How to Start an Aquarium Maintenance Business

Starting an aquarium maintenance and installation business is interesting. The business comes with various challenges such as marketing, quality supplies and adequate training. 
The specialty field is practicable full/part time. To start the business you need adequate funds and knowledge of the industry.
You should hire qualified staff, purchase a van and installation equipment. Here are a few ideas on how to start an aquarium maintenance business.
How to Start an Aquarium Maintenance Business
Write a Business Plan
The first step is to write an aquarium maintenance business plan. Then carry out a survey and feasibility study. Determine the services such as installation, maintenance and product sales.
Find an ideal location for the business or work from home. Raise funds through judicious savings or borrow from friends and family. You could apply for small loans from microfinance banks or thrift societies.
Aquarium Maintenance Equipment
To successfully carry out maintenance you need lots of equipment. Common equipment’s are specimen containers, razor scraper, TLF Aquastik coral epoxy, metal faucet adapters and algae pad.
Others include one hand towel, clamps, full towel, python water changer and gallon buckets. More supplies include X-acto knife, multiple tip syringe, razor, buckets with lids and label cords. More are trash bags, bulkhead wrench. Zip ties, siphon, gravel vacuum and TLF coraffix gel.
  • specimen containers
  • razor scraper
  • TLF Aquastik coral epoxy
  • metal faucet adapters
  • algae pad
  • one hand towel
  •  clamps
  • full towel
  • python water changer
  •  gallon buckets
  • X-acto knife
  • multiple tip syringe
  • razors
  • buckets with lids
  • label cords
  • small trash bags
  • bulkhead wrench
  • Zip ties
  • Siphon
  • gravel vacuum
  • TLF coraffix gel.
Aquarium Items to Sell
Stock a few products to sell to customers. Popular supplies are air stones, poly-filter, Seachem stability and AquaClear 110 impeller shaft.
More supplies are filter media bags, filter cartridges, aquarium salt, API AccuClear. More are New Life Spectrum foods, Acurel carbon pellets and filter catriges.
Home equipment includes test kits, buckets, refractor-meter and 33 gallon trash can.
Aquarium Supplies to Sell
  • air stones
  • poly-filter
  • Seachem stability
  • AquaClear 110 impeller shaft
  • filter media bags
  • filter cartridges
  • aquarium salt
  • API AccuClear
  • New Life Spectrum foods
  • Acurel carbon pellets
  • Filter cartridges.
Write a  Business Contract
Hire a layer to write a contract that covers terms of service. The contract should state categorically non liability for leaks, aquarium damage and equipment safety. If you own a website include privacy policy, terms and service, and disclaimer.
Register the business as a limited liability company against litigation or claims. You need a trade license, bonded and liability insurance.
 Apply for an employer tax identification number and open a business checking account. Track your working and fixed capital through judicious bookkeeping. Try to join an aquarium focused association in your locality.
Estimate your rates on scope of work and time spent on the project. The rates are also estimated on tank size, location and transportation costs.
Collect payment on completion of project or charge on an hourly, weekly or monthly rate. Installations should attract up front non refundable deposits of 50% of total cost.
Getting clients is very challenging in the aquarium business. You need lots of publicity and advertisement.
Use television adverts, radio and print media. Print flyers, posters, business cards, billboards and sign board.
Build a website and include services, high definition images, location and contact. Add a privacy policy, terms of service and About Us page.
Drive traffic to the site trough social media engagement and online advertisement. Use classified websites, directories and yellow pages.


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