patronage.
Talk with door retailers in your area for referrals. Other methods include adding your company profile in directories and yellow pages. Try to secure commercial accounts for regular jobs.
Technology constantly improves so you need to stay abreast of the game. Purchase quality equipment and provide good service.
How to Start a Knife Sharpening Business


How to Start Generator Repair Business

There are a few countries especially in West Africa that grapple with poor power supply. Nigeria is a case study with very bad electricity supply.
Most companies, small medium enterprises and residential homes rely entirely on generating sets. In such climes sales and repairs of generating sets have become huge business.
The business is highly lucrative due to a proliferation of diesel and petrol powered generators. In Africa there are a huge number of unemployed graduates seeking white collar jobs that are not available.
This is while there are many opportunities in agriculture, animal husbandry, small business ownership and technical jobs. To start a generator repair business you need adequate training as a generator technician.
Other requirements are good entrepreneur skills and marketing. There are many ways to develop technical knowledge and skill. Here are a few ideas on how to start a generator repair business.
generator repair
By Sgt. Dustin Roberts [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
How to become a Generator Technician
Learn the Trade
To become a generator technician you need to learn the trade. The common practice among low income demography in Nigeria is to become an apprentice.
They serve the technician for a specified period not exceeding 2 years. Other ways include online courses, tutorials, and technical workshops. There are many technical schools and collages that offer certificate courses.

Ways to become a generation Technician

  • Become an Apprentice
  • Purchase online Courses
  • Read Tutorials
  • Attend Technical Workshops
  • Study at Technical school or College
  • Get a University Degree in Engineering
Conduct a Survey
Conduct a survey of your locality including a feasibility study. You also need a generator repair business plan and market research. Locate the business in areas of very power electrical supply. With massive demand for generators in countries like Nigeria your business will thrive.
Where to Locate the Repair Shop
Locate your generators shop in a densely populated area. Best locations are in low income and middle-class areas. Make sure your repair shop is in a residential area. The shop should have a secure storage area for generating sets and tools.
Register the Generator Repair Business
Most repair shops are one man businesses with only a technician and trainees. Register the business with the corporate affairs commission as a sole proprietorship business. You need a tax identification number and trade license.
The Job Description
Generator repairers perform different kinds of services.They check the electrical system, components, motor and carry out general maintenance.
Other functions include stocking generator components, carry out testing, generator inspection. They check fuses, circuit breakers, used oil analysis and the generators main connections. Generator repair technicians do lots of out calls and onsite maintenance.
Purchase the tools for the trade such as circuit breakers, spanners, volt-ammeters, bolts and nuts. Other equipment's are carburetors, spark plugs, cables, spanners and pliers. Usually after trouble shooting the repairer purchases the part that needs changing.
Funding the Enterprise
Funds are needed to rent a small shop, purchase equipment, training and marketing. Try target savings or approach friends and family.
Startup costs are moderate for small repair shops. Other sources for funds are association loans or micro-finance loans.
Join an Association
Although joining an association should be at your discretion. There are a few associations that are forceful and aggressive when recruiting members. To avoid unnecessary hassles find out about associations and groups in your area.
A good place to advertise your business is through online classified websites. Such websites offer both free and paid advertisement slots.
Use traditional methods such as printing flyers, banners, business cards and signage boards. Majority of your customers will come through referrals.
Make sure you offer good quality jobs to leverage on recommendations and referrals. Although your target market is local residents servicing company generators is profitable.
You can build a website or blog targeted to your community. Websites are an effective way to get new customers.
Add a Side Business
Since you are a generator expert why not sell new and used generators. The side business will guarantee regular income and better profit margins. Source your generators from wholesalers, flee markets and customers.

How to Start a Maid Service

A maid service caters to both residential and commercial industry. The industry is saturated however there are still lots of business opportunities.
To run a maid service you need a unique selling point. Other priorities are defining your service plan, business structure and price.
Others involve hiring quality staff, funding the enterprise and marketing. The company should acquire proper certification including studious budgeting and accounting.

How to Start a Maid Service
Find your Target Market
The maid service should define its target market. The target market focuses on age group, residential or commercial cleaning.
The service could be geared towards the elderly, nuclear family, recreational center or hotel. Once you have your niche write a business plan.
Write a maid service business plan and carry out a feasibility study. The plan should consider startup costs, fix capital and staff wages. Other considerations are taxation including purchase of equipment and rent.
Types of Equipment
  • Cleaning Agents
  • Brooms
  • Brushes
  • Waste Bins
  • Disinfectants
  • Laundry Agents
  • Pressing Irons
  • Aprons
  • Safety Gloves
  • Bus or Truck
Learn the Ropes
Understudy what entails in the maid service industry. Learn from online tutorials, manuals and seminars.
Watch podcasts, YouTube videos and register for online courses. You also need lots of entrepreneur and management skills
Create a Budget
Hire an accountant to help create the budget.  The major investment is for equipment, leasing an office space and marketing.
You might decide to acquire a franchise license or existing establishment. Joining a franchise is capital intensive. However the entrepreneur benefits from free training, technical support and a recognized brand name.
How much are your Charges
Your pricing depends on the type of service you offer. You could charge per square inch, hourly or a flat fee. Things that affect pricing are cost of cleaning agent, transportation, maid training and labor.
Hire Qualified Maids
Conduct a background check on prospective maids. And provide regular training and data collation. Make sure the maids are experience and hardworking.
Register the Maid Service
Secure the appropriate certification and join an association. Apply for a business name and get insurance cover.
You company needs to pass state assessment and inspection. Register the maid service as a limited liability company. This will provide cover against liability claims.
Draft a Contract
Use a qualified lawyer to draft a contract for employees and customers. The contract should cover pricing, liability, type of service and duration.
Secure a Good Location
A visible location should attract lots of patronage. Lease an office and equip it with telephone, computer and a printer. Some countries have zoning formula find out what entails in your country.
Hire a secretary to take care of inquiries and work orders. Hire qualified maids, driver, computer operator and management staff. Use qualified freelance lawyers and accountants.
Marketing the Business
Find popular websites to list your services. You can use classified website such as to reach clients.
Use social media engagement to attract followers and traffic. Print flyers, brochures, banners and billboards.
Advertise in local newspapers for wider reach. List your business in directories and yellow pages. 
How to Start a Nanny Agency
Build a Website
Make sure your website is targets your demography. The business is location and community based.
Purchase a domain name and host plan and include pictures in your website. Add a contact us page, about page and phone number. If you have a physical address include on the site.
Funding the Enterprise
Majority of funds is used for fixed assets. Secure bank loans with fix interest rate and long termed.
Other funding sources are personal savings, crowdfunding or sale of startup equity. You could seek out a core investor or partnership arrangement.

