Start a Nanny Agency

Nanny agency business is about childcare services. The business is popular because of the huge customer base.
Babes and toddlers account for 1/3 of human population. Some parents require additional care and supervision for their loved ones.
The nanny fulfills this important duty while making good income. Nanny agency business is very lucrative and practicable throughout the year.
Modern society has increased the workload for mothers making childcare services essential. Before you start your agency there are a few things to do.
You need to have lots of passion for the business, patience and moderate first aid experience. Make sure your nannies follow best practices obtainable under the law.
Babies and toddlers are fragile and require proper care and support. To launch the nanny agency here are a few things to consider.
How to Start a Nanny Agency
Write a Business Plan
The first thing to do is write a comprehensive nanny agency business plan. Then carry out a feasibility study of agencies in your area.
Conduct a survey of population, marketing and other important parameters. You could consult a professional in the field for further guidance and assistance.
Join an Association
There are professional associations guiding most business practice. The association of nanny agency is one of such organizations.
They provide adequate support and resources to members. There are similar associations around the world so join one in your country. People to seek for advice are practitioners in the business, lawyers and accountants.
Advantages of Joining a Nanny Agency Association
  • They offer good support
  • Give expert advice
  • Have lots of resources
  • Are eager to help you succeed
  • Tailor made advice to specific challenges
  • Group assistance
  • Inside knowledge
  • Gain best practices
Understand the Nanny Agency Business
To gain useful knowledge of the inner workings of a nanny agency you need to understand how it works. You are also required to have a business background to effectively run the agency.
Develop your knowledge through books, seminars and trade workshops. You could work as a nanny to gain more knowledge.
Things to Consider before Starting a Nanny Agency
There are a few things to consider before starting a nanny agency. What is the average startup cost, registration fees and licensing? You need insurance cover, good location, staff and clients.
Startup Costs
The startup cost depends on you office location, permit, staff wages and adverts. Make an estimate of fixed and working costs to get a better picture.
Register the Business
Register the business with the corporate affairs commission. Choose a memorable business name and fulfill insurance requirements.
You could make the business a limited liability company or sole proprietorship business. Apply for prerequisite licenses and register the agency with the inland revenue service.
Get the Perfect Nanny
The nanny agency’s job is to provide highly efficient nanny for clients. It is very important to conduct a background check on anyone you wish to employ.
The background check should include criminal history, residential information. Conduct serious screening and get the personal data on your employee.
This is important because the safety of the child is paramount. You need to conduct regular interviews till you find the perfect fit.
Nanny business is highly specialized so provide regular training for your nannies. The proficiency of your nannies will impact positively or negatively on your success.
Things to do Before Hiring a Nanny
  • Conduct an interview
  • Do background checks
  • Search for any criminal history
  • Get their residential information
  • Make sure they provide a guarantor with verifiable credentials
  • Study the applicants work history
  • Contact places they worked
  • Make sure they have some nanny experience
  • Study their personality
  • Check their credential
  • Find out if the have any safety training
How to Get the Nannies
There are many ways to get nannies for your agency. Use traditional methods such as printing of flyers, complementary cars, banners and signage boards. Other equally efficient methods are newspaper advertisement and radio adverts.
Lease an Office Space
Any office space in a residential or commercial area will suffice. The location should have lots of pedestrian and vehicular traffic.
Make sure the office is comfortable and attractive.  You need a secretary and receptionist including management staff.
What are your Fess and charges?
How much are you going to charge your clients for your services? To arrive at a practical amount you need to consider the nanny’s wages, transportation, advertisement cost.
Find out what other agencies in you locality are charging their clients. Agencies generally work on commission.
The commission is deducted from the amount charged for the nanny’s services. You need to create a data base for your nannies and clients. This is very impotent especially when you want to match clients with nannies.
Start a Maid Service
Advertise the Agency
Reach potential clients through advertisement. Place adverts in national daily newspapers and baby magazines.
Use both online and offline resources to reach clients. Use free or paid classified websites and include you company in yellow pages.
Build a Website
Make sure you build a website for you agency. The website should attract lots of attention and patronage.


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