Trash Removal Business: How to Start a Garbage Pick-up Business

There are huge financial gains in the garbage industry. Everyday over a billion of tons of waste is produced worldwide.
Without the assistance of collectors the world is a mess place. The business is very lucrative and requires lots of physical labor.
To start the business you need an operational license and business registration. The job is highly regulated by local and state authorities. There are also health and safety issue guiding the enterprise.
dump truck
How to Start a Garbage Removal Business
Business Plan
The first step is to write a trash removal business plan. The plan should focus on equipment, funding and acquiring a permit.
Other parameters include customer base, staffing, labor, and dumpsite. The company should have a cognitional structure from management to casual labor.
Business Registration
Go to the local authorities that regulate trash collection. You then apply for a permit and stipulate your operation manifest.
You might be required to submit certificate of incorporation and article of association. Register the business as a limited liability company and get health insurance. You need tax identification number (TIN).
  • Get permit from local authorities
  • Show operation manifest
  • Register the business as a limited liability company
  • Get health insurance
  • Tax identification number (TIN).
The waste disposal business should have an operational base. The office location should include a large parking space for your trucks. Furnish the office with tables, chairs, computer and printer.
Hire a secretary, bin collectors and truck drivers. You need good accounting software to store data and balance the books. Other staffs are a manger, cleaner and sales representatives.
  • Bin collectors
  • Truck drivers
  • Secretary
  • Accountant/bookkeeper
  • Manger
  • Cleaner
  • Sales representatives
The major equipment you need is a dump truck. You need safety gloves, boots, goggles and caps. Others are trash bags, shovels and wheel barrows.
Every trash collection agent has a designated dumpsite. The site is provided either free or at an annul fee. There are also commercial dumpsites operated by private investors.
Revenue Collection
There are two ways trash operators collect revenue. They collect revenue from customers for service rendered at the office. They issue a receipt for each month or yearly fees.
Some collect directly from residential homes. The second way is labor intensive and time consuming
The trash collector usually operates within a designated area. They service residents of a particular geographical area on contract bases.
Most trash collectors gather the trash at least once a week. Some provide trash bags for easier handling. The marketing is usually focused on the designated area.


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