Hair Extension Business Ideas: Hair Extensions Business and Different Types of Hair Extensions

You can easily turn your passion into a profitable business with hair extension. Worldwide hair extension is big business raking several Billion dollars annually.
The insatiable interesting in hair has made this business venture very lucrative.  Americans and Europeans are the biggest users of hair and it’s equally popular in the Africa.
There are different types such as the curly, waxy and the most popular ones the straight hair.
Why is Hair Attachments so Popular
The truth is that the product helps a woman look beautiful, it adds to her glamour and personality. There is nothing wrong in keeping your natural hair.
Natural hair is easier to maintain, less expensive and simple. However, hair attachments offer much more innovative styles, fun and complement the woman’s natural features.
Most beauty stores in Africa that offer weaving, fixing and braiding stock hair extensions.  You find two major types which are the either long lasting or a temporary fix.
Category of Hair
Different hair falls into various groups like the micro link, micro bead or loop hair. Others are weave hair, tape hair and fusion hair extensions. They have different characteristics however the core function is to add beauty and glamour to the features.
Before you venture into hair products you need to learn about the product. Listed below are a few facts about hair attachments.
The Different Types in the Market
There are many types such as micro ring, clip-in and sew-in. Other types are pre-bonded hair, glued hair and pre-bonded hair.
Sew in Hair
Sew-in hairs are generally weaved and tightly braided into the scalp. This type is common in Africa and preferred because of its permanency and durability.
The hair is sew along the braid unto the scalp and can last up to five months. The hair needs monthly cutting and straightening to remain beautiful.
Pre-tape Hair
Pre-tape hair come in small sections with a strip clue attached to the top. It adds instant volume to the hair by attaching it to the root of the hair. The duration of this type of extension is about a month.
Pre-bonded Hair
Pre-bonded hair has a bond attached to the top of the extension. Some even have keratin formula that helps protect the hair.
The method used for pre-bonded hair is the extensions bonded to root by using heat to melt the adhesive. Pre- boned hair is long lasting but need maintenance very two months.
Micro Ring
Micro rings are attached to your hair via a tiny ring and clapped to the root. The major attraction to this type is easy adjustment of the hair and low maintenance cost.
black long hair
Cost of Hair Extensions
Hair extensions are pricey and they start at $150 upwards to$ 2500 USD. They come in two basic variants synthetic hair and natural hair.
The prices are based on the type of hair, products quality, durability and length. Other considerations are the volume, color and texture. The cost varies according to your location, type of extension and styling.
Hair type Extensions
Cost of Hair
Total cost
Partial head of hair
Plus cost of hair
Full head of hair
Plus cost of hair
Full head of hair
Plus cost of hair
High-quality human hair
Length and origin
Additional costs are based on maintenance of the hair extension such as monthly trimming ad shaping. Extension replaced or reapplied including re-coloring or removal costs.
Inexpensive extensions are clip in, temporary extensions and discounted extensions.

Bonding Methods
Bonding methods used for hair extensions are braiding and sewing. Others are pining, fusion including weaving of the hair. The extension is natural or colored according to the customer’s choice.
The stylist might trim, cut and style the attachment to complement the customers features.
Sourcing Extension
There are many major players in the business. You need to identify top manufacturers that produce the product and get their franchise.
Major markets for the product are Asian countries and India. You should determine the best type that complements your marketing plan and finance.
Starting the Business
Interested in stating a hair extension business then follow these simple steps. First get finance for the business, open a store, source your product and market the business.
You also need a business plan and budget before commencing with the project.
Business Plan
A business plan is very essential because of the intricacies in the job. You need to factor capital, location, business structure, sourcing your goods and government regulations.
Other things in your plan are taxation, import and export license, promotion and marketing. Once all the parameters are covered then you can start by registering your company.
Register your Company
Register your company name, location, share structure and mode of business. You then need to decide on supplying your local market or exporting your product.
Other considerations are entering the wholesale, retail or manufacturing aspect of the enterprise.
Financing your Business
The type of hair attachment you are interested in stocking dictates the amount of money you need. The industry is capital expensive tough and difficult to break into.
The hairs don’t come cheap so entrepreneurs interested in this enterprise needs proper financing. You can get finance via bank loans, friends and family or personal savings.
Other methods of obtaining finance are through core investment, venture capitalists or partnership. You can join a corporative association and seek soft loans to finance your business venture.
If you are not averse to having share holders in your business then sell equity in your business to raise start-up cash.
Source your Product
The major manufacturers of hair extensions are Asian countries. India is the number one hair producers in the world. This is because Indian hair is regarded as premium hair around the world.
The industry is massive in India and you even find temples where hair is donated. The long luxurious hair attracts higher value in the open market. To source your products find major manufacturers and request samples. If you have the luxury to travel go directly to major dealers and buy the product.
Get a Shop
A shop that deals in extensions will attract patrons especially if you have high quality stock. The business can be done from home but you need lots of advertisement and mobility to reach customers.
High brow areas attract high brow customers so choose your location carefully. Locate your enterprise in a busy commercial area for better patronage.
You can sell to other retail outfits include beauty stores and hair dressing salons.
Marketing your Business
There are a few way to market your hair extension business both online and offline. Here are a few ways to boost sales and attract lots of customers.

Sell to Stylists
The major buyers of hair extensions are stylists or boutiques. The big ones have the money to purchase high quality attachments in bulk.
Hair Salons buy lots of attachments form retailers and wholesalers to use on their customers. They even source their products from individuals returning from foreign trips.
Advertise your Wears
Advertisement is the best way to reach individual customers, salons and bulk purchase. You can place classified advertisements in newspapers, handbills, and posters.
Other methods are electronic media such as television and radio. Dealers in hair attachment cover lots of ground selling to individual stores.
Once they have established a good reputation for high quality goods you will have a list of eager buyers.
Build a Website
A website is a useful resource to get paying customers for your product. Websites reach an amazing number of people worldwide taking your business international.
You can also use free online classified advertisements or guest blogging to create awareness. Your website or blog should have lots of photographs of your products and prices. The site needs a payment gateway and checkout for online purchases.
You can build your website yourself or hire a professional to create a befitting site for your products. Statistics have shown that most businesses experience a 30% increase in patronage through online commerce.
Use Word of Mouth
Word of mouth is a powerful tool to get recommendations. Hair Salon patrons talk a lot and friends listen, they are curious about beautiful extensions and hair styles.
Spread the word and watch your profit climb to greater heights.
Recap on how to start a hair extension business
1             Write a comprehensive business plan
2             Register your company
3             Learn about hair attachment
4             Source proper financing
5             Rent a shop
6             Source your goods
7             Do effective marketing


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