How to Open a Geriatric Care Management Business

Starting a geriatric management service is challenging and tough. You need proper training, patience an dedication to succeed.
Other requirements are good marketing strategy, networking and referrals.  Most geriatric management companies are one man businesses. Therefore register the business as a sole proprietor, get liability insurance and tax identification number.
old people
Personal Traits
The business requires 24 hours on-call seven days a week. Personal traits you need include assertiveness, discipline, patience and dedication.
You need education or training, work experience and a business background. You need basic accounting knowledge, and boundless energy.
  • Assertiveness
  • Discipline
  • Patience
  • Dedication
  • Education
  • Training
  • Work experience
  • Business background
  • Basic accounting knowledge
  • Boundless energy
Why Start a Geriatric Business
Despite the long working hours there are many dividends. You earn the respect of the community and have a creative outlet. Other dividends are flexible schedule, good interaction with professionals in different fields and networking.
  • respect of the community
  • creative outlet
  • flexible schedule
  • interaction with professionals indifferent fields
  • networking
  • profit making
How to Become a Geriatric Manager
You need a bachelor’s degree in geriatric management or technical training. Increase your knowledge through compact disc, manuals, blog posts and eBooks.
Other ways are attending seminars, conferences and association gatherings. Another way is to study under a mentor or certified GMC consultant.
  • get a bachelors degree
  • masters degree
  • compact disc
  • manuals
  • eBooks
  • blog posts
  • attending seminars
  • conferences
  • association gatherings
  • learn from a mentor
Write a Business Plan
The first step is to write a geriatric management service business plan. Then carry out a feasibility study and survey.
Conduct a research on customer demography and ideal clients. The plan should include marketing, mission and vision statement.
Others are permits, location, re-training and startup capital. Study your competitor’s and evaluate their strengths and weaknesses. Learn from experts in the fields and gain work experience.
Marketing Your Geriatric Management Business
There are many opportunities for geriatric care management service providers. They can use the internet, tradition print medium, television, radio presentations. Another effective method is through advertisement in newspapers, senior citizen magazines or editorials.
Create Sessions
 A good way to attract senior citizens is to organize sessions. You can send out email invitation to seniors in a demography or geographical area. Select a central location for easier transportation too and from the venue.
Speak Senior Gatherings
Senior citizens are active providing philanthropy or attending communal meetings.  A good strategy is to offer to speak at such gatherings. You have gatherings such as pension groups and community groups.
Senior Centers
 Good place to visit are senior centers. You have a huge number of senior citizens in such places. Other important gatherings are health fairs and book clubs.
Build a Website
Choose a keyword rich domain name and paid host plan. People looking for geriatric management assistance would find the site and communicate with the webmaster.
Add high definition images of senior citizens, info-graphics and quality posts. Make sure you include your services, address, phone number and customer care line.
Use Brochures
Brochures are old school but very effective. Distribute them at HR offices, senior citizen events and introduce coupon for free gifts. You can use flyers, billboards, posters and banners.
Personally introduce your services at local community centers. Top referral sources are social service agency counselors, senior center operators and senior lawyers.
Join an Association
There are many advantages to becoming member of such associations join the professional association of geriatric care mangers for networking opportunities and references. You get credibility from being a member and insider knowledge of best practices.
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