Start a Night Club Business

Although the night club business is very lucrative it is also high risk. The night life attracts different elements, people and lifestyle. You accommodate unsavory characters and the police authority.
The business has a very short lifespan and most clubs go out of business within five years. This is because of new trends and the need for patrons to experience new things.  
The business caters to young adults, tourists and professional in different fields. To establish a club you need huge capital, security and popular location. Others are good management team, marketing and reliable staff.
The business is tough and not for the fainthearted. If you thing you have what it takes here are a few suggestions.
How to Start a Night Club Business
Why Start a Night Club
In Africa there is huge migration to urban cities because of unemployment. There is also the lack of job opportunities in the villages.
Nigeria has a large population of young adults accounting for over 50% of the population. This demography is the labor force of the economy and financially buoyant.
They also need recreational fun activities to unwind after a hard days work. This is where the night club comes into the picture.  Successful night clubs are veritable money making machine.
  • Make lots of money
  • large population of young adults
  • recreational fun activities
You need a Clear Business Concept
To run a night club you need a clear business concept. All clubs a conceptualized in certain ways. They focus on type of clientele, services, dress code and prices. The location could determine the type of club and clientele.
Business Concept
  • Theme
  • type of clientele
  • services
  • dress code
  • prices
  • location
How Night Clubs Make Money
 Night club makes money form admission fees, membership fees and exclusivity fees. They earn from selling hard liquor like Champaign, wine and beer. They also organize special shows events and some have paid chalets.
What you need to start a Night Club
Write Business Plan
Get an expert to write a night club business plan. This is important because of the different aspects of the business. Make sure the plan covers every angle from financing, management, supplies, location and staffing.
  • Financing
  • Management
  • Supplies
  • Location
  • staffing
The location
The location could make or break the club. It should be in a popular area with lots of human traffic.
The location could be high-end, middle class or local population. The location invariable determines the clientele you want to attract. Bad locations are residential areas, religious establishments or beside a shopping mall.
Stock a verity of Drinks
To run a night club you need to stock different drinks. The more drink choices the higher your profit margin. You can stock both cheap and expensive drinks depending on your business strategy.
Try to stock only popular brands that are trending in your demography. The price of the drinks is determined by your business strategy. Avoid over pricing the drinks to remain competitive.
Provide Entertainment
Club patrons are looking for entertainment. You can hire popular DJs, television personalities or musical artists. Use comedians, live bands and organize performances. You can add games such as snooker, pinball, video games and darts.
Night Club Entertainment
  • Live music
  • Drinks
  • hire popular DJs
  • television personalities
  • musical artists
  • comedians
  • live bands
  • organize performances
  • snooker
  • pinball
  • video games
  • darts
Interior and Exterior Decoration
Night clubs are differentiated by the interior and exterior decorations. The decorations include lighting, mirrors, images and woodwork.
Others include dance hall, seating arrangement and sound system. You need to hire an expert in night club interiors to create the ambiance you want.
Clubbers carve new experiences so regularly update your interior to create different themes. Make sure the layout can accommodate the maximum number of people per square inch.
Hire good Management Team
The management of a night club requires close attention to detail. It also involves good accountability and financial management. The business is capital intensive and you need lots of working capital.
What differentiates most night clubs is the service. Offer your patron’s exceptional service and quality food. You can give free appetizers or added values services.
Safety and Health
There are some safety and health issues in night club business. The safety issues are fire and security related for clubbers.
Hire bouncers, security guards get police protection. Yu need security for the packed vehicles and staff. There are also state guidelines on health and first aid.
Offer Discounts
Offer your customers discounts and promotional prices. This will bring in much needed crowd. You can have 'buy two get one free' or free ladies night.
Promote the Club
Focus your promotions on the type of clientele you need. Use radio and television advertisement to create public awareness. Other ways are through social media channels, posters, banners and billboards. Try to distribute flyers and organize periodical shows.


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