Start Email Marketing Business in Nigeria

Email marketing campaigns are aimed at sales and increasing customer base. Direct email marketing has a high conversion and click through rate. 
Running a successful marketing campaign is time consuming and challenging. You need some digital marketing training and lead generation knowledge.
The system you use could be automated or manual with a view to generate leads. It should attract new customers and drive traffic to your sales page. Well executed email marketing campaign could easily double your sales.
Email Marketing
Why Email Marketing is Effective
There are many reasons why email marketing is effective. It generates leads, creates sales and is cost effective.
You don’t need postage stamps, letter stuffing, print or radio adverts. It is more affordable than other marketing strategies.
It out performs social marketing and web ads. Email marketing is targeted and easy to share. You can measure the response and analyze the data.
The medium also increases brand awareness, drives referrals and offers targeted content. It requires very little technical skill.
  • It generates leads
  • creates sales
  • cost effective
  • affordable
  • out performs social marketing
  • targeted
  • easy to share
  • analyze data
  • increase brand awareness
  • drives referrals
  • offers targeted content
  • very little technical skill
How to Crete an Effective Email Campaign
It is important for email marketers to get the desired result. To achieve results create an email contact list and subject line. Others are the email content, type of images, quick response and tracking.
  • create an email contact list
  • subject line
  • email content
  • type of images
  • quick response
  • tracking
Email Marketing Tools and Software
Email Marketing Software
One of the best software to use as a marketer is GetResponse. You get a 30days free trial, account approval and your email verification. It provides an auto-responder, newsletters and list gathering technology.
How to Crete a Campaign
To create a campaign you can write a message or use a web form. You then send targeted message to your subscribers.
To create a campaign, go to current campaign menu. Then enter your campaign name, write the message and send. Then integrate an auto responder. Make sure subscribers easily join through your website, social media or online marketing channels.
How it Works
Assign each 'Form' to a specific campaign and create a landing page. You can also direct the subscriber to your website. Let people subscribe by dropping their email addresses.
You can use your social media Fan page to collect email addresses. Use a social media widget that allows your subscriber’s share the message. Other ways to get email addresses include webinar link and a survey form.
Things you can do on GetResponse
There are many features you can use on GetResponse. You can enable instant notification about new contacts and change campaign name. Others are setting up confirmation page, create auto responders and newsletter.
You can also add an extra unsubscribe link to your message. Others are easy addition of attachments to your message and testing. Another interesting feature is the ability to analyze result of email campaign.
Email Marketing Tools
Every online marketer needs software and tools. Email marketing tools is a highly converting technique used by marketers. It is highly efficient, targeted and effective. There are many tools to consider for your marketing campaign
You can automate your campaign with Touchstone. Other benefits are the tools ability to predict good words in subject lines and suggest appropriate words. You are guaranteed high conversion.
Email Acid
Email acid allows compatibility testing with any email service provider. It has a good testing and analytical tool.
You can send email from your email service provider and test run campaign on selected audience. The result could be viewed individually or in aggregate. 
It facilitates easy sharing including feedbacks and comments. The tool also detects errors in the code of your email.
Email Analytics and Testing
Litmus affords the user fast updates and email compatibility. You also get instant previews on both desktop and mobile devices. You can build your email from scratch using their premium looking templates
Email Spam Test Tool
The email spam test tool would detect if your email becomes a spam. It does this by checking the configuration of your server, email server IP rep or blacklisted email.


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