Start a Nanny Agency

Nanny agency business is about childcare services. The business is popular because of the huge customer base.
Babes and toddlers account for 1/3 of human population. Some parents require additional care and supervision for their loved ones.
The nanny fulfills this important duty while making good income. Nanny agency business is very lucrative and practicable throughout the year.
Modern society has increased the workload for mothers making childcare services essential. Before you start your agency there are a few things to do.
You need to have lots of passion for the business, patience and moderate first aid experience. Make sure your nannies follow best practices obtainable under the law.
Babies and toddlers are fragile and require proper care and support. To launch the nanny agency here are a few things to consider.
How to Start a Nanny Agency
Write a Business Plan
The first thing to do is write a comprehensive nanny agency business plan. Then carry out a feasibility study of agencies in your area.
Conduct a survey of population, marketing and other important parameters. You could consult a professional in the field for further guidance and assistance.
Join an Association
There are professional associations guiding most business practice. The association of nanny agency is one of such organizations.
They provide adequate support and resources to members. There are similar associations around the world so join one in your country. People to seek for advice are practitioners in the business, lawyers and accountants.
Advantages of Joining a Nanny Agency Association
  • They offer good support
  • Give expert advice
  • Have lots of resources
  • Are eager to help you succeed
  • Tailor made advice to specific challenges
  • Group assistance
  • Inside knowledge
  • Gain best practices
Understand the Nanny Agency Business
To gain useful knowledge of the inner workings of a nanny agency you need to understand how it works. You are also required to have a business background to effectively run the agency.
Develop your knowledge through books, seminars and trade workshops. You could work as a nanny to gain more knowledge.
Things to Consider before Starting a Nanny Agency
There are a few things to consider before starting a nanny agency. What is the average startup cost, registration fees and licensing? You need insurance cover, good location, staff and clients.
Startup Costs
The startup cost depends on you office location, permit, staff wages and adverts. Make an estimate of fixed and working costs to get a better picture.
Register the Business
Register the business with the corporate affairs commission. Choose a memorable business name and fulfill insurance requirements.
You could make the business a limited liability company or sole proprietorship business. Apply for prerequisite licenses and register the agency with the inland revenue service.
Get the Perfect Nanny
The nanny agency’s job is to provide highly efficient nanny for clients. It is very important to conduct a background check on anyone you wish to employ.
The background check should include criminal history, residential information. Conduct serious screening and get the personal data on your employee.
This is important because the safety of the child is paramount. You need to conduct regular interviews till you find the perfect fit.
Nanny business is highly specialized so provide regular training for your nannies. The proficiency of your nannies will impact positively or negatively on your success.
Things to do Before Hiring a Nanny
  • Conduct an interview
  • Do background checks
  • Search for any criminal history
  • Get their residential information
  • Make sure they provide a guarantor with verifiable credentials
  • Study the applicants work history
  • Contact places they worked
  • Make sure they have some nanny experience
  • Study their personality
  • Check their credential
  • Find out if the have any safety training
How to Get the Nannies
There are many ways to get nannies for your agency. Use traditional methods such as printing of flyers, complementary cars, banners and signage boards. Other equally efficient methods are newspaper advertisement and radio adverts.
Lease an Office Space
Any office space in a residential or commercial area will suffice. The location should have lots of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Make sure the office is comfortable and attractive.  You need a secretary and receptionist including management staff.
What are your Fess and charges?
How much are you going to charge your clients for your services? To arrive at a practical amount you need to consider the nanny’s wages, transportation, advertisement cost.
Find out what other agencies in you locality are charging their clients. Agencies generally work on commission.
The commission is deducted from the amount charged for the nanny’s services. You need to create a data base for your nannies and clients. This is very impotent especially when you want to match clients with nannies.
Start a Maid Service
Advertise the Agency
Reach potential clients through advertisement. Place adverts in national daily newspapers and baby magazines.
Use both online and offline resources to reach clients. Use free or paid classified websites and include you company in yellow pages.
Build a Website
Make sure you build a website for you agency. The website should attract lots of attention and patronage.