How to Start a Foam Production Business

Foam rubber is very versatile with many of applications. They are used in the production of automobile seats, cushions, lounge chairs, children toys. Other applications are found in mattresses, pillows, footwear and pads. Are you interested in manufacturing foam here are some ideas?
Items that Use Foam
  • automobile seats
  • cushions
  • lounge chairs
  • children toys
  • mattresses
  • pillows
  • footwear
  • pads
How to Setup Foam Production Company
Foams generally come in different shapes and sizes. You have the soft or hard foam based on the chemical and manufacturing process.
To start a production line you need equipment, raw materials funding. Before setting up the business carry out a market survey then learn the trade. The next step is to focus on a niche like mattresses, pillows, cushions or automobile seats.
Purchase Equipment
Purchase equipment and hire experienced staff to operate the machinery. You need funding for both fixed and working capital.
Approach a local bank for short or long term loans. You must show proof of profitability, business plan and proof of incorporation.
Register the Business
Register the business as a LLC then find an ideal factory location. You can apply branding or patent your logo. To remain competitive put your products to regular quality tests.
Raw Materials
The company should have a ready source of raw materials. The major chemicals in foam are liquid polymers, water.
The polyisocyntes are found in petrochemicals. TDI are ideal for the manufacture of flexible foam while MDI are use for rigid foams. Blowing agents are used to form bubbles, surfcants to control the bubble sizes.
The Manufacturing Process
Liquid chemicals are placed into holding tanks separately. They are then pumped into heated mix tanks.
Continuous dispensation is used to produce rigid foam before cutting or curing. To achieve flexible foam dispensing machines vary the chemical output.
It is impotent the final product undergoes quality control tests. Quality control test include spring tension, weight, thickness, load bearing. The byproduct is recyclable into bonded carpet cushion.
How Foam is made
Foam is made either with batch process, slab stock or continuous process. It is formed when gas bubbles is introduced into a plastic mixture.
It can be molded or cut into different shapes or sizes. The two types of foam are the rigid foam or flexible foam.
The rigid foams feature a tough polymer cell that prevents gas movement. The flexible foams have open structure and are perfect insulators for building or refrigerators. The flexible foams are common in automobiles, footwear, pillows and mattresses.
Marketing is challenging because there are many players in the industry. You need to brand your product and use different advertisement methods.


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