14+Best Business or Career Ideas for Retiree and Senior Citizens

Many retirees are not planning to slow down because they enjoy an active lifestyle. Another reason is early retirement, better healthcare and longer life.
A retiree’s reason might include boredom or financial considerations. Rather than slowing down they will rather embark on a new journey or career.
The most likely reason that compels them to start a new business venture is curiosity.
Why Work After Retirement
Working after retirement has many advantages and few downsides. Some of the good reasons include work experience, time flexibility and financial rewards. Others are learning new skills and aiding charity through voluntary work.
It is a known fact that senior citizen experience better job satisfaction then those in paid employment. The reason is because they can choose their working hours and still have leisure timeout.
 Tips for Retiree Wishing to Start a Business
Why Start a Business Venture
A retiree should consider why he wants to start a business in his old age. Many retirees are very active and prefer working than remaining unproductive. If after due consideration the entrepreneurs feel a need for commerce then its time to start a business venture.
 The first rule is to have a business plan and give your idea careful consideration. The best business ideas that have longevity are based on the passion of the individual.
Passion sustains a business venture more than money considerations. A business built on passion, hard work and a deep knowledge of the enterprise will succeed.
Evaluate your Professional Skill
Do you have the perquisite skill, qualification and knowledge of the business? Having a firm grasp of the business requirements is an important criterion.
Let’s assume you worked in an accounting firm for 25 years as a senior accountant. Starting a small accounting firm will succeed because you are already have adequate qualification including several years working experience.

Time Based Consideration
Although running a business is time consuming you need to figure out a way to reduce time demand. Businesses that require constant attention are bad choices for retirees. Some of such businesses are fast food outfits, departmental stores, pubs, restaurants and shuttle bus services.
Learn the Trade
Running a business is much different than earning monthly wages. A business venture needs lots of financing to develop and grow.
Retirees have a limited resource such as personal savings, pension, retirement gratuity, micro finance loans. A retiree before investing his hard earned money needs to be adequately prepared.
The retiree should learn the trade especially good accounting and business management. Businesses are capital intensive therefore learning a trade reduces undue mistakes.
Initial Financing
Financing is the most difficult part of starting a business venture. The size of the operation and staff strength determines the funding. The retiree should start a small and gradually expand his operation.
Sourcing funds through banks or core investors might be a risky venture. The reason is because a failed business will lead to total bankruptcy.
Consultancy Jobs
Retired professional with specialized skills and high qualifications are good consultants. Consultants earn huge payouts from organizations eager to gain from their vast knowledge and experience.
The reason consultancy works for retirees is because the senior citizen has loads of experience, training and connections.
The companies are eager to pay such professional for problem solving solutions. Consultancy covers most aspects like construction companies, educational institution, manufacturers, energy sector. Others include software developers, litigation and banking and finance.
Consultants get lots of business and the good part is you can work from home. All you need to get stated is a small office space, computer, secretary and telephone.
To get more work as a consultant  expand your network of professional contacts. Another equally good method is advertisement in national daily or recommendations.
You can signup as a freelance consultant online and get work. Satisfied clients will recommend your service to other companies.
Another plus for consultancy work is little demand on your time and retainer earnings.
Part Time Jobs
Part time jobs are ideal for retirees but the pay is rather small. Select jobs that have flexible schedule, low stress and patience.
You will find lots of jobs like houses sitting, Baby Setting, Childcare services and designated driving.
Baby setting needs lots of patience and long boring hours. While childcare might have a little stress, designated driving should be a breeze.
More part time jobs
Private Tutoring
Retired teachers and educationist can start a private tutoring service. You have the option of going to your pupil’s house or the pupil coming for lessons in your house.
Private tutoring is rewarding since you impart knowledge while earning money.
Group Tutoring
Expand your scope by offering group tutoring service. Teach a particular subject like mathematics and applied physics to students.
Group tutoring pays more than private tutoring and more stressful. There are many things to teach rather than academics like music, craft, culinary skills and etiquette.
Sell tickets is a boring job and perfect for retirees. You get to meet new people and hobnob with customers. The type of ticket you sell is irrelevant but the job conditions are important.
Some ticketing jobs work on commission while other pays direct wages. To avoid stress take the ones that pay direct wages, however, commission based ticketing is best for marketing gurus.

