How to Start Granite Tiles Production Company

The real estate sector is a gold mine for building material investors. Fitting account for 60% of capital invested in an architectural project. Granite is one of such materials that is highly sort in the building industry.
To start the business you need adequate funding, qualified staff, and operational license. Others are trade knowledge including good source of raw materials.
How to Start Granite Tile Manufacturing Business
Write a Business Plan
Write a granite tile business plan and carry out a feasibility study. The plan should focus on sourcing raw materials, equipment and labor. Find the ideal location, company incorporation, including number of staff.
Study your Competitors
To compete with established brands you need to study your competition. Learn their prices, products, and marketing techniques.
Learn the Trade
If you want to manufacture granite tiles you need to learn the trade. Learn through practical experience, vocational training or apprentice program. Read books, try internship, use online resources.
  • practical experience
  • vocational training
  • apprentice program
  • read books
  • internship
  • online resources
Fund the enterprise through bank loans. Seek long term loans with low interest rates. To get a loan you need to open an account in the bank. The bankers will study your credit ratings and request a deposit of 25% percent of the loan.
Incorporate the Business
Incorporate the business at the corporate affairs commission as Limited Liability Company. Then get tax identification number, liability insurance.
The location should accommodate heavy loads and storage facility. Make sure it is located close to source of raw material to reduce transportation costs. Locate the business in a commercial area far from residential homes.
Hire qualified Staff
The production process requires some technical knowledge. Therefore hire experienced staff with knowledge of the manufacturing process. Other staffs are drivers, accountant, secretary and manager.
Sourcing Raw Materials
There are many quarries to source granite material. However the prices differ slightly based on different factors. Conduct a thorough search for best deals in your locality. You should also consider transportation costs and the quality of the material
There are many granite tiles manufacturers in Nigeria. However the quality of the product and branding differentiates them. The craftsmanship of the final product adds to the value and price of the tiles.
Reach your customers through advertisement publications in newspapers or construction magazines. Use television advertisement, social media and web ads.
Build a Website
Build a website to highlight your products and services. Add images of the product, description plus telephone number. You can build the website yourself or hire  web designer.


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