Call Center Jobs
Call center jobs has to do with lots of sitting and answering calls. Some call cater jobs are very demanding but others are less stressful. Find a mid tempo organization with moderate work load.
Virtual Assistant
Virtual assistant job is similar to call center jobs but added responsibility. To avoid stress get one with specific hours and work schedules.
organic fruits
Sell Organic Vegetables
Organic products are in high demand and attract good prices. A senior citizen can grow his own organic vegetable garden and sell.
If you love gardening you can make good money from your garden. Gardening is relaxing stress free and interesting.
Introduce other fruits, roots and vegetables into your vegetable business.
Backyard fish Farming
Start a backyard fish farm in plastic fish tanks. Fish farming is easy relaxing and don’t take much of your time.
The best type of fish to grow is catfish because they are rugged. Catfish can live outside water for an hour and they grow fast.
Your backyard fish tank should have an inlet and outlet. The only requirement in fish farming is regular water changes at least once a day and feeding.
A single fish of seven months can grow to 1.5 kg and attracts good price. Learn more on backyard fish farming business.
Grow Mushrooms
Mushrooms are a delicacy that attracts premium prices. They grow in dark humid places with moderate sunlight.
 Retirees can start their own mushroom businesses and make moderate earnings. The first thing is to learn how to grow mushrooms.
Then find reputable places to source the growing agent and spawn. Start on a small scale and later develop your growing skill.
Mushrooms are in high demand in restaurants, private homes and supermarkets. Learn here how to grow mushrooms.
Work for your Former Employee
Employers hate losing top level employees especially if they are valuable to the company. They are willing to pay less for part time work and reap the benefits. The retiree on the other hand enjoys same office with more time to relax.
The company might decide to make you a part Time consultant of the firm.
Homemade Cookies
Delicious homemade delicacies area hit anytime. Why not use that secret family recipe to make homemade cookies for sale.
Find a coffee shop or pub and supply your cookies. Sell them at festivals, camp grounds or open a small store.
Sell Antique
Do you like bargain hunt then start your own antique business.  Learn about the trade before venturing into the business.
Find treasures in antique fairs, stores, jumble sales and the attic. Don’t go over board when buying or finding treasures, start with a small seed money and stick to it.
Start an online business
The internet is a good place to start a business venture. All that is required is a computer, internet connection and lots of coffee.
There are many business opportunities online that earn monthly payouts. We will focus on only a few according to their popularity and ease of implementation.
Build a Website and Blogs
The most direct approach a retiree can use to make money online is to own a website or a blog. The subject of the website or blog is purely at the discretion of the website owner.
You can choose to go purely commercial by building an eCommerce website or build a website to introduce your offline company.
A blog is more personal and deals with topics that the owner is passionate about. You can use the blog to teach others about challenges and advantages of your previous employment.
In the early 2004 making money from websites and blogs was rather easy because there were very few websites and less competition.
To remain relevant in blogging today you need to post regularly and write top quality articles. You also need to participate in social media circles like Facebook and Twitter.
If your website is to make any money you need to commercialize it by adding various earning sources. A popular way is to join an advertisement network and place relevant advertisements on your website.
Another way is to join an affiliate network and direct traffic to your affiliate partner for conversions. The visitor to your affiliate partners once they take action like buying or requesting a service you get paid commission.
Other ways to earn from your website is to sell other people products. You can sell anything online from air tickets to automobile and household products.
The senior citizen might choose to sell his own product like used items, collectibles, jewelry or handmade craft. Other ways to sell your own product is to create them.
There are many products you can create both offline and online and offer for sale.A retiree can make a digital product like software, a template, Wordpress App or a book.
Online businesses offer even much more opportunities such as freelancing opportunities. The retiree can use his knowledge to get and execute freelance jobs.
There are lots of online businesses for a retiree and the good part is you can build new friendships on social media and forums. You might even get a bit of lucky and win something valuable.
Summary of Business ideas for retirees
·         Consultancy jobs
·         Part time jobs
·         Private tutoring
·         Group tutoring
·         Ticketing
·         Call center
·         Virtual assistant
·         Sell organic vegetables
·         Backyard farming
·         Grow mushrooms
·         Work for your former employer
·         Home cookie business
·         Sell antiques
·         Build a website or blog
The retiree has many options after retirement to find a paying job or start a small business venture the opportunities are many like high paying consultancy jobs, part time jobs and tutoring.
Other job related opportunities are ticketing, virtual assistant, selling organic vegetables and small scale farming. You can start any of the online businesses from the comfort of your home and even sell homemade remedies.
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